Source code for tripyview.sub_plot

import os
import sys
import numpy                    as np
import time                     as clock
import xarray                   as xr
import              as ccrs
import cartopy.feature          as cfeature
from   cartopy.mpl.ticker       import (LongitudeFormatter, LatitudeFormatter)
from   cartopy.mpl.gridliner    import Gridliner
from   mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1  import make_axes_locatable
import matplotlib
#import matplotlib.pylab         as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot        as plt
from   matplotlib.tri           import Triangulation,TriAnalyzer
import matplotlib.ticker        as mticker
import matplotlib.path          as mpath
import matplotlib.colors        as mcolors
from   matplotlib.colors        import ListedColormap
from   matplotlib.ticker        import MultipleLocator, AutoMinorLocator, ScalarFormatter, LogLocator, LogFormatter, SymmetricalLogLocator
from   scipy.signal             import convolve2d
from   scipy.interpolate        import interp1d
import textwrap
import warnings
import copy                     as cp
from .sub_mesh     import *
from .sub_data     import *
from .sub_colormap import *
from .sub_utility  import *

# --> do plotting of horizontal slices
[docs] def plot_hslice(mesh , data , box = None , cinfo = None , # colormap info and defintion nrow = 1 , # number of row in figures panel ncol = 1 , # number of column in figure panel proj = 'pc' , do_ie2n = False , # interpolate element data to vertices do_rescale = False , #--- data ----------- do_plt = 'tpc' , # tpc:tripcolor, tcf:tricontourf plt_opt = dict() , plt_contb = False , # plot background contour lines: True/False pltcb_opt = dict() , # background contour line option plt_contf = False , # plot foreground contour lines: True/False pltcf_opt = dict() , # foreground contour line option plt_contr = False , # plot reference contour lines: True/False pltcr_opt = dict() , # reference contour line option plt_contl = False , # do contourline labels pltcl_opt = dict() , # contour line label options #--- mesh ----------- do_mesh = False , mesh_opt = dict() , #--- streamlines ---- do_streaml = False , streaml_dat= None , streaml_opt= dict() , do_streaml_leg = True , streaml_leg_opt=dict() , #--- quiver --------- do_quiver = False , quiver_dat = None , quiver_opt = dict() , do_quiver_leg = True , quiver_leg_opt=dict() , #--- bottom mask ---- do_bot = True , bot_opt = dict() , #--- landsea mask --- do_lsm = 'fesom' , lsm_opt = dict() , lsm_res = 'low' , #--- gridlines ------ do_grid = True , do_boundbox= True , grid_opt = dict() , #--- colorbar ------- cb_label = None , cb_lunit = None , cb_ltime = None , cb_ldep = None , cb_opt = dict() , # colorbar option cbl_opt = dict() , # colorbar label option, fontsize ,... cbtl_opt = dict() , # colorbar ticklabel option, fontsize ,... #--- axes ----------- ax_title = 'descript', ax_opt = dict() , axl_opt = dict() ,# dictionary that defines axes and colorbar arangement #--- enumerate axes - do_enum = False , enum_opt = dict() , enum_str = [] , enum_x = [0.005] , enum_y = [1.00] , enum_dir = 'lr' ,# prescribed list of enumeration strings #--- save figure ---- do_save = None , save_dpi = 300 , save_opt = dict() , #--- set output ----- nargout =['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb'], ): """ --> plot FESOM2 horizontal data slice: __________________________________________________ Parameters: :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :data: xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object :box: None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho... box=[lonc, latc],[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax] :cinfo: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :nrow: int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels :ncol: int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels :proj: str, (default: 'pc') which projection should be used, - pc ... PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - merc ... Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - rob ... Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - eqearth... EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - mol ... Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - nps ... NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax]) - sps ... SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0]) - ortho ... Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter]) - nears ... NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom]) - channel... PlateCaree :do_ie2n: bool, (default: False) do interpolation of data on elements towards nodes :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps ___plot data parameters_____________________________ :do_plt: str, (default: tpc) - tpc ... make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf ... make contourf color plot (tricontourf) :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument :plt_contb: bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background) :pltcb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option :plt_contf: bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground) :pltcf_opt: dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option :plt_contr: bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference) :pltcr_opt: dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option :plt_contl: bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot :pltcl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument ___plot mesh________________________________________ :do_mesh: bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot :mesh_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg ___plot streamlines_________________________________ :do_streaml: bool, (default: False), overlay streamline plot based on regular gridded u,v data :streaml_dat: list, (default: None), list with u,v regular gridded velocity data :streaml_opt: dict, (default: dict()), additional options that can be given to the streamline plot :do_streaml_leg: bool, (default: False) overlay legend for streamline plot, keep in mind that the position for legend is somewhat pre setted by hand :streaml_leg_opt: dict, (default=dict()) additional option for the position of the streamline legend :: streaml_leg_opt = dict({'x':75, # lon position of legend in deg 'y':60, # lat position of legend in deg 'dy':5, # vertical distance of legend labels in deg 'dw':10, # width of lines in deg 'arr_s': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] }) ___plot quivers-----_________________________________ :do_quiver: bool, (default: False), overlay quivers based on regular gridded u,v data :quiver_dat: list, (default: None), list with u,v regular gridded velocity data :quiver_opt: dict, (default: dict()), additional options that can be given to the quiver plot :do_quiver_leg: bool, (default: False) overlay legend for quiver plot, keep in mind that the position for legend is somewhat pre setted by hand :quiver_leg_opt: dict, (default=dict()) additional option for the position of the quiver legend ___plot bottom mask_________________________________ :do_bot: bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask :bot_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg ___plot lsmask______________________________________ :do_lsm: str, (default: 'fesom'), overlay FESOM grid inverted land sea mask option are here: - fesom ... grey fesom landsea mask - stock ... uses cartopy stock image - bluemarble ... uses bluemarble image in folder tripyview/background/ - etopo ... uses etopo image in folder tripyview/background/ :lsm_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the landsea mask plotting via kwarg :lsm_res: str, (default='low') resolution of bluemarble texture file either 'low' or 'high' ___plot cartopy gridlines____________________________ :do_grid: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines :grid_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg :do_boundbox: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy black bounding box. If you make plots as a texture to use in blender, unity or pyvista the bounding box has to be removed with do_boundbox=False ___colorbar_________________________________________ :cb_label: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data ('long_name, short_name) are used :cb_lunit: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ltime: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ldep: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg :cbl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg :cbtl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg ___axes______________________________________ :ax_title: str, (default: 'descript') If 'descript' use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If 'str' use this string to label axes :ax_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange :axl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes labels (fontsize, ...) ___enumerate_________________________________ :do_enum: bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) ... :enum_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg :enum_str: list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings , :enum_x: float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_y: float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_dir: str, (default: 'lr') direction of numbering, 'lr' from left to right, 'ud' from up to down ___save figure________________________________ :do_save: str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save. :save_dpi: int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved :save_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg ___set output_________________________________ :nargout: list, (default: ['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb']) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig ... figure handle - hax ... list of axes handle - hcb ... list of colorbar handles (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter) __________________________________________________ Returns: :hfig: returns figure handle :hax: returns list with axes handle :hcb: returns colorbar handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create box if (box is None or box=="None") and proj!