Welcome to tripyview’s documentation!¶
- tripyview.sub_mesh.compute_boundary_edges(e_i)[source]¶
–> compute edges that have only one adjacenbt triangle
- e_i:
np.array([n2de x 3]), elemental array
- bnde:
- tripyview.sub_mesh.compute_nod_in_elem2D(n2dn, e_i, do_arr=False)[source]¶
–> compute element indices list that contribute to cetain vertice
- n2dn:
int, number of vertices
- e_i:
np.array([n2de x 3]), elemental array
- do_arr:
bool (default=False) shut output be list or numpy array
- nod_in_elem2D:
- tripyview.sub_mesh.grid_cart3d(lon, lat, R=1.0, is_deg=False)[source]¶
–> compute 3d cartesian coordinates from spherical geo coordinates (lon, lat, R=1.0) |
- lon:
array, longitude coordinates in radians
- lat:
array, latitude coordinates in radians
- R:
float, (default=1.0), Radius of sphere
- is_deg:
bool, (default=False) is lon,lat in degree (True) otherwise otherwise (False) assumed its in radians
- x:
array, x y z cartesian coordinates
- y:
- z:
- tripyview.sub_mesh.grid_cutbox_e(n_x, n_y, e_i, box, which='mid')[source]¶
–> cutout region based on box and return mesh elements indices that are within the box
- nx:
longitude vertice coordinates
- ny:
latitude vertice coordinates
- e_i:
element array
- box:
list, [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- which:
str, how limiting should be the selection - ‘soft’ : elem with at least 1 vertices in box are selected - ‘mid’ : elem with at least 2 vertices in box are selected - ‘hard’ : elem with at all vertices in box are selected
- e_inbox:
array, boolian array with 1 in box, 0 outside box
- tripyview.sub_mesh.grid_cutbox_n(n_x, n_y, box)[source]¶
–> cutout region based on box and return mesh elements indices that are within the box
- nx:
longitude vertice coordinates
- ny:
latitude vertice coordinates
- e_i:
element array
- box:
list, [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- n_inbox:
array, boolian array with 1 in box, 0 outside box
- tripyview.sub_mesh.grid_focus(focus, rlon, rlat)[source]¶
–> compute grid rotation around z-axis to change the focus center of the lon, lat grid, by default focus=0–>lon=[-180…180], if focus=180–>lon[0..360]
- focus:
float, longitude of grid center
- rlon:
array, longitude in focus=0–>lon=[-180…180] in degree
- rlat:
array, latitude in focus=0–>lon=[-180…180] in degree
- lon:
array, longitude in lon=[-180+focus…180+focus] frame in degree
- lat:
array, latitude in lon=[-180+focus…180+focus] frame in degree
- tripyview.sub_mesh.grid_g2r(abg, lon, lat)[source]¶
–> compute grid rotation from normal geo frame towards sperical rotated frame using the euler angles alpha, beta, gamma
- abg:
list, with euler angles [alpha, beta, gamma]
- lon:
array, longitude coordinates of normal geo frame in degree
- lat:
array, latitude coordinates of normal geo frame in degree
- rlon:
array, longitude coordinates in sperical rotated frame in degree
- rlat:
array, latitude coordinates in sperical rotated frame in degree
- tripyview.sub_mesh.grid_interp_e2n(mesh, data_e)[source]¶
–> interpolate data from elements to vertices e.g velocity from elements to velocity on nodes
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object
- data_e:
np.array with datas on elements either 2d or 3d
- data_n:
np.array with datas on vertices 2d or 3d
- tripyview.sub_mesh.grid_r2g(abg, rlon, rlat)[source]¶
–> compute grid rotation from sperical rotated frame back towards normal geo frame using the euler angles alpha, beta, gamma
- abg:
list, with euler angles [alpha, beta, gamma]
- rlon:
array, longitude coordinates of sperical rotated frame in degree
- rlat:
array, latitude coordinates of sperical rotated frame in degree
- lon:
array, longitude coordinates in normal geo frame in degree
- lat:
array, latitude coordinates in normal geo frame in degree
- tripyview.sub_mesh.grid_rotmat(abg)[source]¶
–> compute euler rotation matrix based on alpha, beta and gamma angle
- abg:
list, with euler angles [alpha, beta, gamma]
- rmat:
array, [3 x 3] rotation matrix to transform from geo to rot
- tripyview.sub_mesh.load_mesh_fesom2(meshpath, abg=[50, 15, -90], focus=0, cyclic=360, do_rot='None', do_augmpbnd=True, do_cavity=False, do_lsmask=True, do_lsmshp=True, do_earea=True, do_narea=True, do_eresol=[False, 'mean'], do_nresol=[False, 'e_resol'], do_loadraw=False, do_pickle=True, do_joblib=False, do_f14cmip6=False, do_info=True)[source]¶
–> load FESOM2 mesh
- mespath:
str, path that leads to FESOM2.0 mesh files (.out)
- abg:
list, [alpha,beta,gamma], (default=[50,15,-90]) euler angles used to rotate the grids within the model
- focus:
float, (default=0) sets longitude center of the mesh, lon=[-180…180], focus=180 lon=[0…360]
- cyclic:
float, (default=360.0), length of cyclic domain in lon degree can be different channel configuration
- do_rot:
str, (default=’None’) should the grid be rotated, default: ‘None’ - None, ‘None’ … no rotation is applied - ‘r2g’ … loaded grid is rotated and transformed to geo - ‘g2r’ … loaded grid is geo and transformed to rotated
- do_augmpbnd:
bool, (default=True) augment periodic boundary triangles, default: True
- do_cavity:
bool, (default=False) load also cavity files cavity_nlvls.out and cavity_elvls.out
- do_lsmask:
bool, (default=True) Compute land-sea mask polygon for FESOM2 mesh see mesh.lsmask, augments its periodic boundaries see mesh.lasmask_a and computes land sea mask patch see mesh.lsmask_p
- do_lsmshp:
bool, (default=True) save land-sea mask with periodic boundnaries to shapefile
- do_earea:
bool, (default=True) compute or load from fesom.mesh.diag.nc the area of elements
- do_narea:
bool, (default=True) compute or load from fesom.mesh.diag.nc the clusterarea of vertices
- do_eresol:
list([bool,str]), (default: [False,’mean’]) compute resolution based on elements, str can be… - “mean”: resolution based on mean element edge length, - “max”: resolution based on maximum edge length, - “min” resolution based on minimum edge length,
- do_nresol:
list([bool,str]), (default: [False,’e_resol’]), compute resolution at nodes from interpolation of resolution at elements
- do_loadraw:
bool, (default=False) also load the raw vertical level information for elements. Its the vertical level information before the exclusion of elements that have three boundary nodes in the topography
- do_pickle:
bool, (default=True) store and load mesh from .pckl binary file, pickle5 is just supported until < python3.9. If pickel library cant be found it switches automatic to joblib
- do_joblib:
bool, (default=False) store and load mesh from .joblib binary file
- do_f14cmip6:
bool, (default=False) load FESOM1.4 mesh information and squeeze it into the framework of FESOM2. Needed here to compute AMOC on fesom1.4 cmorized CMIP6 data.
- do_info:
bool, (default=True) print progress and mesh information
- mesh:
object, returns fesom_mesh object
- tripyview.sub_mesh.lsmask_2shapefile(mesh, lsmask=[], path=[], fname=[], do_info=True)[source]¶
–> save FESOM2 grid land-sea mask polygons to shapefile
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, contains periodic augmented land-sea mask polygonss in mesh.lsmask_a
- lsmask:
list, if empty mesh.lsmask_a is stored in shapefile, if not empty lsmask=lsmaskin than lsmaskin will be stored in
- path:
strm, if empty mesh.path (or cache path depending on writing permission) is used as location to store the shapefile, if path=pathin than this string serves as location to store .shp file
- fname:
str, if empty fixed filename is used mypymesh_fesom2_ID_focus=X.shp, if not empty than fname=fnamein is used as filename for shape file
- do_info:
bool, print info where .shp file is saved, default = True
- return:
–> to load and plot shapefile patches
import shapefile as shp from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection shpfname = 'tripyview_fesom2'+'_'+mesh.id+'_'+ '{}={}'.format('focus',mesh.focus)+'.shp' shppath = os.path.join(mesh.cachepath,shpfname) sf = shp.Reader(shppath) patches = [] for shape in sf.shapes(): patches.append(Polygon(shape.points)) plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, facecolor=[0.7,0.7,0.7], edgecolor='k', linewidths=1.)) ax.set_xlim([-180,180]) ax.set_ylim([-90,90]) plt.show()
- tripyview.sub_mesh.lsmask_patch(lsmask)[source]¶
–> computes polygon collection that can be plotted as closed polygon patches with ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(mesh.lsmask_p, facecolor=[0.7,0.7,0.7], edgecolor=’k’,linewidth=0.5))
- lsmask: list()
list([array1[npts,2], array2[npts,2]], …)
array1=np.array([ [x1,y1]; [x2,y2]; … ])
- lsmask_p:
shapely Multipolygon object
how to plot in matplotlib: from descartes import PolygonPatch ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(mesh.lsmask_p,facecolor=[0.7,0.7,0.7],
how to plot in cartopy: import cartopy.crs as ccrs ax.add_geometries(mesh.lsmask_p, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor=[0.6,0.6,0.6], edgecolor=’k’, linewidth=0.5)
- class tripyview.sub_mesh.mesh_fesom2(meshpath, abg=[50, 15, -90], focus=0, cyclic=360, focus_old=0, do_rot='None', do_augmpbnd=True, do_cavity=False, do_info=True, do_earea=False, do_earea2=False, do_eresol=[False, 'mean'], do_narea=False, do_nresol=[False, 'n_area'], do_lsmask=True, do_lsmshp=True, do_pickle=True, do_loadraw=True, do_f14cmip6=False)[source]¶
- –> Class that creates object that contains all information about FESOM2
mesh. As minimum requirement the mesh path to the files nod2d.out, elem2d.out and aux3d.out has to be given,
see help(load_fesom_mesh)
path: str, path that leads to FESOM2.0 mesh files (.out)
id: str, identifies mesh
n2dn: int, number of 2d nodes
n2de: int, number of 2d elements
n_x: array, lon position of surface nodes
n_y: array, lat position of surface nodes
e_i: array, elemental array with 2d vertice indices, shape=[n2de,3]
___vertical info____________________________________
nlev: int, number of vertical full cell level
zlev: array, with full depth levels
zmid: array, with mid depth levels
n_z: array, bottom depth based on zlev[n_iz],
n_iz: array, number of full depth levels at vertices
e_iz: array, number of full depth levels at elem
___cavity info (if do_cavity==True)_________________
n_ic: array, full depth level index of cavity-ocean interface at vertices
e_ic: array, full depth level index of cavity-ocean interface at elem
n_c: array, cavity-ocean interface depth at vertices zlev[n_ic]
___area and resoltion info___________________________
n_area: array, area at vertices
n_resol: array, resolutionat vertices
e_area: array, area at elements
e_resol: array, resolution at elements
___periodic boundary augmentation____________________
n_xa: array, with augmented vertice paramters
n_ya: …
n_za: …
n_iza: …
n_ca: …
n_ica: …
e_ia: array, element array with augmented triangles –> np.vstack((mesh.e_i[mesh.e_pbnd_0,:],mesh.e_ia))
e_pbnd_1: array, elem indices of pbnd elements
e_pbnd_0: array, elem indices of not pbnd elements
e_pbnd_a: array, elem indices of periodic augmented elements –> data_plot = np.hstack((data_plot[mesh.e_pbnd_0],data_plot[mesh.e_pbnd_a]))
n_pbnd_a: array, vertice indices to augment pbnd –> data_plot = np.hstack((data_plot,data_plot[mesh.n_pbnd_a]))
n2dna: int, number of vertices with periodic boundary augmentation
n2dea: int, number of elements with periodic boundary augmentation
___land sea mask (if do_lsmask == True)______________
lsmask: list(array1[npts,2], array2[npts,2], …), contains all land-sea mask polygons for FESOM2 mesh, with periodic boundary
lsmask_a: list(array1[npts,2], array2[npts,2], …)contains all land-sea mask polygons for FESOM2 mesh, with augmented periodic boundary
lsmask_p: polygon, contains polygon collection that can be plotted as closed polygon patches with ax.add_collection(PatchCollection (mesh.lsmask_p,facecolor=[0.7,0.7,0.7], edgecolor=’k’, linewidth=0.5))
mesh: object, returns fesom_mesh object
create matplotlib triangulation with augmented periodic boundary
tri = Triangulation(np.hstack((mesh.n_x,mesh.n_xa)), np.hstack((mesh.n_y,mesh.n_ya)), np.vstack((mesh.e_i[mesh.e_pbnd_0,:],mesh.e_ia)))
- augment_lsmask()[source]¶
–> part of fesom mesh class, split contourlines that span over the periodic boundary into two separated countourlines for the left and right side of the periodic boundaries
- compute_e_area()[source]¶
–> part of fesom mesh class, either load area of elements from fesom.mesh.diag.nc if its found in meshpath or recompute it from scratch, [m^2]
- compute_e_resol(which='mean')[source]¶
–> part of fesom mesh class, compute area of elements in [m], options:
- which: str,
“mean” … resolution based on mean element edge legth
“max” … resolution based on maximum element edge length
“min” … resolution based on minimum element edge length
- compute_lsmask()[source]¶
–> part of fesom mesh class, compute land-sea mask contourline with periodic boundary based on boundary edges that contribute only to one triangle and then checking which edges can be consequtive connected |
- compute_n_area()[source]¶
–> part of fesom mesh class, either load clusterarea of vertices from fesom.mesh.diag.nc if its found in meshpath or recompute it from scratch by using e_area, [m^2]
- compute_n_resol(which='n_area')[source]¶
–> part of fesom mesh class, compute resolution at vertices in m, options:
- which: str,
“n_area” … compute resolution based on vertice cluster area
“e_resol” … compute vertice resolution by interpolating elem resolution to vertices, default