='channel': box = [ -180+mesh.focus, 180+mesh.focus, -90, 90 ] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> check if input data is a list if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] if do_streaml: if not isinstance(streaml_dat, list): streaml_dat = [streaml_dat] ndat = len(data) if not isinstance(cb_label, list): cb_label=[cb_label] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create projection proj_to = None # proj is string if isinstance(proj, str): proj_to, box = do_projection(mesh, proj, box) # proj is cartopy projection object elif isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS): proj_to = proj # proj is list of cartopy projection objects or string elif isinstance(proj, list): proj_to = list() for proj_ii in proj: if isinstance(proj_ii, str): proj_dum, box = do_projection(mesh, proj_ii, box) proj_to.append(proj_dum) elif isinstance(proj_ii, ccrs.CRS): proj_to.append(proj_ii) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> pre-arange axes ax_optdefault=dict({'projection': proj_to, 'box': box, 'proj':proj}) ax_optdefault.update(ax_opt) hfig, hax, hcb, cb_plt_idx = do_axes_arrange(ncol, nrow, **ax_optdefault) cb_plt_idx=cb_plt_idx[:ndat] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> axes enumeration do_axes_enum(hax[:ndat], do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_opt=enum_opt, enum_str=enum_str, enum_x=enum_x, enum_y=enum_y, enum_dir=enum_dir) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create mesh triangulation, when input data are unstructured, if not fall # back to regular plotting tri = None if 'nod2' in data[0].dims or 'elem' in data[0].dims: #_______________________________________________________________________ tri = do_triangulation(hax[0], mesh, proj_to, box) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> set up color info # --> setup normalization log10, symetric log10, None cinfo_plot, norm_plot, idxs = list(), list(), 0 for ii in np.unique(cb_plt_idx): idsel = np.where(cb_plt_idx==ii)[0] #_______________________________________________________________________ if isinstance(cinfo, list) and isinstance(do_rescale, list): cinfo_plot.append( do_setupcinfo(cinfo[ii-1], [data[jj] for jj in idsel], do_rescale[ii-1], mesh=mesh, tri=tri) ) elif isinstance(cinfo, list): cinfo_plot.append( do_setupcinfo(cinfo[ii-1], [data[jj] for jj in idsel], do_rescale, mesh=mesh, tri=tri) ) else: cinfo_plot.append( do_setupcinfo(cinfo, [data[jj] for jj in idsel], do_rescale, mesh=mesh, tri=tri) ) #_______________________________________________________________________ if isinstance(do_rescale, list): norm_plot.append( do_data_norm(cinfo_plot[-1], do_rescale[ii-1]) ) else: norm_plot.append( do_data_norm(cinfo_plot[-1], do_rescale) ) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> loop over axes hp, hbot, hmsh, hlsm, hgrd, hstrm, hquiv, hall = list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list() for ii, (hax_ii, hcb_ii) in enumerate(zip(hax, hcb)): # if there are no ddatra to fill axes, make it invisible if ii>=ndat: hax_ii.axis('off') elif data[ii] is None: hax_ii.axis('off') # axis is normally fillt with data else: ii_valid=ii #___________________________________________________________________ # switch between unstrucutred and regular plotting # plot unstructured data if tri is not None: #_______________________________________________________________ # prepare unstructured data for plotting, augment periodic # boundaries, interpolate from elements to nodes, kick out nan # values from plotting that are bottom topo vname = list(data[ii].keys())[0] data_plot = data[ii][ vname ].data.copy() data_plot, tri = do_data_prepare_unstruct(mesh, tri, data_plot, do_ie2n) #_______________________________________________________________ # add color for ocean bottom h0 = do_plt_bot(hax_ii, do_bot, tri=tri, bot_opt=bot_opt) hbot.append(h0) #_______________________________________________________________ # add tripcolor or tricontourf plot h0 = do_plt_data(hax_ii, do_plt, tri, data_plot, cinfo_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii]-1 ], norm_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii]-1 ], plt_opt = plt_opt, plt_contb=plt_contb, pltcb_opt=pltcb_opt, plt_contf=plt_contf, pltcf_opt=pltcf_opt, plt_contr=plt_contr, pltcr_opt=pltcr_opt, plt_contl=plt_contl, pltcl_opt=pltcl_opt) hp.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grid mesh on top h0 = do_plt_mesh(hax_ii, do_mesh, tri, mesh_opt=mesh_opt) hmsh.append(h0) # plot regular gridded data else: #_______________________________________________________________ # prepare regular gridded data for plotting vname = list(data[ii].keys())[0] data_plot = data[ii][vname].data.copy() if do_plt in ['tpc','pc'] and ('lon_bnd' in data[ii] and 'lat_bnd' in data[ii]) : data_x, data_y = data[ii]['lon_bnd'], data[ii]['lat_bnd'] else: data_x, data_y = data[ii]['lon' ], data[ii]['lat' ] #_______________________________________________________________ # add tripcolor or tricontourf plot h0 = do_plt_datareg(hax_ii, do_plt, data_x, data_y, data_plot, cinfo_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii]-1 ], norm_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii]-1 ], which_transf=ccrs.PlateCarree(), plt_opt = plt_opt, plt_contb=plt_contb, pltcb_opt=pltcb_opt, plt_contf=plt_contf, pltcf_opt=pltcf_opt, plt_contr=plt_contr, pltcr_opt=pltcr_opt, plt_contl=plt_contl, pltcl_opt=pltcl_opt) hp.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add streamline data if available h0 = do_plt_streaml_reg(hax_ii, ii, do_streaml, box = box, streaml_dat = streaml_dat, streaml_opt = streaml_opt, do_streaml_leg = do_streaml_leg, streaml_leg_opt = streaml_leg_opt) hstrm.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add streamline data if available h0 = do_plt_quiver_reg(hax_ii, ii, do_quiver, box = box, quiver_dat = quiver_dat, quiver_opt = quiver_opt, do_quiver_leg = do_quiver_leg, quiver_leg_opt = quiver_leg_opt) hquiv.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add mesh land-sea mask h0 = do_plt_lsmask(hax_ii, do_lsm, mesh, lsm_opt=lsm_opt, resolution=lsm_res) hlsm.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grids lines h0 = do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, box, ndat, grid_opt=grid_opt, proj=proj) hgrd.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add title and axes labels axl_optdefault=dict({'fontsize':hax_ii.fs_label}) if ax_title is not None: # is title string: if isinstance(ax_title,str) : # if title string is 'descript' than use descript attribute from # data to set plot title if ax_title=='descript' and ('descript' in data[ii][vname].attrs.keys() ): axl_optdefault.update({'verticalalignment':'top'}) axl_optdefault.update(axl_opt) hax_ii.set_title(data[ii][ vname ].attrs['descript'], **axl_optdefault ) else: axl_optdefault.update(axl_opt) hax_ii.set_title(ax_title, **axl_optdefault ) # is title list of string elif isinstance(ax_title,list): axl_optdefault.update(axl_opt) hax_ii.set_title(ax_title[ii], **axl_optdefault ) #_______________________________________________________________________ # add colorbar if hcb_ii != 0 and hp[-1] is not None: if isinstance(do_rescale, list): hcb_ii = do_cbar(hcb_ii, hax_ii, hp, data[ii_valid], cinfo_plot[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], do_rescale[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], cb_label[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], cb_lunit, cb_ltime, cb_ldep, norm=norm_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1 ], cb_opt=cb_opt, cbl_opt=cbl_opt, cbtl_opt=cbtl_opt) else: hcb_ii = do_cbar(hcb_ii, hax_ii, hp, data[ii_valid], cinfo_plot[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], do_rescale, cb_label[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], cb_lunit, cb_ltime, cb_ldep, norm=norm_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1 ], cb_opt=cb_opt, cbl_opt=cbl_opt, cbtl_opt=cbtl_opt) #___________________________________________________________________ # add all handles together hall = hp + hbot + hmsh + hlsm + hgrd #_______________________________________________________________________ # hfig.canvas.draw() #___________________________________________________________________________ # save figure based on do_save contains either None or pathname do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=save_dpi, save_opt=save_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ list_argout=[] if len(nargout)>0: for stri in nargout: try : list_argout.append(eval(stri)) except: print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") return(list_argout) else: return
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> do plotting of horizontal meshes