- pbnd_augment()[source]¶
–> part of fesom mesh class, adds additional elements to augment the periodic boundary on the left and right side for an even non_periodic boundary is created left and right [-180, 180] of the domain
- pbnd_find()[source]¶
–> part of fesom mesh class, find elements that cross over the periodic boundary
- tripyview.sub_mesh.vec_r2g(abg, lon, lat, urot, vrot, gridis='geo', do_info=False)[source]¶
–> In FESOM2 the vector variables are usually given in the rotated coordinate frame in which the model works and need to be rotated into normal geo coordinates, however in the latest FESOM2 version there is also the option that they are rotated in the model via a flaf. So make sure what applies to you
- abg:
list, with euler angles [alpha, beta, gamma]
- lon:
array, longitude
- lat:
array, latitude
- urot:
array, zonal velocities in rotated frame
- vrot:
array, meridional velocities in rotated frame
- gridis:
str, in which coordinate frame are given lon, lat ‘geo’,’g’,’geographical’: lon,lat is given in geo coordinates ‘rot’,’r’,’rotated’ : lon,lat is given in rot coordinates
- ugeo:
array, zonal velocities in normal geo frame
- vgeo:
array, meridional velocities in normal geo frame
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_axes_arrange(nx, ny, xlabel='', ylabel='', tlabel='', fs_label=10.0, fs_title=10.0, fs_ticks=10.0, fs_fac=1, ax_sharex=True, ax_sharey=True, ax_optdict={}, ax_asp=1.0, ax_w='auto', ax_h=4.0, ax_dl=0.6, ax_dr=0.6, ax_dt=0.6, ax_db=0.6, ax_fdl=1.0, ax_fdr=1.0, ax_fdt=1.0, ax_fdb=1.0, ax_fw=1.0, ax_fh=1.0, fig_optdict={}, fig_sizefac=1.0, fig_dl=0.0, fig_dr=0.0, fig_dt=0.0, fig_db=0.0, fig_fdl=1.0, fig_fdr=1.0, fig_fdt=1.0, fig_fdb=1.0, cb_plt=True, cb_plt_single=True, cb_pos='vertical', cb_dl=0.6, cb_dr=3.0, cb_dt=0.6, cb_db=0.6, cb_fdl=1.0, cb_fdr=1.0, cb_fdt=1.0, cb_fdb=1.0, cb_w=0.5, cb_h='auto', cb_fw=1.0, cb_fh=1.0, projection=None, proj=None, box=None, nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb', 'cb_plt_idx'], **kwargs)[source]¶
–> do multipanel axes arangement
___LABEL OPTION____________________
- xlabel:
str (default: ‘’) provide prescribed xlabel string
- ylabel:
str (default: ‘’) provide prescribed ylabel string
- tlabel:
str (default: ‘’) provide prescribed title string
- fs_label:
int (default: 10) prescribed fontsize for labels
- fs_title:
int (default: 10) prescribed fontsize for title
- fs_ticks:
int (default: 10) prescribed fontsize for ticklabels
- fs_fac:
int (default: 1) factor to generally increase fontsize
___AXES OPTIONS____________________
- ax_sharex:
bool (default: True) all subplot share x-axes
- ax_sharey:
bool (default: True) all subplot share y-axes
- ax_optdict:
dict (default: dict()) additional axes option: fontssize, …
- ax_asp:
float (default: 1.) aspect ratio of axes
- ax_w:
float, int (default: ‘auto’) if ‘auto’ width is defined based on aspect ration ax_asp and height ax_h in cm, if float value is used to define width in cm
- ax_h:
float, int (default: 4) if ‘auto’ height is defined based on aspect ration ax_asp and width ax_w in cm, if float value is used to define height in cm
- ax_fw:
float (default: 1.0 factor to increase width spacing
- ax_fh:
float (default: 1.0 factor to increase height spacing
- ax_dl:
float (default: 0.6) left spacing around axes in cm
- ax_dr:
float (default: 0.6) right spacing around axes in cm
- ax_dt:
float (default: 0.6) top spacing around axes in cm
- ax_db:
float (default: 0.6) bottom spacing around axes in cm
- ax_fdl:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase left axes spacing
- ax_fdr:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase right axes spacing
- ax_fdt:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase top axes spacing
- ax_fdb:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase bottom axes spacing
___FIGURE OPTION___________________
- fig_optdict:
dict (default: dict()) additional figure option: fontssize, …
- fig_sizefac:
float (default: 1.) factor to resize figures
- fig_dl:
float (default: 0.6) left spacing around figure in cm
- fig_dr:
float (default: 0.6) right spacing around figure in cm
- fig_dt:
float (default: 0.6) top spacing around figure in cm
- fig_db:
float (default: 0.6) bottom spacing around figure in cm
- fig_fdl:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase left figure spacing
- fig_fdr:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase right figure spacing
- fig_fdt:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase top figure spacing
- fig_fdb:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase bottom figure spacing
___COLORBAR OPTION_________________
- cb_plt:
bool, list (default: True) If True colorbar is plotted to all axes (cb_plt_single=False) or just one colorbar is plotted for all axes (cb_plt_single=False), If list with 0 and 1 [0,1,0,1…], which axes should have colorbar, if number higher than 1 in list it is assumed there is more than one independed colorbar
- cb_plt_single:
bool (default: False) true/false if there is just one colorbar for all the axes or if each axes should get a colorbar
- cb_pos:
str (default: ‘vertical’) orientation of colorbar, either vertical or horizontal
- cb_dl:
float (default: 0.6) left spacing around colorbar in cm
- cb_dr:
float (default: 3.0) right spacing around colorbar in cm
- cb_dt:
float (default: 1.0) top spacing around colorbar in cm
- cb_db:
float (default: 0.6) bottom spacing around colorbar in cm
- cb_fdl:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase left colorbar spacing
- cb_fdr:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase right colorbar spacing
- cb_fdt:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase top colorbar spacing
- cb_fdb:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase bottom colorbar spacing
- cb_w:
float, str (default: 0.5) if float it is used as width in cm, if ‘auto’ width is defined automatically based on width of axes in case of horizontal colorbar
- cb_h:
float, str (default: 0.5) if float it is used as height in cm, if ‘auto’ height is defined automatically based on height of axes in case of vertical colorbar
- cb_fw:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase width of colorbar
- cb_fh:
float (default: 1.0) factor to increase height colorbar
- projection:
(default: None) provide single cartopy projection object to use for all axes, or provide list of cartopy projection objects
- box:
None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho: box = [lonc, latc], nears: [lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- nargout:
list, (default: [‘hfig’, ‘hax’, ‘hcb’, ‘cb_plt_idx’]) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig … figure handle - hax … list of axes handle - hcb … list of colorbar handles - cb_plt_idx… list that contains index of independent - colorbars (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter)
- hfig:
returns figure handle
- hax:
returns list with axes handle
- hcb:
returns colorbar handle
- cb_plt_idx:
list that contains index of independent colorbars
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_axes_enum(hax, do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_dir='lr', enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.005], enum_y=[1.0], enum_opt={})[source]¶
–> do enumeration of axes
- hax:
list, list of all axes handles
- do_enum:
bool, switch for using enumeration
- nrow:
int, number of rows in multi panel plot
:ncol : int, number of column in multi panel plot
- enum_dir:
str, (default: ‘lr’) direction of numbering, ‘lr’ from left to right, ‘ud’ from up to down
- enum_str:
list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings ,
- enum_x:
float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_y:
float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_cbar(hcb_ii, hax_ii, hp, data, cinfo, do_rescale, cb_label, cb_lunit, cb_ltime, cb_ldep, box_idx=None, norm=None, cb_opt={}, cbl_opt={}, cbtl_opt={})[source]¶
- –> plot colorbars (tripyview allows also to have more than one colorbar within the
multipanel plot)
- hcb_ii:
actual colorbar handle
- hax_ii:
actual axes handle
- hp:
actual plot handle
- data:
xarray dataset object with all attributes (needed for the default colorbar labels)
- cinfo:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps
- cb_label:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data (‘long_name, short_name) are used
- cb_lunit:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ltime:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ldep:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used
- box_idx:
None or index of box selection in data_ii[box_idx]
- norm:
None or renormation object
- cb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg
- cbl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- cbtl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- hcb_ii:
actual colorbar handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_cbar_formatting(cbar, do_rescale, cinfo, pw_lim=[-3, 4], cbtl_opt={})[source]¶
–> do formating of colorbar for logarithmic data and exponential data
- cbar:
actual colorbar handle
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps
- cinfo:
dict(), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- pw_lim:
list, in which decimal limits matplot will rescale the colorbar with 10^x
- cbtl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- cbar:
actual colorbar handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_climit_hist(data_in, ctresh=0.99, cbin=1000, cweights=None)[source]¶
–> compute min/max value range by histogram, computation of cumulativ distribution function at certain cutoff treshold
- data_in:
np.array with data to plot
- ctresh:
cover 99% of value range, means that extreme outliers are cutted of
- cbin:
number of bin that are used for the value range histogram
- cweight:
provide are weights for the histogramm
- cmin:
return minimum value of value range
- cmax:
return minimum value of value range
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_data_norm(cinfo, do_rescale)[source]¶
–> prepare renormation object, for log10 or slog10
- cinfo:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling (mcolors.LogNorm) - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling (mcolors.SymLogNorm) - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps (mcolors.BoundaryNorm)
- Returns:
- which_norm:
None or renormation object
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_data_prepare_unstruct(mesh, tri, data_plot, do_ie2n)[source]¶
- –> prepare data for plotting, augment periodic boundaries, interpolate from elements
to nodes, kick out nan values from plotting
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- data_plot:
np.array of unstructured data
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_box … bool np.array with element masking from regional box definition - tri.mask_n_box … bool np.array with vertices masking from regional box selection
- data_plot:
np.array of unstructured data, augmented with periodic boundary, limited to regional box
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_data_prepare_vslice(hax_ii, data_ii, box_idx, do_smooth=False, smooth_opt=(3, 9))[source]¶
- –> prepare data for plotting, augment periodic boundaries, interpolate from elements
to nodes, kick out nan values from plotting
- hax:
handle of current axes
- data_ii:
xarray dataset object of axes ii, can contains the info data_ii[box_idx] of several defined boxes which can be selected via box_idx index
- box_idx:
index of box selection in data_ii[box_idx]
- data_x:
np.array, data for x-axis
- data_y:
np.array, data fox y-axes
- data_plot:
np.array, data to plot on regular vertical grid
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_bot(hax_ii, do_bot, tri=None, data_x=None, data_y=None, data_plot=None, ylim=None, bot_opt={})[source]¶
–> plot bottom mask
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- do_bot:
bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object (default=None) - tri.mask_e_ok…provide mask with nan values, that describe the bottom limited to regional box
- data_x:
regular longitude array (default=None)
- data_y:
regular latitude array (default=None)
- data_plot:
np.array of regular gridded data (default=None)
- ylim:
list, (default=None), overwrite limit of yaxis
- bot_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg
- h0:
return handle of bottom plot
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_data(hax_ii, do_plt, tri, data_plot, cinfo_plot, which_norm_plot, plt_opt={}, plt_contb=False, pltcb_opt={}, plt_contf=False, pltcf_opt={}, plt_contr=False, pltcr_opt={}, plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt={})[source]¶
–> plot triangular data based on tripcolor or tricontourf
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- do_plt:
str, (default: tpc) - tpc … make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf … make contourf coor plot (tricontourf) , # tpc:tripcolor, tcf:tricontourf
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_ok…provide mask with nan values, that describe the bottom limited to regional box
- data_plot:
np.array of unstructured data, augmented with periodic boundary,
- cinfo_plot:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- which_norm_plot:
None or renormation object
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument
- plt_contb:
bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background)
- pltcb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option
- plt_contf:
bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground)
- pltcf_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option
- plt_contr:
bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference)
- pltcr_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option
- plt_contl:
bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot
- pltcl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument
- h0:
return matplotlib handle of plot
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_datareg(hax_ii, do_plt, data_x, data_y, data_plot, cinfo_plot, which_norm_plot, plt_opt={}, which_transf=None, plt_contb=False, pltcb_opt={}, plt_contf=False, pltcf_opt={}, plt_contr=False, pltcr_opt={}, plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt={})[source]¶
–> plot regular gridded data (binned, coarse grained data) via pcolormesh and contourf
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- do_plt:
str, (default: tpc) - tpc … make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf … make contourf coor plot (tricontourf)
- data_x:
regular longitude array
- data_y:
regular latitude array
- data_plot:
np.array of regular gridded data
- cinfo_plot:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- which_norm:
None or renormation object
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument
- plt_contb:
bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background)
- pltcb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option
- plt_contf:
bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground)
- pltcf_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option
- plt_contr:
bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference)
- pltcr_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option
- plt_contl:
bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot
- pltcl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument
h0: return matplotlib handle of plot
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, box, ndat, data_x=None, data_y=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, grid_opt={}, proj=None, do_rescale=None)[source]¶
- –> do plot cartopy gridline and general gridlines together with the limit
scaling of the axis (see non-linear option of x and y axis)
- hax_ii:
handle of one axes
- do_grid:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines
- box:
None, or list with box definitions
- ndat:
int, total length of data list
- data_x:
regular longitude array
- data_y:
regular latitude array
- xlim:
list, (default=None), overwrite limit of xaxis
- ylim:
list, (default=None), overwrite limit of yaxis
- grid_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg
- proj:
None, cartopy projection object or string (e.g. index+depth+time…)
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps
- h0:
None or handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_lsmask(hax_ii, do_lsm, mesh, lsm_opt={}, resolution='low')[source]¶
–> plot fesom mesh inverted land sea mask
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- do_lsm:
str, (default: ‘fesom’), overlay FESOM grid inverted land sea mask option are here:
fesom … grey fesom landsea mask
stock … uses cartopy stock image
bluemarble … uses bluemarble image in folder tripyview/background/
etopo … uses etopo image in folder tripyview/background/
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- lsm_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the landsea mask plotting via kwarg
- resolution:
str, (default: ‘low’) switch resolution of background image for bluemarble and etopo between ‘high’ and ‘low’
- h0:
return handle of plot·
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_mesh(hax_ii, do_mesh, tri, mesh_opt={})[source]¶
–> plot overlaying triangular mesh
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- do_mesh:
bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_ok…provide mask with nan values, that describe the bottom limited to regional box
- mesh_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg
- h0:
return handle of plot
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_quiver(hax_ii, do_quiv, tri, data_plot_u, data_plot_v, cinfo_plot, norm_plot, quiv_scalfac=1, quiv_arrwidth=0.25, quiv_dens=0.4, quiv_smax=10, quiv_shiftL=2, quiv_smooth=2, quiv_opt={})[source]¶
–> plot triangular data as quiver plot
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- do_quiv:
bool, do cartopy quiver plot
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_ok…provide mask with nan values, that describe the bottom limited to regional box
- data_plot_u:
np.array of unstructured zonal vector component
- data_plot_v:
np.array of unstructured meridional vector component
- cinfo_plot:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- norm_plot:
None or renormation object
- quiv_scalfac:
float, (default: 1.0) bigger means larger arrows
- quiv_arrwidth:
float, (default: 0.25) scale arrow width
- quiv_dens:
float, (default: 0.5) larger mean more excluded arrows
- quiv_smax:
float, (default: 10) small arrow are scaled strong with factor smax, its off when smax=1
- quiv_shiftL:
float, (default: 2) shift smothing function to the left
- quiv_smooth:
float, (default: 2) slope of transitions zone, smaller value steeper transition
- quiv_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to quiver plot routine
- h0:
return handle of quiver plot
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_quiver_reg(hax_ii, ii, do_quiver, quiver_dat=None, quiver_opt={}, do_quiver_leg=True, quiver_leg_opt={}, box=None, which_transf=<Projected CRS: +proj=eqc +ellps=WGS84 +a=6378137.0 +lon_0=0.0 +to ...> Name: unknown Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (unknown) - N[north]: Northing (unknown) - h[up]: Ellipsoidal height (metre) Area of Use: - undefined Coordinate Operation: - name: unknown - method: Equidistant Cylindrical Datum: Unknown based on WGS 84 ellipsoid - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich, quiv_scalfac=1, quiv_arrwidth=0.25)[source]¶
- –> plot streamlines over scalar data, based on regular gridded lon,lat vector
data. Data can originate either from corase graining or interpolation
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- ii:
int, index of handle ii
- do_quiver:
bool, do cartopy quiver plot
- quiver_dat:
list of xr.Datasets with u,v data in it (default=None)
Dimensions: (lat: 85, lon: 180, n2: 2) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float32 340B -79.0 -77.0 -75.0 -73.0 ... 83.0 85.0 87.0 89.0 * lon (lon) float32 720B -179.0 -177.0 -175.0 ... 175.0 177.0 179.0 nzi float64 8B 15.89 nz1 int64 8B 250 lat_bnd (lat, n2) float32 680B -80.0 -78.0 -78.0 -76.0 ... 88.0 nan nan lon_bnd (lon, n2) float32 1kB -180.0 -178.0 -178.0 ... 178.0 178.0 180.0 w_A (lat, lon) float32 61kB 9.437e+09 9.437e+09 9.437e+09 ... nan nan Dimensions without coordinates: n2 Data variables: u (lat, lon) float32 61kB -0.003229 -0.003186 -0.002711 ... nan nan v (lat, lon) float32 61kB 0.0007711 0.000357 0.001531 ... nan nan Attributes: (12/19) FESOM_model: FESOM2 FESOM_website: fesom.de FESOM_git_SHA: 02f7d080 FESOM_MeshPath: /albedo/work/user/pscholz/mesh_fesom... FESOM_mesh_representative_checksum: 297ddf9c482ca68c86a979e1bd5d3c97 FESOM_ClimateDataPath: /albedo/work/projects/p_fesom/FROM-O... ... ...
- quiver_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to quiver plot routine
- do_quiver_leg:
bool, (default: False) overlay legend for quiver plot, keep in mind that the position for legend is somewhat pre setted by hand
- quiver_leg_opt:
dict, (default=dict()) additional option for the position of the streamline legend
- box:
None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho… box=[lonc, latc], nears…box=[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- which_transf:
ccrs.CRS (default=None) data starting projection usually ccrs.PlateCaree()
- h0:
return matplotlib handle of streamline
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_streaml_reg(hax_ii, ii, do_streaml, streaml_dat=None, streaml_opt={}, do_streaml_leg=True, streaml_leg_opt={}, box=None, which_transf=<Projected CRS: +proj=eqc +ellps=WGS84 +a=6378137.0 +lon_0=0.0 +to ...> Name: unknown Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (unknown) - N[north]: Northing (unknown) - h[up]: Ellipsoidal height (metre) Area of Use: - undefined Coordinate Operation: - name: unknown - method: Equidistant Cylindrical Datum: Unknown based on WGS 84 ellipsoid - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich)[source]¶
- –> plot streamlines over scalar data, based on regular gridded lon,lat vector
data. Data can originate either from corase graining or interpolation
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- ii:
int, index of handle ii
- do_streaml:
bool, do cartopy streaml plot
- streaml_dat:
list of xr.Datasets with u,v data in it (default=None)
Dimensions: (lat: 85, lon: 180, n2: 2) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float32 340B -79.0 -77.0 -75.0 -73.0 ... 83.0 85.0 87.0 89.0 * lon (lon) float32 720B -179.0 -177.0 -175.0 ... 175.0 177.0 179.0 nzi float64 8B 15.89 nz1 int64 8B 250 lat_bnd (lat, n2) float32 680B -80.0 -78.0 -78.0 -76.0 ... 88.0 nan nan lon_bnd (lon, n2) float32 1kB -180.0 -178.0 -178.0 ... 178.0 178.0 180.0 w_A (lat, lon) float32 61kB 9.437e+09 9.437e+09 9.437e+09 ... nan nan Dimensions without coordinates: n2 Data variables: u (lat, lon) float32 61kB -0.003229 -0.003186 -0.002711 ... nan nan v (lat, lon) float32 61kB 0.0007711 0.000357 0.001531 ... nan nan Attributes: (12/19) FESOM_model: FESOM2 FESOM_website: fesom.de FESOM_git_SHA: 02f7d080 FESOM_MeshPath: /albedo/work/user/pscholz/mesh_fesom... FESOM_mesh_representative_checksum: 297ddf9c482ca68c86a979e1bd5d3c97 FESOM_ClimateDataPath: /albedo/work/projects/p_fesom/FROM-O... ... ...
- streaml_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to streamline plot routine
- do_streaml_leg:
bool, (default: False) overlay legend for streamline plot, keep in mind that the position for legend is somewhat pre setted by hand
- streaml_leg_opt:
dict, (default=dict()) additional option for the position of the streamline legend
- box:
None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho… box=[lonc, latc], nears…box=[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- which_transf:
ccrs.CRS (default=None) data starting projection usually ccrs.PlateCaree()
- h0:
return matplotlib handle of streamline
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_plt_topo(hax_ii, do_topo, data_topo, mesh, tri, plt_opt={}, plt_contb=True, pltcb_opt={}, plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt={})[source]¶
–> plot topography contour or pcolor
- hax_ii:
handle of axes ii
- do_topo:
bool, (default: True), overlay model topography in quiver plots
- data_topo:
np.array with unstructured data of model topogrpahy
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_box … bool np.array with element masking from regional box definition - tri.mask_n_box … bool np.array with vertices masking from regional box selection
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument
- plt_contb:
bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background)
- pltcb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option
- plt_contl:
bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot
- pltcl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument
- h0:
return handle of plot
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_projection(mesh, proj, box)[source]¶
–> set cartopy target projection
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- proj:
str, (default: ‘pc’) which projection should be used, - pc … PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - merc … Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - rob … Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - eqearth… EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - mol … Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - nps … NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax]) - sps … SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0]) - ortho … Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter]) - nears … NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom]) - channel… PlateCaree
- box:
None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho box = [lonc, latc], nears [lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- proj_to:
cartopy projection object
- box:
return projection adapted box list
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_reindex_vert_and_elem(tri, e_box_mask)[source]¶
–> reindex element index in case of exluded triangles and unused vertices
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object
- e_box_mask:
bool np.array with element masking from regional box definition
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object where unreferenced triangles are kickout and the indices of the remaining vertices are adapted accordingly in the element list
- n_box_mask:
bool np.array with vertices masking from regional box selection
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=300, do_info=True, save_opt={})[source]¶
–> save figure to file
- do_save:
None, str (default:None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save.
- hfig:
figure handle
- dpi:
int, (default:600), resolution of image
- save_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_setupcinfo(cinfo, data, do_rescale, mesh=None, tri=None, do_vec=False, do_index=False, do_moc=False, do_dmoc=None, do_hbstf=False, box_idx=0)[source]¶
–> build up colormap dictionary
- cinfo:
dict(), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- data:
xarray dataset object
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps
- mesh:
None or fesom2 mesh object,
- tri:
None or matplotlib.tri triangulation object
- do_vec:
bool (default: False) flag,input data are vector data
- do_index:
bool (default: False) flag,input data are index data
- do_moc:
bool (default: False) flag,input data are zmoc data
- do_dmoc:
str (default: None ) str, input data are dmoc data (‘inner’, ‘dmoc’, ‘srf’)
- do_hbstf:
bool (default: False)
- box_idx:
in case input data are list of regional shapefile boxes, this is the index of a specific box
- cinfo:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar info
- tripyview.sub_plot.do_triangulation(hax, mesh, proj_to, box, proj_from=None, do_triorig=False, do_narea=True, do_earea=False)[source]¶
–> create matplotlib triangulation object
- hax:
handle of current axes
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- proj_to:
cartopy destination projection object
- proj_from:
cartopy source projection object (default: ccrs.PlateCarree())
- do_triorig:
bool, (default=False) save original vertices coordinate in lon,lat space
- do_narea:
bool (default=True), drag vertices area with you is needed for normalisation
- do_earea:
bool (default=True), drag element area with you is needed for normalisation
- tri:
matplotlib.tri triangulation object
- tripyview.sub_plot.plot_hline(data, box=None, box_idx=None, box_label=None, boxl_opt={}, nrow=1, ncol=1, proj='index+xy', n_cycl=None, do_allcycl=False, do_shdw=True, do_mean=False, do_rescale=False, plt_opt={}, mark_opt={}, do_grid=True, grid_opt={}, ax_title='descript', ax_xlabel=None, ax_ylabel=None, ax_xunit=None, ax_yunit=None, ax_opt={}, ax_xlim=None, ax_ylim=None, do_enum=False, enum_opt={'horizontalalignment': 'center'}, enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.0], enum_y=[1.005], enum_dir='lr', do_save=None, save_dpi=300, save_opt={}, nargout=['hfig', 'hax'])[source]¶
–> do plotting of horizontal lines over index region (e.g. heatflux vs lon, lat)
- data:
xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object
- box:
None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be:
[‘global’] … compute global index
[shp.Reader] … index region defined by shapefile
[ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box
[ [ [px1,px2…], [py1,py2,…]], boxname] index region defined by polygon
[ np.array(2 x npts) boxname] index region defined by polygon
- box_idx:
int, (default: None) index in boxlist
- box_label:
str (default: None) overwrites boxname string
- boxl_opt:
dict (default: dict() additional options for boxlabel string (fontsize…)
- nrow:
int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels
- ncol:
int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels
- proj:
str, (default: ‘index+xy’)
- n_cycl:
int, (default: None) How many spinup cycles are contained in the data_list. Info is needed when do_allcycl=True,
- do_allcycl:
bool, (default: False) plot all spinupcycles based on colormap value
- do_shdw:
bool, (default: True) give lines a black outline
- do_mean:
bool, (default: False) plot triangle on the left side that indicates the mean value
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling
___plot data parameters_____________________________
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to line plot routine via the kwarg argument
- mark_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to control the line markers via the kwarg argument
___plot gridlines___________________________________
- do_grid:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines
- grid_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg
- ax_title:
str, (default: ‘descript’) If ‘descript’ use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If ‘str’ use this string to label axes
- ax_xlabel:
str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel
- ax_ylabel:
str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel
- ax_xunit:
str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel unit
- ax_yunit:
str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel unit
- ax_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange
- ax_xlim:
list (default: None) overright data related xlimits
- ax_ylim:
list (default: None) overright data related ylimits
- do_enum:
bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) …
- enum_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg
- enum_str:
list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings
- enum_x:
float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_y:
float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_dir:
str, (default: ‘lr’) direction of numbering, ‘lr’ from left to right, ‘ud’ from up to down
___save figure________________________________
- do_save:
str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save.
- save_dpi:
int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved
- save_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg
___set output_________________________________
- nargout:
list, (default: [‘hfig’, ‘hax’, ‘hcb’]) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default:
hfig … figure handle
hax … list of axes handle
(every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter)
- hfig:
returns figure handle
- hax:
returns list with axes handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.plot_hmesh(mesh, data=None, box=None, cinfo=None, nrow=1, ncol=1, proj='pc', do_ie2n=False, do_rescale=False, do_plt='tpc', plt_opt={}, plt_contb=False, pltcb_opt={}, plt_contf=False, pltcf_opt={}, plt_contr=False, pltcr_opt={}, plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt={}, do_mesh=True, mesh_opt={}, do_lsm='fesom', lsm_opt={}, lsm_res='low', do_grid=True, do_boundbox=True, grid_opt={}, cb_label=None, cb_lunit=None, cb_ltime=None, cb_ldep=None, cb_opt={}, cbl_opt={}, cbtl_opt={}, ax_title=None, ax_opt={}, do_enum=False, enum_opt={}, enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.005], enum_y=[1.0], enum_dir='lr', do_save=None, save_dpi=300, save_opt={}, nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb'])[source]¶
–> plot horizontal mesh and mesh paramters on vertices and elements
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
str, (default: None) string can be:
‘resolution’, ‘resol’, ‘n_resol’, ‘nresol’
‘narea’, ‘n_area’, ‘clusterarea’, ‘scalararea’
‘eresol’, ‘e_resol’, ‘triresolution’, ‘triresol’
‘earea’, ‘e_area’, ‘triarea’
‘ndepth’, ‘ntopo’, ‘n_depth’, ‘n_topo’, ‘topography’, ‘zcoord’
‘edepth’, ‘etopo’, ‘e_depth’, ‘e_topo’
- box:
None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho… box=[lonc, latc], nears…box=[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- cinfo:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- nrow:
int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels
- ncol:
int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels
- proj:
str, (default: ‘pc’) which projection should be used, - pc … PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - merc … Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - rob … Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - eqearth… EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - mol … Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - nps … NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax]) - sps … SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0]) - ortho … Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter]) - nears … NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom]) - channel… PlateCaree
- do_ie2n:
bool, (default: False) do interpolation of data on elements towards nodes
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps
___plot data parameters_____________________________
- do_plt:
str, (default: tpc) - tpc … make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf … make contourf color plot (tricontourf)
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument
- plt_contb:
bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background)
- pltcb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option
- plt_contf:
bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground)
- pltcf_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option
- plt_contr:
bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference)
- pltcr_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option
- plt_contl:
bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot
- pltcl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument
___plot mesh________________________________________
- do_mesh:
bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot
- mesh_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg
___plot bottom mask_________________________________
- do_bot:
bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask
- bot_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg
___plot lsmask______________________________________
- do_lsm:
str, (default: ‘fesom’), overlay FESOM grid inverted land sea mask option are here:
fesom … grey fesom landsea mask
stock … uses cartopy stock image
bluemarble … uses bluemarble image in folder tripyview/background/
etopo … uses etopo image in folder tripyview/background/
- lsm_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the landsea mask plotting via kwarg
- lsm_res:
str, (default=’low’) resolution of bluemarble texture file either ‘low’ or ‘high’
___plot cartopy gridlines____________________________
- do_grid:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines
- grid_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg
- do_boundbox:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy black bounding box. If you make plots as a texture to use in blender, unity or pyvista the bounding box has to be removed with do_boundbox=False
- cb_label:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data (‘long_name, short_name) are used
- cb_lunit:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ltime:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ldep:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg
- cbl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- cbtl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- ax_title:
str, (default: ‘descript’) If ‘descript’ use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If ‘str’ use this string to label axes
- ax_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange
- axl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes labels (fontsize, …)
- do_enum:
bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) …
- enum_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg
- enum_str:
list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings ,
- enum_x:
float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_y:
float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_dir:
str, (default: ‘lr’) direction of numbering, ‘lr’ from left to right, ‘ud’ from up to down
___save figure________________________________
- do_save:
str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save.
- save_dpi:
int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved
- save_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg
___set output_________________________________
- nargout:
list, (default: [‘hfig’, ‘hax’, ‘hcb’]) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default:
hfig … figure handle
hax … list of axes handle
hcb … list of colorbar handles (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter)
- hfig:
returns figure handle
- hax:
returns list with axes handle
- hcb:
returns colorbar handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.plot_hquiver(mesh, data, box=None, cinfo=None, nrow=1, ncol=1, proj='pc', do_ie2n=False, do_rescale=False, do_quiv=True, quiv_opt={}, quiv_scalfac=1, quiv_arrwidth=0.25, quiv_dens=0.5, quiv_smax=10, quiv_shiftL=2, quiv_smooth=2, do_mesh=False, mesh_opt={}, do_bot=True, bot_opt={}, do_topo='tpc', topo_opt={}, topo_cont=True, topoc_opt={}, topo_contl=False, topocl_opt={}, do_lsm='fesom', lsm_opt={}, lsm_res='low', do_grid=True, do_boundbox=True, grid_opt={}, cb_label=None, cb_lunit=None, cb_ltime=None, cb_ldep=None, cb_opt={}, cbl_opt={}, cbtl_opt={}, ax_title='descript', ax_opt={}, do_enum=False, enum_opt={}, enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.005], enum_y=[1.0], enum_dir='lr', do_save=None, save_dpi=300, save_opt={}, nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb'])[source]¶
–> plot FESOM2 horizontal data slice as quiver plot:
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object
- box:
None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho… box=[lonc, latc], nears…box=[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- cinfo:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- nrow:
int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels
- ncol:
int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels
- proj:
str, (default: ‘pc’) which projection should be used, - pc … PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - merc … Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - rob … Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - eqearth… EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - mol … Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - nps … NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax]) - sps … SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0]) - ortho … Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter]) - nears … NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom]) - channel… PlateCaree
- do_ie2n:
bool, (default: False) do interpolation of data on elements towards nodes
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps
___plot quiver parameters___________________________
- do_quiv:
bool, (default: True), do cartopy quiver plot
- quiv_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to quiver plot routine
- quiv_scalfac:
float, (default: 1.0) bigger means larger arrows
- quiv_arrwidth:
float, (default: 0.25) scale arrow width
- quiv_dens:
float, (default: 0.5) larger mean more excluded arrows
- quiv_smax:
float, (default: 10) small arrow are scaled strong with factor smax, its off when smax=1
- quiv_shiftL:
float, (default: 2) shift smothing function to the left
- quiv_smooth:
float, (default: 2) slope of transitions zone, smaller value steeper transition
___plot mesh________________________________________
- do_mesh:
bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot
- mesh_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg
___plot bottom mask_________________________________
- do_bot:
bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask
- bot_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg
___plot topo________________________________________
- do_topo:
str, (default: tpc) = - tpc … make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf … make contourf coor plot (tricontourf) , # tpc:tripcolor, tcf:tricontourf
- topo_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument
- topo_cont:
bool, (default: False) overlay contour line plot of data
- topoc_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tricontour via the kwarg argument
- topo_contl:
bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot
- topocl_opt:
- dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to
clabel via the kwarg argument
___plot lsmask______________________________________
- do_lsm:
str, (default: ‘fesom’), overlay FESOM grid inverted land sea mask option are here:
fesom … grey fesom landsea mask
stock … uses cartopy stock image
bluemarble … uses bluemarble image in folder tripyview/background/
etopo … uses etopo image in folder tripyview/background/
- lsm_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the landsea mask plotting via kwarg
- lsm_res:
str, (default=’low’) resolution of bluemarble texture file either ‘low’ or ‘high’
___plot cartopy gridlines____________________________
- do_grid:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines
- grid_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg
- do_boundbox:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy black bounding box. If you make plots as a texture to use in blender, unity or pyvista the bounding box has to be removed with do_boundbox=False
- cb_label:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data (‘long_name, short_name) are used
- cb_lunit:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ltime:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ldep:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg
- cbl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- cbtl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- ax_title:
str, (default: ‘descript’) If ‘descript’ use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If ‘str’ use this string to label axes
- ax_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange
- axl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes labels (fontsize, …)
- do_enum:
bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) …
- enum_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg
- enum_str:
list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings ,
- enum_x:
float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_y:
float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_dir:
str, (default: ‘lr’) direction of numbering, ‘lr’ from left to right, ‘ud’ from up to down
___save figure________________________________
- do_save:
str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save.