[docs] def plot_hmesh( mesh , data = None , # None, resolution, depth box = None , cinfo = None , # colormap info and defintion nrow = 1 , # number of row in figures panel ncol = 1 , # number of column in figure panel proj = 'pc' , do_ie2n = False , do_rescale = False , #--- data ----------- do_plt = 'tpc' , # tpc:tripcolor, tcf:tricontourf plt_opt = dict() , plt_contb = False , # plot background contour lines: True/False pltcb_opt = dict() , # background contour line option plt_contf = False , # plot foreground contour lines: True/False pltcf_opt = dict() , # foreground contour line option plt_contr = False , # plot reference contour lines: True/False pltcr_opt = dict() , # reference contour line option plt_contl = False , # do contourline labels pltcl_opt = dict() , # contour line label options #--- mesh ----------- do_mesh = True , mesh_opt = dict() , #--- landsea mask --- do_lsm = 'fesom' , lsm_opt = dict() , lsm_res = 'low' , #--- gridlines ------ do_grid = True , do_boundbox= True , grid_opt = dict() , #--- colorbar ------- cb_label = None , cb_lunit = None , cb_ltime = None , cb_ldep = None , cb_opt = dict() , # colorbar option cbl_opt = dict() , # colorbar label option, fontsize ,... cbtl_opt = dict() , # colorbar ticklabel option, fontsize ,... #--- axes ----------- ax_title = None, ax_opt = dict() , # dictionary that defines axes and colorbar arangement #--- enumerate axes - do_enum = False , enum_opt = dict() , enum_str = [] , enum_x = [0.005] , enum_y = [1.00] , enum_dir = 'lr' ,# prescribed list of enumeration strings #--- save figure ---- do_save = None , save_dpi = 300 , save_opt = dict() , #--- set output ----- nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb'], ): """ --> plot horizontal mesh and mesh paramters on vertices and elements __________________________________________________ Parameters: :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :data: str, (default: None) string can be: - 'resolution', 'resol', 'n_resol', 'nresol' - 'narea', 'n_area', 'clusterarea', 'scalararea' - 'eresol', 'e_resol', 'triresolution', 'triresol' - 'earea', 'e_area', 'triarea' - 'ndepth', 'ntopo', 'n_depth', 'n_topo', 'topography', 'zcoord' - 'edepth', 'etopo', 'e_depth', 'e_topo' :box: None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho... box=[lonc, latc],[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax] :cinfo: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :nrow: int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels :ncol: int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels :proj: str, (default: 'pc') which projection should be used, - pc ... PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - merc ... Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - rob ... Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - eqearth... EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - mol ... Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - nps ... NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax]) - sps ... SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0]) - ortho ... Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter]) - nears ... NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom]) - channel... PlateCaree :do_ie2n: bool, (default: False) do interpolation of data on elements towards nodes :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps ___plot data parameters_____________________________ :do_plt: str, (default: tpc) - tpc ... make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf ... make contourf color plot (tricontourf) :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument :plt_contb: bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background) :pltcb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option :plt_contf: bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground) :pltcf_opt: dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option :plt_contr: bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference) :pltcr_opt: dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option :plt_contl: bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot :pltcl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument ___plot mesh________________________________________ :do_mesh: bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot :mesh_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg ___plot bottom mask_________________________________ :do_bot: bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask :bot_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg ___plot lsmask______________________________________ :do_lsm: str, (default: 'fesom'), overlay FESOM grid inverted land sea mask option are here: - fesom ... grey fesom landsea mask - stock ... uses cartopy stock image - bluemarble ... uses bluemarble image in folder tripyview/background/ - etopo ... uses etopo image in folder tripyview/background/ :lsm_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the landsea mask plotting via kwarg :lsm_res: str, (default='low') resolution of bluemarble texture file either 'low' or 'high' ___plot cartopy gridlines____________________________ :do_grid: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines :grid_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg :do_boundbox: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy black bounding box. If you make plots as a texture to use in blender, unity or pyvista the bounding box has to be removed with do_boundbox=False ___colorbar_________________________________________ :cb_label: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data ('long_name, short_name) are used :cb_lunit: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ltime: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ldep: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg :cbl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg :cbtl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg ___axes______________________________________ :ax_title: str, (default: 'descript') If 'descript' use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If 'str' use this string to label axes :ax_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange :axl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes labels (fontsize, ...) ___enumerate_________________________________ :do_enum: bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) ... :enum_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg :enum_str: list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings , :enum_x: float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_y: float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_dir: str, (default: 'lr') direction of numbering, 'lr' from left to right, 'ud' from up to down ___save figure________________________________ :do_save: str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save. :save_dpi: int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved :save_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg ___set output_________________________________ :nargout: list, (default: ['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb']) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig ... figure handle - hax ... list of axes handle - hcb ... list of colorbar handles (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter) __________________________________________________ Returns: :hfig: returns figure handle :hax: returns list with axes handle :hcb: returns colorbar handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create box if box is None or box=="None": box = [ -180+mesh.focus, 180+mesh.focus, -90, 90 ] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> check if input data is a list if not isinstance(mesh , list): mesh = [mesh] if not isinstance(do_lsm, list): do_lsm = [do_lsm]*len(mesh) ndat = len(mesh) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create projection proj_to = None # proj is string if isinstance(proj, str): proj_to, box = do_projection(mesh, proj, box) # proj is cartopy projection object elif isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS): proj_to = proj # proj is list of cartopy projection objects or string elif isinstance(proj, list): proj_to = list() for proj_ii in proj: if isinstance(proj_ii, str): proj_dum, box = do_projection(mesh, proj_ii, box) proj_to.append(proj_dum) elif isinstance(proj_ii, ccrs.CRS): proj_to.append(proj_ii) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> look if you need data aux_cb_plt = False if data is not None: aux_cb_plt = True #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> pre-arange axes ax_optdefault=dict({'projection': proj_to, 'box': box, 'cb_plt':aux_cb_plt}) ax_optdefault.update(ax_opt) hfig, hax, hcb, cb_plt_idx = do_axes_arrange(ncol, nrow, **ax_optdefault) cb_plt_idx=cb_plt_idx[:ndat] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> axes enumeration do_axes_enum(hax[:ndat], do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_opt=enum_opt, enum_str=enum_str, enum_x=enum_x, enum_y=enum_y, enum_dir=enum_dir) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> loop over axes hp, hmsh, hlsm, hgrd = list(), list(), list(), list() for ii, (hax_ii, hcb_ii) in enumerate(zip(hax, hcb)): # if there are no ddatra to fill axes, make it invisible if ii>=ndat: hax_ii.axis('off') # axis is normally fillt with data else: #___________________________________________________________________ # build triangulation tri = do_triangulation(hax, mesh[ii], proj_to, box) #___________________________________________________________________ if data != None and data != 'None': if data in ['resolution', 'resol', 'n_resol', 'nresol']: if len(mesh[ii].n_resol)==0: mesh[ii]=mesh[ii].compute_n_resol() data_plot = mesh[ii].n_resol/1000 #data_plot = mesh[ii].n_resol[0,:]/1000 if cb_label is None: cb_label = 'vertice resolution' if cb_lunit is None: cb_lunit = 'km' elif data in ['narea', 'n_area', 'clusterarea', 'scalararea']: if len(mesh[ii].n_area)==0: mesh[ii]=mesh[ii].compute_n_area() data_plot = mesh[ii].n_area[0,:] if cb_label is None: cb_label = 'vertice area' if cb_lunit is None: cb_lunit = 'm^2' elif data in ['eresol', 'e_resol', 'triresolution', 'triresol']: if len(mesh[ii].e_resol)==0: mesh[ii]=mesh[ii].compute_e_resol() data_plot = mesh[ii].e_resol/1000 if cb_label is None: cb_label = 'element resolution' if cb_lunit is None: cb_lunit = 'km' elif data in ['earea', 'e_area', 'triarea']: if len(mesh[ii].e_area)==0: mesh[ii]=mesh[ii].compute_e_area() data_plot = mesh[ii].e_area if cb_label is None: cb_label = 'element area' if cb_lunit is None: cb_lunit = 'm^2' elif data in ['ndepth', 'ntopo', 'n_depth', 'n_topo', 'topography', 'zcoord']: data_plot = np.abs(mesh[ii].n_z) if cb_label is None: cb_label = 'vertice depth' if cb_lunit is None: cb_lunit = 'm' elif data in ['edepth', 'etopo', 'e_depth', 'e_topo' ]: data_plot = np.abs(mesh[ii].zlev[mesh[ii].e_iz]) if cb_label is None: cb_label = 'element depth' if cb_lunit is None: cb_lunit = 'm' #_______________________________________________________________ cinfo_plot = do_setupcinfo(cinfo, [data_plot], do_rescale, mesh=mesh[ii], tri=tri) norm_plot = do_data_norm(cinfo_plot, do_rescale) #_______________________________________________________________ # prepare unstructured data for plotting, data_plot, e_ok_mask = do_data_prepare_unstruct(mesh[ii], tri, data_plot, do_ie2n) #_______________________________________________________________ # add tripcolor or tricontourf plot h0 = do_plt_data(hax_ii, do_plt, tri, data_plot, cinfo_plot, norm_plot, plt_opt =plt_opt, plt_contb=plt_contb, pltcb_opt=pltcb_opt, plt_contf=plt_contf, pltcf_opt=pltcf_opt, plt_contr=plt_contr, pltcr_opt=pltcr_opt, plt_contl=plt_contl, pltcl_opt=pltcl_opt) hp.