- save_dpi:
int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved
- save_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg
___set output_________________________________
- nargout:
list, (default: [‘hfig’, ‘hax’, ‘hcb’]) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default:
hfig … figure handle
hax … list of axes handle
hcb … list of colorbar handles (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter)
hfig: returns figure handle
hax: returns list with axes handle
hcb: returns colorbar handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.plot_hslice(mesh, data, box=None, cinfo=None, nrow=1, ncol=1, proj='pc', do_ie2n=False, do_rescale=False, do_plt='tpc', plt_opt={}, plt_contb=False, pltcb_opt={}, plt_contf=False, pltcf_opt={}, plt_contr=False, pltcr_opt={}, plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt={}, do_mesh=False, mesh_opt={}, do_streaml=False, streaml_dat=None, streaml_opt={}, do_streaml_leg=True, streaml_leg_opt={}, do_quiver=False, quiver_dat=None, quiver_opt={}, do_quiver_leg=True, quiver_leg_opt={}, do_bot=True, bot_opt={}, do_lsm='fesom', lsm_opt={}, lsm_res='low', do_grid=True, do_boundbox=True, grid_opt={}, cb_label=None, cb_lunit=None, cb_ltime=None, cb_ldep=None, cb_opt={}, cbl_opt={}, cbtl_opt={}, ax_title='descript', ax_opt={}, axl_opt={}, do_enum=False, enum_opt={}, enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.005], enum_y=[1.0], enum_dir='lr', do_save=None, save_dpi=300, save_opt={}, nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb'])[source]¶
–> plot FESOM2 horizontal data slice:
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object
- box:
None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho… box=[lonc, latc], nears…box=[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
- cinfo:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- nrow:
int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels
- ncol:
int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels
- proj:
str, (default: ‘pc’) which projection should be used, - pc … PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - merc … Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - rob … Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - eqearth… EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - mol … Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - nps … NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax]) - sps … SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0]) - ortho … Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter]) - nears … NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom]) - channel… PlateCaree
- do_ie2n:
bool, (default: False) do interpolation of data on elements towards nodes
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps
___plot data parameters_____________________________
- do_plt:
str, (default: tpc) - tpc … make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf … make contourf color plot (tricontourf)
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument
- plt_contb:
bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background)
- pltcb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option
- plt_contf:
bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground)
- pltcf_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option
- plt_contr:
bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference)
- pltcr_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option
- plt_contl:
bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot
- pltcl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument
___plot mesh________________________________________
- do_mesh:
bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot
- mesh_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg
___plot streamlines_________________________________
- do_streaml:
bool, (default: False), overlay streamline plot based on regular gridded u,v data
- streaml_dat:
list, (default: None), list with u,v regular gridded velocity data
- streaml_opt:
dict, (default: dict()), additional options that can be given to the streamline plot
- do_streaml_leg:
bool, (default: False) overlay legend for streamline plot, keep in mind that the position for legend is somewhat pre setted by hand
- streaml_leg_opt:
dict, (default=dict()) additional option for the position of the streamline legend
streaml_leg_opt = dict({'x':75, # lon position of legend in deg 'y':60, # lat position of legend in deg 'dy':5, # vertical distance of legend labels in deg 'dw':10, # width of lines in deg 'arr_s': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] })
___plot quivers—–_________________________________
- do_quiver:
bool, (default: False), overlay quivers based on regular gridded u,v data
- quiver_dat:
list, (default: None), list with u,v regular gridded velocity data
- quiver_opt:
dict, (default: dict()), additional options that can be given to the quiver plot
- do_quiver_leg:
bool, (default: False) overlay legend for quiver plot, keep in mind that the position for legend is somewhat pre setted by hand
- quiver_leg_opt:
dict, (default=dict()) additional option for the position of the quiver legend
___plot bottom mask_________________________________
- do_bot:
bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask
- bot_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg
___plot lsmask______________________________________
- do_lsm:
str, (default: ‘fesom’), overlay FESOM grid inverted land sea mask option are here:
fesom … grey fesom landsea mask
stock … uses cartopy stock image
bluemarble … uses bluemarble image in folder tripyview/background/
etopo … uses etopo image in folder tripyview/background/
- lsm_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the landsea mask plotting via kwarg
- lsm_res:
str, (default=’low’) resolution of bluemarble texture file either ‘low’ or ‘high’
___plot cartopy gridlines____________________________
- do_grid:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines
- grid_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg
- do_boundbox:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy black bounding box. If you make plots as a texture to use in blender, unity or pyvista the bounding box has to be removed with do_boundbox=False
- cb_label:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data (‘long_name, short_name) are used
- cb_lunit:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ltime:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ldep:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg
- cbl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- cbtl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- ax_title:
str, (default: ‘descript’) If ‘descript’ use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If ‘str’ use this string to label axes
- ax_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange
- axl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes labels (fontsize, …)
- do_enum:
bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) …
- enum_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg
- enum_str:
list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings ,
- enum_x:
float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_y:
float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_dir:
str, (default: ‘lr’) direction of numbering, ‘lr’ from left to right, ‘ud’ from up to down
___save figure________________________________
- do_save:
str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save.
- save_dpi:
int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved
- save_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg
___set output_________________________________
- nargout:
list, (default: [‘hfig’, ‘hax’, ‘hcb’]) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default:
hfig … figure handle
hax … list of axes handle
hcb … list of colorbar handles (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter)
- hfig:
returns figure handle
- hax:
returns list with axes handle
- hcb:
returns colorbar handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.plot_tline(data, box, box_idx=None, box_label=None, boxl_opt={}, nrow=1, ncol=1, proj='index+time', n_cycl=None, do_allcycl=False, do_concat=False, do_shdw=True, do_mean=True, do_std=False, plt_opt={}, mark_opt={}, do_grid=True, grid_opt={}, ax_title='descript', ax_xlabel=None, ax_ylabel=None, ax_xunit=None, ax_yunit=None, ax_opt={}, axl_opt={}, ax_xlim=None, ax_ylim=None, do_enum=False, enum_opt={}, enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.005], enum_y=[1.0], enum_dir='lr', do_save=None, save_dpi=300, save_opt={}, nargout=['hfig', 'hax'])[source]¶
–> do plotting of mean indices over time (e.g. time-series)
- data:
xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object
- box:
None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be:
[‘global’] … compute global index
[shp.Reader] … index region defined by shapefile
[ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box
[ [ [px1,px2…], [py1,py2,…]], boxname] index region defined by polygon
[ np.array(2 x npts) boxname] index region defined by polygon
- box_idx:
int, (default: None) index in boxlist
- box_label:
str (default: None) overwrites boxname string
- boxl_opt:
dict (default: dict() additional options for boxlabel string (fontsize…)
- nrow:
int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels
- ncol:
int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels
- proj:
str, (default: ‘index+xy’)
- n_cycl:
int, (default: None) How many spinup cycles are contained in the data_list. Info is needed when do_allcycl=True,
- do_allcycl:
bool, (default: False) plot all spinupcycles based on colormap value
- do_concat:
bool, (default: False) attache time-series of the the same spinup cycle behind each other. Create one long spinup time-series
- do_shdw:
bool, (default: True) give lines a black outline
- do_mean:
bool, (default: False) plot triangle on the left side that indicates the mean value
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling
___plot data parameters_____________________________
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to line plot routine via the kwarg argument
- mark_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to control the line markers via the kwarg argument
___plot gridlines___________________________________
- do_grid:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines
- grid_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg
- ax_title:
str, (default: ‘descript’) If ‘descript’ use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If ‘str’ use this string to label axes
- ax_xlabel:
str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel
- ax_ylabel:
str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel
- ax_xunit:
str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel unit
- ax_yunit:
str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel unit
- ax_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange
- ax_xlim:
list (default: None) overright data related xlimits
- ax_ylim:
list (default: None) overright data related ylimits
- do_enum:
bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) …
- enum_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg
- enum_str:
list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings
- enum_x:
float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_y:
float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_dir:
str, (default: ‘lr’) direction of numbering, ‘lr’ from left to right, ‘ud’ from up to down
___save figure________________________________
- do_save:
str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save.
- save_dpi:
int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved
- save_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg
___set output_________________________________
- nargout:
list, (default: [‘hfig’, ‘hax’, ‘hcb’]) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default:
hfig … figure handle
hax … list of axes handle
(every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter)
- hfig:
returns figure handle
- hax:
returns list with axes handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.plot_vline(data, box=None, box_idx=None, box_label=None, boxl_opt={}, cinfo=None, nrow=1, ncol=1, proj='index+depth', n_cycl=None, do_allcycl=False, do_shdw=True, do_mean=False, do_rescale=False, plt_opt={}, mark_opt={}, do_grid=True, grid_opt={'yexp': True}, ax_title='descript', ax_xlabel=None, ax_ylabel=None, ax_xunit=None, ax_yunit=None, ax_opt={}, ax_xlim=None, ax_ylim=None, do_enum=False, enum_opt={'horizontalalignment': 'center'}, enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.0], enum_y=[1.005], enum_dir='lr', do_save=None, save_dpi=300, save_opt={}, nargout=['hfig', 'hax'])[source]¶
–> do plotting of mean indices over depth (e.g. vertical profiles)
- data:
xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object
- box:
None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be:
[‘global’] … compute global index
[shp.Reader] … index region defined by shapefile
[ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box
[ [ [px1,px2…], [py1,py2,…]], boxname] index region defined by polygon
[ np.array(2 x npts) boxname] index region defined by polygon
- box_idx:
int, (default: None) index in boxlist
- box_label:
str, (default: None) overwrites boxname string
- boxl_opt:
dict, (default: dict() additional options for boxlabel string (fontsize…)
- nrow:
int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels
- ncol:
int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels
- proj:
str, (default: ‘index+xy’)
- n_cycl:
int, (default: None) How many spinup cycles are contained in the data_list. Info is needed when do_allcycl=True,
- do_allcycl:
bool, (default: False) plot all spinupcycles based on colormap value
- do_shdw:
bool, (default: True) give lines a black outline
- do_mean:
bool, (default: False) plot triangle on the left side that indicates the mean value
- do_rescale:
- bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar
False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3
log10 … do logaritmic scaling
slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling
___plot data parameters_____________________________
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to line plot routine via the kwarg argument
- mark_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to control the line markers via the kwarg argument
___plot gridlines___________________________________
- do_grid:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines
- grid_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg
- ax_title:
str, (default: ‘descript’) If ‘descript’ use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If ‘str’ use this string to label axes
- ax_xlabel:
str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel
- ax_ylabel:
str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel
- ax_xunit:
str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel unit
- ax_yunit:
str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel unit
- ax_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange
- ax_xlim:
list (default: None) overright data related xlimits
- ax_ylim:
list (default: None) overright data related ylimits
- do_enum:
bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) …
- enum_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg
- enum_str:
list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings
- enum_x:
float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_y:
float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_dir:
str, (default: ‘lr’) direction of numbering, ‘lr’ from left to right, ‘ud’ from up to down
___save figure________________________________
- do_save:
str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save.