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grid mesh on top h0 = do_plt_mesh(hax_ii, do_mesh, tri, mesh_opt=mesh_opt) hmsh.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add mesh land-sea mask h0 = do_plt_lsmask(hax_ii, do_lsm[ii], mesh[ii], lsm_opt=lsm_opt, resolution=lsm_res) hlsm.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grids lines h0 = do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, box, len(mesh), grid_opt=grid_opt) hgrd.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add title and axes labels if ax_title != None: # is title string: if isinstance(ax_title,str) : hax_ii.set_title(ax_title, fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) # is title list of string elif isinstance(ax_title,list): hax_ii.set_title(ax_title[ii], fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) #___________________________________________________________________ # remove platecaree bounding box when used as image alpha map or texture if not do_boundbox: hax_ii.spines['geo'].set_visible(False) #_______________________________________________________________________ # add colorbar if (data != None and data != 'None'): if hcb_ii != 0 and hp[-1] is not None: hcb_ii = do_cbar(hcb_ii, hax_ii, hp, data, cinfo_plot, norm_plot, cb_label, cb_lunit, cb_ltime, cb_ldep, cb_opt=cb_opt, cbl_opt=cbl_opt, cbtl_opt=cbtl_opt) else: if hcb_ii != 0: hcb_ii.remove() #_______________________________________________________________________ # hfig.canvas.draw() #___________________________________________________________________________ # save figure based on do_save contains either None or pathname do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=save_dpi, save_opt=save_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ list_argout=[] if len(nargout)>0: for stri in nargout: try : list_argout.append(eval(stri)) except: print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") return(list_argout) else: return
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> do plotting of horizontal slices
[docs] def plot_hquiver(mesh , data , box = None , cinfo = None , # colormap info and defintion nrow = 1 , # number of row in figures panel ncol = 1 , # number of column in figure panel proj = 'pc' , do_ie2n = False , # interpolate element data to vertices do_rescale = False , #--- quiver --------- do_quiv = True , # tpc:tripcolor, tcf:tricontourf quiv_opt = dict() , quiv_scalfac = 1 , # bigger means larger arrows quiv_arrwidth = 0.25 , quiv_dens = 0.5 , # larger mean more excluded arrows quiv_smax = 10 , # small arrow are scaled strong with factor smax, its off when smax=1 quiv_shiftL= 2 , # shift smothing function to the left quiv_smooth= 2 , # slope of transitions zone, smaller value steeper transition #--- mesh ----------- do_mesh = False , mesh_opt = dict() , #--- bottom mask ---- do_bot = True , bot_opt = dict() , #--- topography ----- do_topo = 'tpc' , topo_opt = dict() , topo_cont = True , # plot contour lines: True/False topoc_opt = dict() , # contour line option topo_contl = False , # do contourline labels topocl_opt = dict() , # contour line label options #--- landsea mask --- do_lsm = 'fesom' , lsm_opt = dict() , lsm_res = 'low' , #--- gridlines ------ do_grid = True , do_boundbox= True , grid_opt = dict() , #--- colorbar ------- cb_label = None , cb_lunit = None , cb_ltime = None , cb_ldep = None , cb_opt = dict() , # colorbar option cbl_opt = dict() , # colorbar label option, fontsize ,... cbtl_opt = dict() , # colorbar ticklabel option, fontsize ,... #--- axes ----------- ax_title = 'descript', ax_opt = dict() , # dictionary that defines axes and colorbar arangement #--- enumerate axes - do_enum = False , enum_opt = dict() , enum_str = [] , enum_x = [0.005] , enum_y = [1.00] , enum_dir = 'lr' , # prescribed list of enumeration strings #--- save figure ---- do_save = None , save_dpi = 300 , save_opt = dict() , #--- set output ----- nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb'], ): """ --> plot FESOM2 horizontal data slice as quiver plot: __________________________________________________ Parameters: :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :data: xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object :box: None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho... box=[lonc, latc],[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax] :cinfo: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :nrow: int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels :ncol: int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels :proj: str, (default: 'pc') which projection should be used, - pc ... PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - merc ... Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - rob ... Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - eqearth... EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - mol ... Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - nps ... NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax]) - sps ... SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0]) - ortho ... Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter]) - nears ... NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom]) - channel... PlateCaree :do_ie2n: bool, (default: False) do interpolation of data on elements towards nodes :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps ___plot quiver parameters___________________________ :do_quiv: bool, (default: True), do cartopy quiver plot :quiv_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to quiver plot routine :quiv_scalfac: float, (default: 1.0) bigger means larger arrows :quiv_arrwidth: float, (default: 0.25) scale arrow width :quiv_dens: float, (default: 0.5) larger mean more excluded arrows :quiv_smax: float, (default: 10) small arrow are scaled strong with factor smax, its off when smax=1 :quiv_shiftL: float, (default: 2) shift smothing function to the left :quiv_smooth: float, (default: 2) slope of transitions zone, smaller value steeper transition ___plot mesh________________________________________ :do_mesh: bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot :mesh_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg ___plot bottom mask_________________________________ :do_bot: bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask :bot_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg ___plot topo________________________________________ :do_topo: str, (default: tpc) = - tpc ... make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf ... make contourf coor plot (tricontourf) , # tpc:tripcolor, tcf:tricontourf :topo_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument :topo_cont: bool, (default: False) overlay contour line plot of data :topoc_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tricontour via the kwarg argument :topo_contl: bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot :topocl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument ___plot lsmask______________________________________ :do_lsm: str, (default: 'fesom'), overlay FESOM grid inverted land sea mask option are here: - fesom ... grey fesom landsea mask - stock ... uses cartopy stock image - bluemarble ... uses bluemarble image in folder tripyview/background/ - etopo ... uses etopo image in folder tripyview/background/ :lsm_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the landsea mask plotting via kwarg :lsm_res: str, (default='low') resolution of bluemarble texture file either 'low' or 'high' ___plot cartopy gridlines____________________________ :do_grid: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines :grid_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg :do_boundbox: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy black bounding box. If you make plots as a texture to use in blender, unity or pyvista the bounding box has to be removed with do_boundbox=False ___colorbar_________________________________________ :cb_label: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data ('long_name, short_name) are used :cb_lunit: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ltime: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ldep: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg :cbl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg :cbtl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg ___axes______________________________________ :ax_title: str, (default: 'descript') If 'descript' use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If 'str' use this string to label axes :ax_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange :axl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes labels (fontsize, ...) ___enumerate_________________________________ :do_enum: bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) ... :enum_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg :enum_str: list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings , :enum_x: float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_y: float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_dir: str, (default: 'lr') direction of numbering, 'lr' from left to right, 'ud' from up to down ___save figure________________________________ :do_save: str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save. :save_dpi: int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved :save_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg ___set output_________________________________ :nargout: list, (default: ['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb']) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig ... figure handle - hax ... list of axes handle - hcb ... list of colorbar handles (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter) __________________________________________________ Returns: hfig: returns figure handle hax: returns list with axes handle hcb: returns colorbar handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create box if box is None or box=="None": box = [ -180+mesh.focus, 180+mesh.focus, -90, 90 ] ts=clock.time() #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> check if input data is a list if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] ndat = len(data) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create projection proj_to = None # proj is string if isinstance(proj, str): proj_to, box = do_projection(mesh, proj, box) # proj is cartopy projection object elif isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS): proj_to = proj # proj is list of cartopy projection objects or string elif isinstance(proj, list): proj_to = list() for proj_ii in proj: if isinstance(proj_ii, str): proj_dum, box = do_projection(mesh, proj_ii, box) proj_to.append(proj_dum) elif isinstance(proj_ii, ccrs.CRS): proj_to.append(proj_ii) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> pre-arange axes ax_optdefault=dict({'projection': proj_to, 'box': box}) ax_optdefault.update(ax_opt) hfig, hax, hcb, cb_plt_idx = do_axes_arrange(ncol, nrow, **ax_optdefault) cb_plt_idx=cb_plt_idx[:ndat] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> axes enumeration do_axes_enum(hax[:ndat], do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_opt=enum_opt, enum_str=enum_str, enum_x=enum_x, enum_y=enum_y, enum_dir=enum_dir) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create mesh triangulation, when input data are unstructured tri = do_triangulation(hax, mesh, proj_to, box, do_triorig=True, do_earea=True) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> set up color info # --> setup normalization log10, symetric log10, None cinfo_plot, norm_plot, idxs = list(), list(), 0 for ii in np.unique(cb_plt_idx): idsel = np.where(cb_plt_idx==ii)[0] #_______________________________________________________________________ if isinstance(cinfo, list): cinfo_plot.append( do_setupcinfo(cinfo[ii-1], [data[jj] for jj in idsel], do_rescale, mesh=mesh, tri=tri, do_vec=True) ) else: cinfo_plot.append( do_setupcinfo(cinfo, [data[jj] for jj in idsel], do_rescale, mesh=mesh, tri=tri, do_vec=True) ) #_______________________________________________________________________ if isinstance(do_rescale, list): norm_plot.append( do_data_norm(cinfo_plot[-1], do_rescale[ii-1]) ) else: norm_plot.append( do_data_norm(cinfo_plot[-1], do_rescale) ) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> loop over axes hp, hbot, hmsh, hlsm, hgrd, htop = list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list() for ii, (hax_ii, hcb_ii) in enumerate(zip(hax, hcb)): # if there are no ddatra to fill axes, make it invisible if ii>=ndat: hax_ii.axis('off') # axis is normally fillt with data else: ii_valid=ii ts = clock.time() #___________________________________________________________________ # prepare unstructured data for plotting, augment periodic # boundaries, interpolate from elements to nodes, kick out nan # values from plotting that are bottom topo vname = list(data[ii].keys()) data_plot_u, data_plot_v = data[ii][ vname[0] ].data.copy(), data[ii][ vname[1] ].data.copy() data_plot_u, tri = do_data_prepare_unstruct(mesh, tri, data_plot_u, do_ie2n) data_plot_v, tri = do_data_prepare_unstruct(mesh, tri, data_plot_v, do_ie2n) #___________________________________________________________________ # add color for ocean bottom h0 = do_plt_bot(hax_ii, do_bot, tri=tri, bot_opt=bot_opt) hbot.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grey topo h0 = do_plt_topo(hax_ii, do_topo, abs(mesh.n_z), mesh, cp.copy(tri), plt_opt=topo_opt, plt_contb=topo_cont , pltcb_opt=topoc_opt, plt_contl=topo_contl, pltcl_opt=topocl_opt) htop.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grid mesh on top h0 = do_plt_mesh(hax_ii, do_mesh, tri, mesh_opt=mesh_opt) hmsh.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # do quiver computations h0 = do_plt_quiver(hax_ii, do_quiv, tri, data_plot_u, data_plot_v, cinfo_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii]-1 ], norm_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii]-1 ], quiv_scalfac=quiv_scalfac, quiv_arrwidth=quiv_arrwidth, quiv_dens=quiv_dens, quiv_smax=quiv_smax, quiv_shiftL=quiv_shiftL, quiv_smooth=quiv_smooth, quiv_opt=quiv_opt) hp.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add mesh land-sea mask h0 = do_plt_lsmask(hax_ii, do_lsm, mesh, lsm_opt=lsm_opt, resolution=lsm_res) hlsm.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grids lines h0 = do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, box, ndat, grid_opt=grid_opt) hgrd.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add title and axes labels if ax_title is not None: # is title string: if isinstance(ax_title,str) : # if title string is 'descript' than use descript attribute from # data to set plot title if ax_title=='descript' and ('descript' in data[ii][ vname[0] ].attrs.keys() ): hax_ii.set_title(data[ii][ vname[0] ].attrs['descript'], fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label, verticalalignment='top') else: hax_ii.set_title(ax_title, fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) # is title list of string elif isinstance(ax_title,list): hax_ii.set_title(ax_title[ii], fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) #___________________________________________________________________ # remove platecaree bounding box when used as image alpha map or texture if not do_boundbox: hax_ii.spines['geo'].set_visible(False) #_______________________________________________________________________ # add colorbar if hcb_ii != 0 and hp[-1] is not None: hcb_ii = do_cbar(hcb_ii, hax_ii, hp, data[ii_valid], cinfo_plot[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], do_rescale, cb_label, cb_lunit, cb_ltime, cb_ldep, cb_opt=cb_opt, cbl_opt=cbl_opt, cbtl_opt=cbtl_opt) #_______________________________________________________________________ # hfig.canvas.draw() #___________________________________________________________________________ # save figure based on do_save contains either None or pathname do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=save_dpi, save_opt=save_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ list_argout=[] if len(nargout)>0: for stri in nargout: try : list_argout.append(eval(stri)) except: print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") return(list_argout) else: return
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> do plotting of horizontal slices
[docs] def plot_vslice(mesh , data , box = None , box_idx = None , box_label = None , boxl_opt = dict() , # option for box label string cinfo = None , # colormap info and defintion nrow = 1 , # number of row in figures panel ncol = 1 , # number of column in figure panel proj = None , do_ie2n = False , # interpolate element data to vertices do_rescale = False , #--- data ----------- do_plt = 'tpc' , # tpc:tripcolor, tcf:tricontourf plt_opt = dict() , plt_contb = False , # plot background contour lines: True/False pltcb_opt = dict() , # background contour line option plt_contf = False , # plot foreground contour lines: True/False pltcf_opt = dict() , # foreground contour line option plt_contr = False , # plot reference contour lines: True/False pltcr_opt = dict() , # reference contour line option plt_contl = False , # do contourline labels pltcl_opt = dict() , # contour line label options do_smooth = False , # apply convolution filterwarnings smooth_opt = (3,9) , # smothing filter size (ndi, nx)--> default (3,9) #--- mesh ----------- do_mesh = False , mesh_opt = dict() , #--- bottom mask ---- do_bot = True , bot_opt = dict() , #--- landsea mask --- do_lsm = 'fesom' , lsm_opt = dict() , lsm_res = 'low' , #--- gridlines ------ do_grid = True , grid_opt = dict({'yexp':True}) , #--- colorbar ------- cb_label = None , cb_lunit = None , cb_ltime = None , cb_ldep = None , cb_opt = dict() , # colorbar option cbl_opt = dict() , # colorbar label option, fontsize ,... cbtl_opt = dict() , # colorbar ticklabel option, fontsize ,... #--- axes ----------- ax_title = 'descript', ax_opt = dict() , # dictionary that defines axes and colorbar arangement ax_xlim = None , ax_ylim = None , #--- enumerate axes - do_enum = False , enum_opt = dict({'horizontalalignment':'center'}) , enum_str = [] , enum_x = [0.000] , enum_y = [1.005] , enum_dir = 'lr' ,# prescribed list of enumeration strings #--- save figure ---- do_save = None , save_dpi = 300 , save_opt = dict() , #--- set output ----- nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb'], ): """ --> plot FESOM2 horizontal data slice: __________________________________________________ Parameters: :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :data: xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object :box: None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be: - ['global'] ... compute global index - [shp.Reader] ... index region defined by shapefile - [ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box - [ [ [px1,px2...], [py1,py2,...]], boxname] index region defined by polygon - [ np.array(2 x npts), boxname] index region defined by polygon :box_idx: int, (default: None) index in boxlist :box_label: str (default: None) overwrites boxname string :boxl_opt: dict (default: dict() additional options for boxlabel string (fontsize...) :cinfo: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :nrow: int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels :ncol: int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels :proj: str, (default: None) is choosen here autometically by data attribute proj, can be setted also from hand to ... - index+depth+xy - index+depth+time - zmoc - dmoc - dmoc+depth - dmoc+dens :do_ie2n: bool, (default: False) do interpolation of data on elements towards nodes :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps ___plot data parameters_____________________________ :do_plt: str, (default: tpc) - tpc ... make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf ... make contourf color plot (tricontourf) :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument :plt_contb: bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background) :pltcb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option :plt_contf: bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground) :pltcf_opt: dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option :plt_contr: bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference) :pltcr_opt: dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option :plt_contl: bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot :pltcl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument ___plot mesh________________________________________ :do_mesh: bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot :mesh_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg ___plot bottom mask_________________________________ :do_bot: bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask :bot_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg ___plot cartopy gridlines____________________________ :do_grid: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines :grid_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg ___colorbar_________________________________________ :cb_label: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data ('long_name, short_name) are used :cb_lunit: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ltime: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ldep: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg :cbl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg :cbtl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg ___axes______________________________________ :ax_title: str, (default: 'descript') If 'descript' use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If 'str' use this string to label axes :ax_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange :axl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes labels (fontsize, ...) ___enumerate_________________________________ :do_enum: bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) ... :enum_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg :enum_str: list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings , :enum_x: float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_y: float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_dir: str, (default: 'lr') direction of numbering, 'lr' from left to right, 'ud' from up to down ___save figure________________________________ :do_save: str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save. :save_dpi: int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved :save_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg ___set output_________________________________ :nargout: list, (default: ['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb']) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig ... figure handle - hax ... list of axes handle - hcb ... list of colorbar handles (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter) __________________________________________________ Returns: :hfig: returns figure handle :hax: returns list with axes handle :hcb: returns colorbar handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> check if input data is a list if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] ndat = len(data) #___________________________________________________________________________ # check vertical plotting mode if index+depth+xy, zmoc, dmoc if proj is None: if isinstance(data[0], xr.Dataset): if 'proj' in data[0].attrs: proj=data[0].attrs['proj'] elif isinstance(data[0], list): if isinstance(data[0][box_idx], xr.Dataset): if 'proj' in data[0][box_idx].attrs: proj=data[0][box_idx].attrs['proj'] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create projection proj_to = None # proj is string if isinstance(proj, str): proj_to, box = do_projection(mesh, proj, box) # proj is cartopy projection object elif isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS): proj_to = proj # proj is list of cartopy projection objects or string elif isinstance(proj, list): proj_to = list() for proj_ii in proj: if isinstance(proj_ii, str): proj_dum, box = do_projection(mesh, proj_ii, box) proj_to.append(proj_dum) elif isinstance(proj_ii, ccrs.CRS): proj_to.append(proj_ii) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> pre-arange axes ax_optdefault=dict({'projection': proj_to}) ax_optdefault.update(ax_opt) #print(ncol, nrow) hfig, hax, hcb, cb_plt_idx = do_axes_arrange(ncol, nrow, **ax_optdefault) cb_plt_idx=cb_plt_idx[:ndat] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> axes enumeration do_axes_enum(hax[:ndat], do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_opt=enum_opt, enum_str=enum_str, enum_x=enum_x, enum_y=enum_y, enum_dir=enum_dir) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> set up color info # --> setup normalization log10, symetric log10, None cinfo_plot, norm_plot, idxs = list(), list(), 0 for ii in np.unique(cb_plt_idx): idsel = np.where(cb_plt_idx==ii)[0] #_______________________________________________________________________ # setup my own colormap definition dictionary cinfo_optdefault=dict() if hax[0].projection in ['index+depth+xy', 'index+depth+time']: cinfo_optdefault.update({'do_index':True, 'box_idx':box_idx}) elif hax[0].projection == 'zmoc' : cinfo_optdefault.update({'do_moc':True}) elif hax[0].projection == 'dmoc+depth' or hax[0].projection == 'dmoc+dens': cinfo_optdefault.update({'do_dmoc':True}) if isinstance(cinfo, list) and isinstance(do_rescale, list): cinfo_plot.append( do_setupcinfo(cinfo[ii-1], [data[jj] for jj in idsel], do_rescale[ii-1], **cinfo_optdefault) ) elif isinstance(cinfo, list): cinfo_plot.append( do_setupcinfo(cinfo[ii-1], [data[jj] for jj in idsel], do_rescale, **cinfo_optdefault) ) else: cinfo_plot.append( do_setupcinfo(cinfo, [data[jj] for jj in idsel], do_rescale, **cinfo_optdefault) ) #_______________________________________________________________________ # setup matplotlib rescaling options for, log10, slog10, or predefined array if isinstance(do_rescale, list): norm_plot.append( do_data_norm(cinfo_plot[-1], do_rescale[ii-1]) ) else: norm_plot.append( do_data_norm(cinfo_plot[-1], do_rescale) ) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> loop over axes hp, hbot, hmsh, hlsm, hgrd = list(), list(), list(), list(), list() count_cb = 0 for ii, (hax_ii, hcb_ii) in enumerate(zip(hax, hcb)): # if there are no ddatra to fill axes, make it invisible if ii>=ndat: hax_ii.axis('off') elif data[ii] is None: hax_ii.axis('off') # axis is normally fillt with data else: ii_valid=ii #___________________________________________________________________ # prepare regular gridded data for plotting data_x, data_y, data_plot = do_data_prepare_vslice(hax_ii, data[ii], box_idx, do_smooth=do_smooth, smooth_opt=smooth_opt) #___________________________________________________________________ # add tripcolor or tricontourf plot h0 = do_plt_datareg(hax_ii, do_plt, data_x, data_y, data_plot, cinfo_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii]-1 ], norm_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii]-1 ], plt_opt =plt_opt, plt_contb=plt_contb, pltcb_opt=pltcb_opt, plt_contf=plt_contf, pltcf_opt=pltcf_opt, plt_contr=plt_contr, pltcr_opt=pltcr_opt, plt_contl=plt_contl, pltcl_opt=pltcl_opt) hp.append(h0) ##__________________________________________________________________ ## add bottom mask ax_xlim0, ax_ylim0 = ax_xlim, ax_ylim if hax_ii.projection=='index+depth+xy': h0 = do_plt_bot(hax_ii, do_bot, data_x=data_x, data_y=data_y, data_plot=data_plot, bot_opt=bot_opt) # zmoc bottom patch elif hax_ii.projection=='zmoc': ax_ylim0 = [0, abs(mesh.zlev[-1])] h0 = do_plt_bot(hax_ii, do_bot, data_x=data_x, data_y=data_y, data_plot=data[ii]['botmax'].values, ylim=ax_ylim0, bot_opt=bot_opt) # dmoc when doeing z-coordinate projection bottom patch elif 'dmoc' in hax_ii.projection and \ ('ndens_zfh' in data[ii].coords or 'nz_rho' in data[ii].coords or'ndens_z' in data[ii].coords) : ax_ylim0 = [0, abs(mesh.zlev[-1])] h0 = do_plt_bot(hax_ii, do_bot, data_x=data[ii]['lat'].values, data_y=data_y, data_plot=data[ii]['botmax'].values, ylim=ax_ylim0, bot_opt=bot_opt) hbot.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grids lines h0 = do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, box, ndat, data_x=data_x, data_y=data_y, xlim=ax_xlim0, ylim=ax_ylim0, grid_opt=grid_opt) hgrd.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________________ # add title and axes labels if ax_title is not None: # is title string: if isinstance(ax_title,str) : # if title string is 'descript' than use descript attribute from # data to set plot title if box_idx is not None: vname = list(data[ii][box_idx].keys())[0] loc_attrs = data[ii][box_idx][vname].attrs else: vname = list(data[ii].keys())[0] loc_attrs = data[ii][vname].attrs if ax_title=='descript' and ('descript' in loc_attrs.keys() ): hax_ii.set_title(loc_attrs['descript'], fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label, verticalalignment='top') else: hax_ii.set_title(ax_title, fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) # is title list of string elif isinstance(ax_title,list): hax_ii.set_title(ax_title[ii], fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) #___________________________________________________________________ # set superior title boxl_optdefault = dict({'x':0.99, 'y':0.99, 's':'', \ 'fontsize':12, 'fontweight':'bold', 'transform':hax_ii.transAxes,\ 'horizontalalignment':'right', 'verticalalignment':'top', 'zorder':5}) # print transect labels if box_idx is not None: vname = list(data[ii][box_idx].keys())[0] loc_attrs = data[ii][box_idx][vname].attrs if 'transect_name' in loc_attrs: boxl_optdefault.update({'s':loc_attrs['transect_name']}) elif 'boxname' in loc_attrs: boxl_optdefault.update({'s':loc_attrs['boxname']}) # print precribed box_label elif isinstance(box_label, str): boxl_optdefault.update({'s':box_label}) # print list of prescribed box_label elif isinstance(box_label, list): boxl_optdefault.update({'s':box_label[ii]}) # print