- save_dpi:
int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved
- save_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg
___set output_________________________________
- nargout: list, (default: [‘hfig’, ‘hax’, ‘hcb’]) list of variables that are given
out from the routine. Default:
hfig … figure handle
hax … list of axes handle
(every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter)
- hfig:
returns figure handle
- hax:
returns list with axes handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.plot_vslice(mesh, data, box=None, box_idx=None, box_label=None, boxl_opt={}, cinfo=None, nrow=1, ncol=1, proj=None, do_ie2n=False, do_rescale=False, do_plt='tpc', plt_opt={}, plt_contb=False, pltcb_opt={}, plt_contf=False, pltcf_opt={}, plt_contr=False, pltcr_opt={}, plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt={}, do_smooth=False, smooth_opt=(3, 9), do_mesh=False, mesh_opt={}, do_bot=True, bot_opt={}, do_lsm='fesom', lsm_opt={}, lsm_res='low', do_grid=True, grid_opt={'yexp': True}, cb_label=None, cb_lunit=None, cb_ltime=None, cb_ldep=None, cb_opt={}, cbl_opt={}, cbtl_opt={}, ax_title='descript', ax_opt={}, ax_xlim=None, ax_ylim=None, do_enum=False, enum_opt={'horizontalalignment': 'center'}, enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.0], enum_y=[1.005], enum_dir='lr', do_save=None, save_dpi=300, save_opt={}, nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb'])[source]¶
–> plot FESOM2 horizontal data slice:
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object
- box:
None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be:
[‘global’] … compute global index
[shp.Reader] … index region defined by shapefile
[ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box
[ [ [px1,px2…], [py1,py2,…]], boxname] index region defined by polygon
[ np.array(2 x npts), boxname] index region defined by polygon
- box_idx:
int, (default: None) index in boxlist
- box_label:
str (default: None) overwrites boxname string
- boxl_opt:
dict (default: dict() additional options for boxlabel string (fontsize…)
- cinfo:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be,
cinfo[‘cmin’], cinfo[‘cmax’], cinfo[‘cref’] … scalar min, max, reference value
cinfo[‘crange’] … list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values
cinfo[‘cnum’] … minimum number of colors
cinfo[‘cstr’] … name of colormap see in sub_colormap_c2c.py
cinfo[‘cmap’] … colormap object (‘wbgyr’, ‘blue2red, ‘jet’ …)
cinfo[‘clevel’] … color level array
- nrow:
int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels
- ncol:
int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels
- proj:
str, (default: None) is choosen here autometically by data attribute proj, can be setted also from hand to … - index+depth+xy - index+depth+time - zmoc - dmoc - dmoc+depth - dmoc+dens
- do_ie2n:
bool, (default: False) do interpolation of data on elements towards nodes
- do_rescale:
bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False … scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 … do logaritmic scaling - slog10 … do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() … scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps
___plot data parameters_____________________________
- do_plt:
str, (default: tpc) - tpc … make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf … make contourf color plot (tricontourf)
- plt_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument
- plt_contb:
bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background)
- pltcb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option
- plt_contf:
bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground)
- pltcf_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option
- plt_contr:
bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference)
- pltcr_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option
- plt_contl:
bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot
- pltcl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument
___plot mesh________________________________________
- do_mesh:
bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot
- mesh_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg
___plot bottom mask_________________________________
- do_bot:
bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask
- bot_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg
___plot cartopy gridlines____________________________
- do_grid:
bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines
- grid_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg
- cb_label:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data (‘long_name, short_name) are used
- cb_lunit:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ltime:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_ldep:
str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used
- cb_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg
- cbl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- cbtl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, …) via kwarg
- ax_title:
str, (default: ‘descript’) If ‘descript’ use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If ‘str’ use this string to label axes
- ax_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange
- axl_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes labels (fontsize, …)
- do_enum:
bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) …
- enum_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg
- enum_str:
list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings ,
- enum_x:
float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_y:
float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates
- enum_dir:
str, (default: ‘lr’) direction of numbering, ‘lr’ from left to right, ‘ud’ from up to down
___save figure________________________________
- do_save:
str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save.
- save_dpi:
int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved
- save_opt:
dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg
___set output_________________________________
- nargout:
list, (default: [‘hfig’, ‘hax’, ‘hcb’]) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default:
hfig … figure handle
hax … list of axes handle
hcb … list of colorbar handles (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter)
- hfig:
returns figure handle
- hax:
returns list with axes handle
- hcb:
returns colorbar handle
- tripyview.sub_plot.set_cinfo(cstr, cnum, crange, cmin, cmax, cref, cfac, climit, chist, ctresh)[source]¶
–> initialise cinfo dictionary
- cstr:
provide colormap string, can be either own defined colormap see sub_colormap.py (‘blue2red’, ‘wbgyr’,…), it can be also a matplotlib colormap (‘matplotlib.viridis’, ‘matplotlib.coolwarm’, …), or a cmocean colormap (‘cmocean.dens’, ‘cmocean.thermal’….)
- cnum:
minimum number of colors to use
- crange:
list of min/max/ref colorrange [cmin, cmax, cref]
- cmin:
set min value of colorrange
- cmax:
set max value of colorrange
- cref:
set reference value (center value of colorrange)
- cfac:
factor to multiply cmin and cmax
- climit:
provide list with cmin cmax value [cmin, cmax], reference value is determined autonom
- chist:
True/Fals if colorrange should be limited by histogram to exclude extreme outliers
- ctresh:
how much percent of the colorrange should be covered, default is 99%
- cinfo:
None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar info
- tripyview.sub_data.do_additional_attrs(data, vname, attr_dict)[source]¶
–> write additional information to variable attributes
- data:
xarray dataset object
- vname:
str, (default: None), variable name that should be loaded
- attr_dict:
dict with different infos that are written to dataset variable attributes
- data:
xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_data.do_anomaly(data1, data2)[source]¶
–> compute anomaly between two xarray Datasets
- data1:
xarray dataset object
- data2:
xarray dataset object
- anom:
xarray dataset object, data1-data2
- tripyview.sub_data.do_comp_sel_levidx(zlev, depth, depidx, ndimax)[source]¶
–> compute level indices that are needed to interpolate the depth levels
- zlev:
list, depth vector of the datas
- depth:
list, with depth levels that should be interpolated
- depidx:
bool, (default:False) if depth is int and depidx=True, depth index is selected that is closest to depth. No interpolation will be done
- ndimax:
int, maximum number of levels mesh.n_iz.max()-1 for mid depth datas, mesh.n_iz.max() for full level data
- sel_levidx:
list, with level indices that should be extracted
- tripyview.sub_data.do_depth_arithmetic(data, do_zarithm, dim_name)[source]¶
–> do arithmetic on depth dimension
- Parameters:
- data:
xarray dataset object
- do_zarithm:
str (default=’mean’) do arithmetic on selected vertical layers options are
None, ‘None’
- dim_name:
str, name of depth dimension, is different for full-level and mid-level data
- data:
xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_data.do_fnamemask(do_file, vname, runid, year)[source]¶
–> contains filename mask to distinguish between run, restart and blowup file that can be loaded
- do_file:
str, which kind of file should be loaded, ‘run’,’restart_oce’, ‘restart_ice’, ‘blowup’
- vname:
str, name of variable
- runid:
str, runid of simulation usually ‘fesom’
- year:
int, year number that should be loaded
- fname:
str, filename
- tripyview.sub_data.do_gridinfo_and_weights(mesh, data, do_hweight=True, do_zweight=False)[source]¶
–> apply all coordinate information to the dataset. Apply vertice/ element centroids lon/lat positions, horizontal area weights for the scalar and vector cell and vertical depth weight
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
xarray dataset object
- do_hweight:
bool, (default=True) store weightsd for weighted horizontal averages
- do_zweight:
bool, (default=False) store weights for vertical weigthed averages within the dataset
- data:
xarray dataset object, with coordinate + weight information
- tripyview.sub_data.do_horiz_arithmetic(data, do_harithm, dim_name)[source]¶
–> do arithmetic on depth dimension
- data:
xarray dataset object
- do_harithm:
str (default=’mean’) do arithmetic on selected vertical layers options are
None, ‘None’
‘mean’ … arithmetic mean
‘sum’ … arithmetic sum
‘wint’ … weighted horizontal integral int( DATA*dxdy)
‘wmean’ … weighted horizontal mean
- dim_name:
str, name of depth dimension, is different for full-level and mid-level data
- data:
xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_data.do_interp_e2n(data, mesh, do_ie2n)[source]¶
–> interpolate data on elements to vertices
- data:
xarray dataset object
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object
- do_ie2n:
bool, True/False if interpolation should be applied
- data:
xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_data.do_pathlist(year, datapath, do_filename, do_file, vname, runid)[source]¶
–> create path/file list of data that should be loaded
- year:
int, list, np.array, range of years that should be loaded
- datapath:
str, path that leads to the FESOM2 data
- do_filename:
bool, (default=None) load this specific filname string instead
- fo_file:
str, which kind of file should be loaded, ‘run’, ‘restart_oce’, ‘restart_ice’, ‘blowup’
- vname:
str, name of variable
- runid:
str, runid of simulation usually ‘fesom’
- pathlist:
str, list
- tripyview.sub_data.do_potential_density(data, do_pdens, vname, vname2, vname_tmp)[source]¶
–> compute potential density based on temp and salt
- data:
xarray dataset object, containing temperature and salinity data
- do_pdens:
bool, should potential densitz be compute_boundary_edges
- vname:
str, name of temperature variable in dataset
- vname2:
str, name of salinity variable in dataset
- vname_tmp:
str, which potential density should be computed - ‘sigma0’ … pref=0 - ‘sigma1’ … pref=1000 - ‘sigma2’ … pref=2000 - ‘sigma3’ … pref=3000 - ‘sigma4’ … pref=4000 - ‘sigma5’ … pref=5000
- data:
xarray dataset object, containing potential density
- vname:
str, string with variable name of potential density
- tripyview.sub_data.do_select_levidx(data, mesh, depth, depidx)[source]¶
–> select vertical levels based on depth list
- data:
xarray dataset object
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object
- depth:
int, list, np.array, range (default=None). Select single depth level that will be interpolated or select list of depth levels that will be interpolated and vertically averaged. If None all vertical layers in data are loaded
- depidx:
bool, (default:False) if depth is int and depidx=True, depth index is selected that is closest to depth. No interpolation will be done
- data:
xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_data.do_select_time(data, mon, day, record, str_mtim)[source]¶
–> select specific month, dayy or record number
- data:
xarray dataset object
- mon:
list, (default=None), specific month that should be selected from dataset. If mon selection leads to no data selection, because data maybe annual, selection is set to mon=None
- day:
list, (default=None), same as mon but for day
- record:
int, list, (default=None), load specific record number from dataset. Overwrites effect of mon and sel_day
- str_mtim:
str, time label string input here contains already selection from years ‘y:1958-2019’, now add info from selction of month or days
- data:
returns xarray dataset object
- mon:
list, with mon that got selected otherwise None
- day:
list, with day that got selected otherwise None
- str_ltim:
str, with selected time information
- tripyview.sub_data.do_setbottomnan(mesh, data, do_nan)[source]¶
–> replace bottom fill values with nan (default value is zero)
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
xarray dataset object
- do_nan:
bool, do replace bottom fill values with nan
- data:
xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_data.do_time_arithmetic(data, do_tarithm)[source]¶
–> do arithmetic over time dimension
- data:
xarray dataset object
- do_tarithm:
str (default=’mean’) do time arithmetic on time selection option are
None, ‘None’
‘mean’ mean over entire time dimension
‘ymean’,’annual’ mean over year dimension
‘mmean’,’monthly’ mean over month dimension
‘dmean’,’daily’ mean over day dimension
- data:
xarray dataset object
- str_atim:
str, which time arithmetic was applied
- tripyview.sub_data.do_vector_norm(data, do_norm)[source]¶
–> compute vector norm: vname=’vec+u+v’
- data:
xarray dataset object
- do_norm:
bool, should vector norm be computed
- data:
xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_data.do_vector_rotation(data, mesh, do_vec, do_vecrot, do_sclrv)[source]¶
–> compute roration of vector: vname=’vec+u+v’
- data:
xarray dataset object
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object
- do_vec:
bool, should data be considered as vectors
- do_vecrot:
bool, should rotation be applied
- data:
xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_data.load_data_fesom2(mesh, datapath, vname=None, year=None, mon=None, day=None, record=None, depth=None, depidx=False, do_tarithm='mean', do_zarithm='mean', do_zweight=False, do_hweight=True, do_nan=True, do_ie2n=True, do_vecrot=True, do_filename=False, do_file='run', descript='', runid='fesom', do_prec='float32', do_f14cmip6=False, do_multiio=False, do_compute=False, do_load=True, do_persist=False, do_parallel=False, chunks={'edg_n': 'auto', 'elem': 'auto', 'ndens': 'auto', 'nod2': 'auto', 'nz': 'auto', 'nz1': 'auto', 'time': 'auto'}, do_showtime=False, do_info=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
–> general loading of fesom2 and fesom14cmip6 data
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- datapath:
str, path that leads to the FESOM2 data
- vname:
str, (default: None), variable name that should be loaded
- year:
int, list, np.array, range, default: None, single year or list/array of years whos file should be opened
- mon:
list, (default=None), specific month that should be selected from dataset. If mon selection leads to no data selection, because data maybe annual, selection is set to mon=None
- day:
list, (default=None), same as mon but for day
- record:
int,list, (default=None), load specific record number from dataset. Overwrites effect of mon and sel_day
- depth:
int, list, np.array, range (default=None). Select single depth level that will be interpolated or select list of depth levels that will be interpolated and vertically averaged. If None all vertical layers in data are loaded
- depidx:
bool, (default:False) if depth is int and depidx=True, depth index is selected that is closest to depth. No interpolation will be done
- do_tarithm:
str (default=’mean’) do time arithmetic on time selection option are: None, ‘None’, ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘std’, ‘var’, ‘max’ ‘min’, ‘sum’
- do_zarithm:
str (default=’mean’) do arithmetic on selected vertical layers options are: None, ‘None’, ‘mean’, ‘max’, ‘min’, ‘sum’
- do_zweight:
bool, (defaull=False) store weights for vertical weigthed averages within the dataset
- do_hweight:
bool, (default=True), store weightsd for weighted horizontal averages
- do_nan:
bool (default=True), do replace bottom fill values with nan
- do_ie2n:
bool (default=True), if data are on elements automatically interpolates them to vertices –> easier to plot
- do_vecrot:
bool (default=True), if vector data are loaded e.g. vname=’vec+u+v’ rotates the from rotated frame (in which they are stored) to geo coordinates
- do_filename:
str, (default=None) load this specific filname string instead of path selection via datapath and year
- do_file:
str, (default=’run’), which data should be loaded options are
‘run’ … fesom2 simulation files should be load,
‘restart_oce’ … fesom2 ocean restart file should be loaded,
‘restart_ice’ … fesom2 ice restart file should be loaded
‘blowup’ … fesom2 ocean blowup file will be loaded
- descript:
str (default=’’), string to describe dataset is written into variable attributes
- runid:
str (default=’fesom’), runid of loaded data
- do_prec:
str, (default=’float32’) which precision is used for the loading of the data
- do_f14cmip6:
bool, (default=False), Set to true when loading cmorized FESOM1.4 CMIP6 data when computing AMOC
- do_multiio:
bool, (default=False), Set to true when loading FESOM2 data processed with MULTIIO when computing AMOC
- do_compute:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset compute() at the end data = data.compute(), creates a new dataobject the original data object seems to persist
- do_load:
bool (default=True), do xarray dataset load() at the end data = data.load(), applies all operations to the original dataset
- do_persist:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset persist() at the end data = data.persist(), keeps the dataset as dask array, keeps the chunking
- chunks:
dict(), (default=dict({‘time’:’auto’, …})) dictionary with chunksize of specific dimensions. By default setted to auto but can also be setted to specific value. In my observation it revealed that the loading of data was a factor 2-3 faster with auto-chunking but this might has its limitation for very large meshes
- do_showtime:
bool, (default=False) show time information stored in dataset
- do_info:
bool (defalt=True), print variable info at the end
- data:
object, returns xarray dataset object
- tripyview.sub_transect.calc_transect_Xtransp(mesh, data, transects, dataX=None, data_Xref=0.0, do_transectattr=False, do_rot=False, do_info=True)[source]¶
–> Compute fesom2 modell accurate transport through defined transect
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
object, with xarray dataset object with 3d element zonal and meridional velocities
- transects:
list with analysed transect dictionary information computed by do_analyse _trasnsects
- dataX:
object (default=None), with xarray dataset object with 3d vertice temperature or salinity data to compute heatflux/ saltflux through section
- data_Xref:
float (default=0.0) reference temperature or salinity to compute flux
- do_transectattr:
bool, (default=True) write full transect info into return xarray dataset attribute
- do_rot:
bool, (default=True), do rotation of velocities from rotated to geo coordinates
- do_info:
bool, (default=True), write info
- data:
list with returned xarray dataset object that contain volume transport through every section of the transport path
- tripyview.sub_transect.calc_transect_scalar(mesh, data, transects, nodeinelem=None, do_transectattr=False, do_info=False)[source]¶
- –> interpolate scalar vertice values onto cutting point position where
cross-section intersects with edge
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
object, with xarray dataset object containing 3d vertice values. Can also be done with scalar datas on elements but than nodeinelem is needed
- transects: list with analysed transect dictionary information computed by
do_analyse _trasnsects
- nodeinelem: np.array with elem indices that contribute to a vertice
point (default=None)
- do_transectattr:
bool, (default=True) write full transect info into return xarray dataset attribute
- do_info:
bool, (default=True), write info
- data:
list with returned xarray dataset object that contains to the cutting point interpolated scalar values of transect
- tripyview.sub_transect.do_analyse_transects(input_transect, mesh, edge, edge_tri, edge_dxdy_l, edge_dxdy_r, do_rot=False, do_info=False, Pdxy=10.0)[source]¶
- –> pre-analyse defined transects, with respect to which triangles and edges
are crossed by the transect line. Create transport path edge to compute modell accurate volume transports.
- input_transect:
list, to define transects, transects= [[[lon pts], [lat pts], name, inverse_flowdir], […]]. With inverse_flowdir = True you can inverse the flowdirection if it doesnt agree with your in/out flow direction
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- edge:
np.array([2, nedges]), edge array with indices of participating vertice points. Best load info from fesom.mesh.diag.nc
- edge_tri:
np.array([2, nedges]), edge triangle array of indices of triangles that participate in the edge [2 x nedges]. If edge is boundary edge edge_tri[1, idx] = -1. Best load info from fesom.mesh.diag.nc
- edge_dxdy_l:
np.array([2, nedges]), array with dx, dy cartesian length of distance from edge mid points to centroid of left side triangle from edge. Best load info from fesom.mesh.diag.nc
- edge_dxdy_r:
np.array([2, nedges]), array with dx, dy cartesian length of distance from edge mid points to centroid of right side triangle from edge. Best load info from fesom.mesh.diag.nc
- do_rot:
bool, (default=True) assume that the the edge_dxdy_l, edge_dxdy_r arrays are in the rotated coordinate frame and needed to be rotated into geo coordinates
- do_info:
bool, (default=False) print info of transect dictionary
- Pdxy:
float, (default=15) buffer lon/lat width of lon/lat box around transect for preselection of cutted edges within this box. On very coarse meshes if it looks like that certain edges are not cutted increase this number
- transect_list:
list of transect dictionary
transect dictionary keys:
#_______________________________________________________________________ # arrays that define cross-section transect['Name' ] = [] # Name of transect transect['lon' ] = [] # transect defining longitude list transect['lat' ] = [] # transect defining latitude list transect['ncsi' ] = [] # running index of number of defined transects transect['ncs' ] = [] # number transect defining points transect['Px' ] = [] # lon points that define the transect edges transect['Py' ] = [] # lat points that define the transect edges transect['e_vec' ] = [] # unit vector of transect edges transect['e_norm' ] = [] # length of unit vector (length of edge) transect['n_vec' ] = [] # normal vector of transect edges transect['alpha' ] = [] # bearing of transect edge #_______________________________________________________________________ # arrays that define the intersection between cross-section and edges transect['edge_cut_i' ] = [] # indice of edges that are cutted by transect transect['edge_cut_evec'] = [] # unit vector of those cutted edges transect['edge_cut_P' ] = [] # lon, lat point where transect cutted with edge transect['edge_cut_midP'] = [] # mid points of cutted edge transect['edge_cut_lint'] = [] # interpolator for cutting points on edge transect['edge_cut_ni' ] = [] # node indices of intersectted edges transect['edge_cut_dist'] = [] # distance of cutted edge midpoint from start point of transect #_______________________________________________________________________ # arrays to define transport path transect['path_xy' ] = [] # lon/lat coordinates, edge midpoints --> elem centroid --> edge mid points ... transect['path_ei' ] = [] # elem indices transect['path_ni' ] = [] # node indices of elems transect['path_cut_ni' ] = [] # node indices of edges transect['path_dx' ] = [] # dx of path sections transect['path_dy' ] = [] # dy of path sections transect['path_dist' ] = [] # dy of path sections transect['path_nvec_cs' ] = [] # normal vector of transection segment
- tripyview.sub_transect.do_transect_anomaly(index1, index2)[source]¶
–> compute anomaly between two transect list xarray Datasets
- index1:
list with transect xarray dataset object
- index2:
list with transect xarray dataset object
- anom:
list with transect xarray dataset object, data1-data2
- tripyview.sub_transect.load_zmeantransect_fesom2(mesh, data, box_list, dlat=0.5, boxname=None, diagpath=None, do_checkbasin=False, do_compute=False, do_load=True, do_persist=False, do_info=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
–> compute zonal means transect, defined by regional box_list
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object with 3d vertice data
- box_list:
None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be:
[‘global’] … compute global index
[shp.Reader] … index region defined by shapefile
[ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box
[ [ [px1,px2…], [py1,py2,…]], boxname] index region defined by polygon
[ np.array(2 x npts), boxname] index region defined by polygon
- dlat:
float, (default=0.5) resolution of latitudinal bins
- diagpath:
str, (default=None), path to diagnostic file only needed when w_A weights for area average are not given in the dataset, than he will search for the diagnostic file_loader
- do_checkbasin:
bool, (default=False) additional plot with selected region/ basin information
- do_compute:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset compute() at the end data = data.compute(), creates a new dataobject the original data object seems to persist
- do_load:
bool (default=True), do xarray dataset load() at the end data = data.load(), applies all operations to the original dataset
- do_persist:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset persist() at the end data = data.persist(), keeps the dataset as dask array, keeps the chunking
- do_info:
bool (defalt=False), print variable info at the end
- index_list:
list with xarray dataset of zonal mean array
- tripyview.sub_transect.plot_transect_position(mesh, transect, edge=None, zoom=None, fig=None, figsize=[10, 10], proj='nears', box=[-180, 180, -90, 90], resolution='low', do_path=True, do_labels=True, do_title=True, do_grid=False, ax_pos=[0.9, 0.05, 0.45, 0.45])[source]¶
–> plot transect positions
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- transects:
list with analysed transect dictionary information computed by do_analyse _trasnsects
- edge:
provide np.array with node indices of edge (default=None)
- zoom:
float, (default=None), zzom factor for nearside projection
- fig:
matplotlib figure handle, (default=None)
- figsize:
list, (default=[10,10]) width and height of figure
- proj:
str, (default=’nears’), can be any other projections string
pc … PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax])
merc … Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax])
rob … Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax])
eqearth… EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax])
mol … Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax])
nps … NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax])
sps … SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0])
ortho … Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter])
nears … NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom])
channel… PlateCaree
- box:
None, list (default: [-180, 180,-90, 90]) regional limitation of plot. For ortho… box=[lonc, latc], nears…box=[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]. For nears box is computed based on transect definition.
- do_path:
bool, (default=True) plot entire transport path
- do_labels:
bool, (default=True) draw lon, lat axes do_labels
- do_title:
bool, (default=True) draw title with name of transect
- do_grid:
bool, (default=False) plot fesom mesh in background
- hfig:
returns figure handle
- hax:
returns axes handle
- tripyview.sub_index.do_indexanomaly(index1, index2)[source]¶
–> compute anomaly between two index xarray Datasets
- data1:
index xarray dataset object
- data2:
index xarray dataset object
- anom:
index xarray dataset object, data1-data2
- tripyview.sub_index.load_index_fesom2(mesh, data, box_list, boxname=None, do_harithm='wmean', do_zarithm=None, do_checkbasin=False, do_compute=False, do_load=True, do_persist=False)[source]¶
–> compute index over region from 2d and 3d vertice data
- mesh:
fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object with 3d vertice data
- box_list:
None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be:
[‘global’] … compute global index
[shp.Reader] … index region defined by shapefile
[ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box
[ [ [px1,px2…], [py1,py2,…]], boxname] index region defined by polygon
[ np.array(2 x npts), boxname] index region defined by polygon
- do_harithm:
str, (default=’wmean’) which horizontal arithmetic should be applied over the index definition region
‘wmean’ … area weighted mean
‘wint’ … area weighted integral
- do_zarithm:
str, (default=None) which arithmetic should be applied in the vertical
‘wmean’ … depth weighted mean
‘wint’ … depth weighted integral
- do_checkbasin:
bool, (default=False) additional plot with selected region/ basin information
- do_compute:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset compute() at the end data = data.compute(), creates a new dataobject the original data object seems to persist
- do_load:
bool (default=True), do xarray dataset load() at the end data = data.load(), applies all operations to the original dataset
- do_persist:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset persist() at the end data = data.persist(), keeps the dataset as dask array, keeps the chunking
- do_info:
bool (defalt=False), print variable info at the end
- tripyview.sub_index.plot_index_region(mesh, idx_IN, box_list, which='hard')[source]¶
–> plot index definition region
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- idx_IN:
list with bool np.array which vertices are within index defintion region
- box_list:
None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be:
[‘global’] … compute global index
[shp.Reader] … index region defined by shapefile
[ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box
[ [ [px1,px2…], [py1,py2,…]], boxname] index region defined by polygon
[ np.array(2 x npts), boxname] index region defined by polygon
- which:
str, (default=hard) - ‘soft’ plot triangles that at least one selected vertice in them - ‘hard’ plot triangles that at all three selected vertice in them - ‘mid’ plot triangles that have more than one selected vertice in them
- None:
- tripyview.sub_zmoc.calc_bottom_patch(data, lat_bin, idx_iz, idxin)[source]¶
–> compute idealized AMOC bottom path based on 3d data bathymetry structure
- data:
xarray MOC data object
- lat_bin:
xarray Array with latitudinal bins
- idx_iz:
- xarray Array with 2d bottom zlevel index. Can be for
elements or vertices
idx_iz = xr.DataArray(mesh.e_iz, dims=['elem']), or idx_iz = xr.DataArray(mesh.n_iz, dims=['nod2'])
- idxin:
bool index array for regional basin selection
- data:
xarray MOC data object with additional coord: botnice
- tripyview.sub_zmoc.calc_zmoc(mesh, data, dlat=1.0, which_moc='gmoc', do_onelem=False, diagpath=None, do_checkbasin=False, do_parallel=False, n_workers=10, do_compute=False, do_load=True, do_persist=False, do_info=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
- –> calculate meridional overturning circulation from vertical velocities
(Pseudostreamfunction) either on vertices or elements
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- data:
xarray dataset object with 3d vertical velocities
- dlat:
float (default=1.0), latitudinal binning resolution
- which_moc:
str, shp.Reader() (default=’gmox’) which global or regional MOC should be computed based on present day shapefiles. ·Options are:
‘gmoc’ … compute global MOC
‘amoc’ … compute MOC for Atlantic Basin
‘aamoc’ … compute MOC for Atlantic+Arctic Basin
‘pmoc’ … compute MOC for Pacific Basin
‘ipmoc’ … compute MOC for Indo-Pacific Basin (PMOC how it should be)
‘imoc’ … compute MOC for Indian-Ocean Basin
shp.Reader(‘path’) … compute MOC based on custom shapefile
Important: Between ‘amoc’ and ‘aamoc’ there is not much difference in variability, but upto 1.5Sv in amplitude. Where ‘aamoc’ is stronger than ‘amoc’. There is no clear rule which one is better, just be sure you are consistent
- do_onelem:
bool (default=False) … should computation be done on elements or vertices
- :diagpath str (default=None) if str give custom path to specific fesom2
fesom.mesh.diag.nc file, if None routine looks automatically in meshfolder and original datapath folder (stored as attribute in) xarray dataset object
- do_checkbasin:
bool (default=False) provide plot with regional basin selection
- do_parallel:
bool (default=False) do computation of binning based MOC in parallel
- n_workers:
int (default=10) how many worker (CPUs) are used for the parallelized MOC computation
- do_compute:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset compute() at the end data = data.compute(), creates a new dataobject the original data object seems to persist
- do_load:
bool (default=True), do xarray dataset load() at the end data = data.load(), applies all operations to the original dataset
- do_persist:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset persist() at the end data = data.persist(), keeps the dataset as dask array, keeps the chunking
- do_info:
bool (defalt=True), print variable info at the end
- zmoc:
object, returns xarray dataset object with MOC
data_list = list() data = tpv.load_data_fesom2(mesh, datapath, vname='w', year=year, descript=descript, do_zarithm=None, do_nan=False, do_load=False, do_persist=True) zmoc = tpv.calc_zmoc(mesh, data, dlat=1.0, which_moc='amoc') data_list.append( zmoc )
- tripyview.sub_dmoc.calc_dmoc(mesh, data_dMOC, dlat=1.0, which_moc='gmoc', which_transf=None, do_checkbasin=False, exclude_meditoce=False, do_bolus=True, do_parallel=False, n_workers=10, do_compute=False, do_load=True, do_persist=False, do_info=True, do_dropvar=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
- –> calculate meridional overturning circulation from vertical velocities
(Pseudostreamfunction) either on vertices or elements
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- data_dMOC:
xarray dataset object with 3d density class data
- dlat:
float (default=1.0), latitudinal binning resolution
- which_moc:
str, shp.Reader() (default=’gmox’) which global or regional MOC should be computed based on present day shapefiles. ·Options are:
‘gmoc’ … compute global MOC
‘amoc’ … compute MOC for Atlantic Basin
‘aamoc’ … compute MOC for Atlantic+Arctic Basin
‘pmoc’ … compute MOC for Pacific Basin
‘ipmoc’ … compute MOC for Indo-Pacific Basin (PMOC how it should be)
‘imoc’ … compute MOC for Indian-Ocean Basin
shp.Reader(‘path’) … compute MOC based on custom shapefile
Important: Between ‘amoc’ and ‘aamoc’ there is not much difference in variability, but upto 1.5Sv in amplitude. Where ‘aamoc’ is stronger than ‘amoc’. There is no clear rule which one is better, just be sure you are consistent
- which_transf:
str (default=’dmoc’) which transformation should be computed options area
‘dmoc’ compute dmoc density transformation
‘srf’ compute density transform. from surface forcing
‘inner’ compute density transform. from interior mixing (dmoc-srf)
- do_checkbasin:
bool (default=False) provide plot with regional basin selection
- exclude_meditoce:
bool (default=False) exclude mediteranian sea from basin selection
- do_bolus:
bool (default=False) load density class divergence from bolus velolcity and add them to the total density class divergence
- do_dropvar:
bool (default=true) drop all variables from dataset that are not absolutely needed
- do_parallel:
bool (default=False) do computation of binning based MOC in parallel
- n_workers:
int (default=10) how many worker (CPUs) are used for the parallelized MOC computation
- do_compute:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset compute() at the end data = data.compute(), creates a new dataobject the original data object seems to persist
- do_load:
bool (default=True), do xarray dataset load() at the end data = data.load(), applies all operations to the original dataset
- do_persist:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset persist() at the end data = data.persist(), keeps the dataset as dask array, keeps the chunking
- do_info:
bool (defalt=True), print variable info at the end
- dmoc:
object, returns xarray dataset object with DMOC
data_list = list() data = tpv.load_dmoc_data(mesh, datapath, std_dens, year=year, which_transf='dmoc', descript=descript, do_zcoord=True, do_bolus=True, do_load=False, do_persist=True) dmoc = tpv.calc_dmoc(mesh, data, dlat=1.0, which_moc=vname, which_transf='dmoc') data_list.append( dmoc )
- tripyview.sub_dmoc.load_dmoc_data(mesh, datapath, std_dens, year=None, which_transf='dmoc', do_tarithm='mean', do_bolus=True, add_bolus=False, add_trend=False, do_wdiap=False, do_dflx=False, do_zcoord=True, do_useZinfo='std_dens_H', do_ndensz=False, descript='', do_compute=False, do_load=True, do_persist=False, do_parallel=False, do_info=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
–> load data that are neccessary for density moc computation
- mesh:
fesom2 tripyview mesh object, with all mesh information
- datapath:
str, path that leads to the FESOM2 data
- std_dens:
np.array with sigma2 density bins that were used in FESOM2 for the DMOC diagnostic
- year:
int, list, np.array, range, default: None, single year or list/array of years whos file should be opened
- which_transf:
str (default=’dmoc’) which transformation should be computed options area
‘dmoc’ compute dmoc density transformation
‘srf’ compute density transform. from surface forcing
‘inner’ compute density transform. from interior mixing (dmoc-srf)
- do_tarithm:
str (default=’mean’) do time arithmetic on time selection option are: None, ‘None’, ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘std’, ‘var’, ‘max’ ‘min’, ‘sum’
- do_bolus:
bool (default=False) load density class divergence from bolus velolcity and add them to the total density class divergence
- add_bolus:
bool (default=False) include density class divergence from bolus velolcity as separate varaible in xarray dataset object
- add_trend:
bool (default=False) include density class volume trend as separate varaible in xarray dataset object
- do_wdiap:
bool (default=False) load data to be used to only look at diapycnal vertical velocity
- do_dflx:
bool (default=False) load data to be used for the computation surface buoyancy forced transformations vertical velocities
- do_zcoord:
bool (default=True) do density MOC remapping back into zcoord space
- do_useZinfo:
str (default=’std_dens_H’) which data should be used for the zcoord remapping. Options are:
‘std_dens_H’ use mean layerthickness of density classes (best option)
‘hydrography’ use mean sigma2 hydrography to estime z position of density classes (OK),
‘density_dMOC’ use density_dMOC variable to estime z position of density classes (Bad),
‘std_dens_Z’ use mean depth of density classes (very bad)
- do_ndensz:
bool (default=False) alreadz compute here the density class z position from the density class layer thickness by cumulatic sumation
- descript:
str (default=’’), string to describe dataset is written into variable attributes
- do_compute:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset compute() at the end data = data.compute(), creates a new dataobject the original data object seems to persist
- do_load:
bool (default=True), do xarray dataset load() at the end data = data.load(), applies all operations to the original dataset
- do_persist:
bool (default=False), do xarray dataset persist() at the end data = data.persist(), keeps the dataset as dask array, keeps the chunking
- chunks:
dict(), (default=dict({‘time’:’auto’, …})) dictionary with chunksize of specific dimensions. By default setted to auto but can also be setted to specific value. In my observation it revealed that the loading of data was a factor 2-3 faster with auto-chunking but this might has its limitation for very large meshes
- do_info:
bool (defalt=True), print variable info at the end
- data:
object, returns xarray dataset object with density class informations
- tripyview.sub_colormap.categorical_cmap(nc, nsc, cmap='tab10', cmap2='nipy_spectral', continuous=False, light2dark=True)[source]¶
- –> build a categorical colormap, based on the predefined standard matplotlib
colormap e.g. tab10 and split each color into a number subcolors from light to dark
- nc:
int, number of colors in colormap
- nsc:
int, number of sub-colors in each color
- cmap:
str, (default=”tab10”) name of matplotlib colormap
- cmap2:
str, (default=”nipy_spectral”) replacement colormap when the number of colors nc exceed the number of colors in the actual colormap
- continuous:
bool, (default=False)
- light2dark:
bool, (default=True), True: do subcategorigal color interpolation from lighttgrey–>color, False: do subcategorigal color interpolation from color –> darkgrey
- cmap:
matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap computed based on the input parameters
- tripyview.sub_colormap.colormap_c2c(cmin, cmax, cref, cnumb, cname, cstep=None, do_slog=False, do_rescal=None, rescal_ref=None, cmap_arr=None)[source]¶
- –> create reference value centered colormap with distinct colorsteps based
on an rgb matrix
- cmin:
float, value of minimum color
- cmax:
float, value of maximum color
- cref:
float, value of reference color
- cnumb:
int, minimum number of colors that should be at least in the colormap
- cname:
str, name of colormap —> see colormap definition, this can be extended by everyone. If you have have nice new colormap definition, come back to me and lets add it to the default!
blue2red, red2blue
dblue2dred, dred2dblue
green2orange, orange2green
jetw (white reference color)
wbgyr, rygbw (white, blue, green ,yellow,red)
odvw (white reference color)
If you put a “_i” behind the color name string, the colormap will be inverted
- cstep:
float, (default=None) provide fixed color step instead of computing it based on the covered value range and the minimum number of colors
- do_slog:
bool, (default=False) provide colormap for symmetric logarithmic scaling
- do_rescal:
np.array, (default=None) provide np.array with non linear colorstep values
- rescal_ref:
float, (default=None) provide the reference value in the non-linear colorstep array
- cmap_arr:
np.array, (default=None) provide a (nc x 3) rgb value colormap definition array from the outside beside the predefined ones. nc must be an odd number. The index of np.ceil(nc/2) will represent the color of the reference value
- cmap:
matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap computed based on the input parameters
- :clevel:np.array() with chosen clevel values, needed for contours and
colorbar definition
- cref:
float, returns used cref value