moc labels elif hax_ii.projection in ['zmoc', 'dmoc+depth', 'dmoc+dens']: vname = list(data[ii].keys())[0] loc_attrs = data[ii][vname].attrs if 'short_name' in loc_attrs: boxl_optdefault.update({'s':loc_attrs['short_name']}) boxl_optdefault.update({'x':0.01, 'y':0.01, 'horizontalalignment':'left', 'verticalalignment':'bottom'}) boxl_optdefault.update(boxl_opt) ht = hax_ii.text(**boxl_optdefault) #_______________________________________________________________________ # add colorbar if hcb_ii != 0 and hp[-1] is not None: if isinstance(cb_label,list): cb_label2 = cb_label[count_cb] else: cb_label2 = cb_label if isinstance(do_rescale, list): hcb_ii = do_cbar(hcb_ii, hax_ii, hp, data[ii_valid], cinfo_plot[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], do_rescale[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], cb_label2, cb_lunit, cb_ltime, cb_ldep, norm=norm_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1 ], box_idx=box_idx, cb_opt=cb_opt, cbl_opt=cbl_opt, cbtl_opt=cbtl_opt) else: hcb_ii = do_cbar(hcb_ii, hax_ii, hp, data[ii_valid], cinfo_plot[cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1], do_rescale, cb_label2, cb_lunit, cb_ltime, cb_ldep, norm=norm_plot[ cb_plt_idx[ii_valid]-1 ], box_idx=box_idx, cb_opt=cb_opt, cbl_opt=cbl_opt, cbtl_opt=cbtl_opt) count_cb=count_cb+1 #_______________________________________________________________________ # hfig.canvas.draw() #___________________________________________________________________________ # save figure based on do_save contains either None or pathname do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=save_dpi, save_opt=save_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ list_argout=[] if len(nargout)>0: for stri in nargout: try : list_argout.append(eval(stri)) except: print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") return(list_argout) else: return
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> do plotting of horizontal lines over index region (e.g. heatflux vs lon, lat)
[docs] def plot_hline(data , box = None , box_idx = None , box_label = None , boxl_opt = dict() , # option for box label string nrow = 1 , # number of row in figures panel ncol = 1 , # number of column in figure panel proj = 'index+xy', n_cycl = None , do_allcycl = False , do_shdw = True , do_mean = False , do_rescale = False , #--- data ----------- plt_opt = dict() , mark_opt = dict() , #--- gridlines ------ do_grid = True , grid_opt = dict() , #--- axes ----------- ax_title = 'descript', ax_xlabel = None , ax_ylabel = None , ax_xunit = None , ax_yunit = None , ax_opt = dict() , # dictionary that defines axes and colorbar arangement ax_xlim = None , ax_ylim = None , #--- enumerate axes - do_enum = False , enum_opt = dict({'horizontalalignment':'center'}) , enum_str = [] , enum_x = [0.000] , enum_y = [1.005] , enum_dir = 'lr' ,# prescribed list of enumeration strings #--- save figure ---- do_save = None , save_dpi = 300 , save_opt = dict() , #--- set output ----- nargout=['hfig', 'hax'], ): """ --> do plotting of horizontal lines over index region (e.g. heatflux vs lon, lat) __________________________________________________ Parameters: :data: xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object :box: None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be: - ['global'] ... compute global index - [shp.Reader] ... index region defined by shapefile - [ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box - [ [ [px1,px2...], [py1,py2,...]], boxname] index region defined by polygon - [ np.array(2 x npts) boxname] index region defined by polygon :box_idx: int, (default: None) index in boxlist :box_label: str (default: None) overwrites boxname string :boxl_opt: dict (default: dict() additional options for boxlabel string (fontsize...) :nrow: int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels :ncol: int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels :proj: str, (default: 'index+xy') :n_cycl: int, (default: None) How many spinup cycles are contained in the data_list. Info is needed when do_allcycl=True, :do_allcycl: bool, (default: False) plot all spinupcycles based on colormap value :do_shdw: bool, (default: True) give lines a black outline :do_mean: bool, (default: False) plot triangle on the left side that indicates the mean value :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling ___plot data parameters_____________________________ :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to line plot routine via the kwarg argument :mark_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to control the line markers via the kwarg argument ___plot gridlines___________________________________ :do_grid: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines :grid_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg ___axes______________________________________ :ax_title: str, (default: 'descript') If 'descript' use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If 'str' use this string to label axes :ax_xlabel: str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel :ax_ylabel: str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel :ax_xunit: str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel unit :ax_yunit: str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel unit :ax_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange :ax_xlim: list (default: None) overright data related xlimits :ax_ylim: list (default: None) overright data related ylimits ___enumerate_________________________________ :do_enum: bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) ... :enum_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg :enum_str: list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings :enum_x: float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_y: float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_dir: str, (default: 'lr') direction of numbering, 'lr' from left to right, 'ud' from up to down ___save figure________________________________ :do_save: str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save. :save_dpi: int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved :save_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg ___set output_________________________________ :nargout: list, (default: ['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb']) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig ... figure handle - hax ... list of axes handle - (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter) __________________________________________________ Returns: :hfig: returns figure handle :hax: returns list with axes handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> check if input data is a list if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] # keep in mind ndat is here the number index boxes in thre list, not the number # of datas that are loaded nbox = len(data[0]) ndat = len(data) #___________________________________________________________________________ # check vertical plotting mode if index+depth+xy, zmoc, dmoc if proj is None: if isinstance(data[0], xr.Dataset): if 'proj' in data[0].attrs: proj=data[0].attrs['proj'] elif isinstance(data[0], list): if isinstance(data[0][0], xr.Dataset): if 'proj' in data[0][0].attrs: proj=data[0][0].attrs['proj'] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create projection proj_to = None # proj is string if isinstance(proj, str): proj_to, box = do_projection(None, proj, box) # proj is cartopy projection object elif isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS): proj_to = proj # proj is list of cartopy projection objects or string elif isinstance(proj, list): proj_to = list() for proj_ii in proj: if isinstance(proj_ii, str): proj_dum, box = do_projection(None, proj_ii, box) proj_to.append(proj_dum) elif isinstance(proj_ii, ccrs.CRS): proj_to.append(proj_ii) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> pre-arange axes ax_optdefault=dict({'projection': proj_to, 'ax_sharex':False, 'ax_sharey':False, 'ax_dt':1.75}) ax_optdefault.update(ax_opt) hfig, hax, hcb, cb_plt_idx = do_axes_arrange(ncol, nrow, **ax_optdefault) cb_plt_idx=cb_plt_idx[:nbox] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> axes enumeration do_axes_enum(hax[:nbox], do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_opt=enum_opt, enum_str=enum_str, enum_x=enum_x, enum_y=enum_y, enum_dir=enum_dir) #___________________________________________________________________________ # setup colormap if do_allcycl: if n_cycl is not None: cmap = categorical_cmap(np.int32(ndat/n_cycl), n_cycl, cmap="tab10") else: cmap = categorical_cmap(ndat, 1, cmap="tab10") else: cmap = categorical_cmap(ndat, 1, cmap="tab10") #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> loop over axes hp, hbot, hmsh, hlsm, hgrd = list(), list(), list(), list(), list() list_strdatalabel,list_strboxlabel = list(), list() for ii, (hax_ii, hcb_ii) in enumerate(zip(hax, hcb)): # if there are no ddatra to fill axes, make it invisible if ii>=nbox: hax_ii.axis('off') # axis is normally fillt with data else: #___________________________________________________________________ # prepare regular gridded data for plotting # prepare regular gridded data for plotting optline = dict({'linewidth':1.5, 'marker':'None', 'markerfacecolor':'w', 'markersize':5, 'zorder':2}) optmark = dict({'markersize':8, 'markeredgecolor':'k', 'markeredgewidth':0.5, 'clip_on':False, 'zorder':3}) #'clip_box':False, list_lstyle=['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dashdot', 'dashdotdotted'] #___________________________________________________________________ allinone = False if nrow*ncol == 1: if nbox == 1: box_idx = [0] elif nbox > 1: box_idx, allinone = list(range(0,nbox)), True elif nrow*ncol > 1 and nrow*ncol <= nbox: box_idx, allinone = [ii], False xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf #___________________________________________________________________ # If nrow*ncol=1 && nbox > 1: plot all box lines in one figure panel # nrow*ncol=nbox && nbox > 1: plot each box lines in separate figure panel for bi in box_idx: #___________________________________________________________________ cnt, cnt_cycl = 0, 0 if not allinone: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf for jj in range(0,ndat): #_______________________________________________________________ vname = list(data[jj][bi].data_vars)[0] data_y = data[jj][bi][vname].data.copy() ymin, ymax = np.min([ymin, data_y.min()]), np.max([ymax, data_y.max()]) #_______________________________________________________________ if 'lat' in data[jj][bi]: data_x = data[jj][bi]['lat'].values str_xlabel = 'Latitude' if ax_xlabel is None else ax_xlabel elif 'lon' in data[jj][bi]: data_x = data[jj][bi]['lon'].values str_xlabel = 'Longitude' if ax_xlabel is None else ax_xlabel if ax_xunit is None: str_xlabel = str_xlabel + ' / deg' else : str_xlabel = str_xlabel + ' / ' + ax_xunit xmin, xmax = np.min([xmin, data_x.min()]), np.max([xmax, data_x.max()]) #_______________________________________________________________ loc_attrs= data[jj][bi][vname].attrs str_ylabel, str_llabel, str_blabel = '', '', '' if ax_ylabel is None: if 'long_name' in loc_attrs: str_ylabel = str_ylabel + loc_attrs['long_name'] elif 'short_name' in loc_attrs: str_ylabel = str_ylabel + loc_attrs['short_name'] else: str_ylabel = ax_ylabel if ax_yunit is None: if 'units' in loc_attrs: str_ylabel = str_ylabel+' / '+loc_attrs['units'] else: str_ylabel = str_ylabel+' / '+ ax_yunit if 'descript' in loc_attrs: str_llabel = str_llabel + loc_attrs['descript'] if 'boxname' in loc_attrs: str_blabel = str_blabel + loc_attrs['boxname'] if 'transect_name' in loc_attrs: str_blabel = str_blabel + loc_attrs['transect_name'] str_blabel = str_blabel.replace('MOC','').replace('_','') if bi==0: list_strdatalabel.append(str_llabel) if jj==0: list_strboxlabel.append(str_blabel) #_______________________________________________________________ # plot lines optline.update({'color':cmap.colors[cnt,:]}) optline.update(plt_opt) if allinone and nrow*ncol==1: optline.update({'linestyle':list_lstyle[bi]}) optmark.update({'color':cmap.colors[cnt,:]}) optmark.update(mark_opt) # plot black underlying shadow slightly wider than line on top if do_shdw: optline2 = optline.copy() optline2.update({'color':'k', 'linewidth':optline['linewidth']*1.2, 'zorder':1}) hax_ii.plot(data_x, data_y, **optline2) # plot actual line with color h0 = hax_ii.plot(data_x, data_y, label=str_llabel, **optline) hp.append(h0) # plot mean value with left triangle if do_mean: hax_ii.plot(xmin-(data_x[-1]-data_x[0])*0.00, data_y.mean(), marker='<', **optmark) #_______________________________________________________________ cnt = cnt+1 cnt_cycl = cnt_cycl+1 if n_cycl is not None: if cnt_cycl>= n_cycl: cnt_cycl=0 #___________________________________________________________________ if hax_ii.do_xlabel: hax_ii.set_xlabel(str_xlabel) if hax_ii.do_ylabel: hax_ii.set_ylabel(str_ylabel) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grids lines ax_xlim0, ax_ylim0 = ax_xlim, ax_ylim if ax_xlim is None: ax_xlim0=[xmin,xmax] if ax_ylim is None: ax_ylim0=[ymin,ymax] h0 = do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, None, None, data_x=None, data_y=data_y, xlim=ax_xlim0, ylim=ax_ylim0, grid_opt=grid_opt, do_rescale=do_rescale) hgrd.append(h0) #_______________________________________________________________________ # do legend and legend positioning # -->bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), loc='upper left' this should make sure # that the legend is always outside in the upper right corner if hax_ii.coli==ncol-1 and hax_ii.rowi==0 : if allinone and nbox>1: # make data legend: legend1 = plt.legend([hp[i][0] for i in range(0,ndat,1)], list_strdatalabel, frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.0), loc='lower right') hax_ii.add_artist(legend1) # make box list legend: import copy as cp lines = [cp.copy(hp[i][0]) for i in range(0,ndat*nbox, ndat)] # make legend box lines always black, just show linestyle for li in range(0,len(lines)): lines[li].set(color='k') legend2 = plt.legend(lines, list_strboxlabel, frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.0), loc='upper left') hax_ii.add_artist(legend2) else: # make data legend: hax_ii.legend(frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), loc='upper left') #bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 1.5)) # box label becomes here axes title #___________________________________________________________________ # add title and axes labels if ax_title is not None: if isinstance(ax_title,list): hax_ii.set_title(ax_title[ii], fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) else : if not allinone and nbox>1: hax_ii.set_title(str_blabel, fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) #___________________________________________________________________________ # save figure based on do_save contains either None or pathname do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=save_dpi, save_opt=save_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ list_argout=[] if len(nargout)>0: for stri in nargout: try : list_argout.append(eval(stri)) except: print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") return(list_argout) else: return
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> do plotting of mean indices over depth (e.g. vertical profiles)
[docs] def plot_vline(data , box = None , box_idx = None , box_label = None , boxl_opt = dict() , # option for box label string cinfo = None , # colormap info and defintion nrow = 1 , # number of row in figures panel ncol = 1 , # number of column in figure panel proj = 'index+depth', n_cycl = None , do_allcycl = False , do_shdw = True , do_mean = False , do_rescale = False , #--- data ----------- plt_opt = dict() , mark_opt = dict() , #--- gridlines ------ do_grid = True , grid_opt = dict({'yexp':True}) , #--- axes ----------- ax_title = 'descript', ax_xlabel = None , ax_ylabel = None , ax_xunit = None , ax_yunit = None , ax_opt = dict() , # dictionary that defines axes and colorbar arangement ax_xlim = None , ax_ylim = None , #--- enumerate axes - do_enum = False , enum_opt = dict({'horizontalalignment':'center'}) , enum_str = [] , enum_x = [0.000] , enum_y = [1.005] , enum_dir = 'lr' ,# prescribed list of enumeration strings #--- save figure ---- do_save = None , save_dpi = 300 , save_opt = dict() , #--- set output ----- nargout=['hfig', 'hax'], ): """ --> do plotting of mean indices over depth (e.g. vertical profiles) __________________________________________________ Parameters: :data: xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object :box: None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be: - ['global'] ... compute global index - [shp.Reader] ... index region defined by shapefile - [ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box - [ [ [px1,px2...], [py1,py2,...]], boxname] index region defined by polygon - [ np.array(2 x npts) boxname] index region defined by polygon :box_idx: int, (default: None) index in boxlist :box_label: str, (default: None) overwrites boxname string :boxl_opt: dict, (default: dict() additional options for boxlabel string (fontsize...) :nrow: int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels :ncol: int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels :proj: str, (default: 'index+xy') :n_cycl: int, (default: None) How many spinup cycles are contained in the data_list. Info is needed when do_allcycl=True, :do_allcycl: bool, (default: False) plot all spinupcycles based on colormap value :do_shdw: bool, (default: True) give lines a black outline :do_mean: bool, (default: False) plot triangle on the left side that indicates the mean value :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling ___plot data parameters_____________________________ :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to line plot routine via the kwarg argument :mark_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to control the line markers via the kwarg argument ___plot gridlines___________________________________ :do_grid: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines :grid_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg ___axes______________________________________ :ax_title: str, (default: 'descript') If 'descript' use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If 'str' use this string to label axes :ax_xlabel: str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel :ax_ylabel: str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel :ax_xunit: str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel unit :ax_yunit: str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel unit :ax_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange :ax_xlim: list (default: None) overright data related xlimits :ax_ylim: list (default: None) overright data related ylimits ___enumerate_________________________________ :do_enum: bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) ... :enum_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg :enum_str: list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings :enum_x: float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_y: float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_dir: str, (default: 'lr') direction of numbering, 'lr' from left to right, 'ud' from up to down ___save figure________________________________ :do_save: str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save. :save_dpi: int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved :save_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg ___set output_________________________________ nargout: list, (default: ['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb']) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig ... figure handle - hax ... list of axes handle - (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter) __________________________________________________ Returns: :hfig: returns figure handle :hax: returns list with axes handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> check if input data is a list if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] # keep in mind ndat is here the number index boxes in thre list, not the number # of datas that are loaded nbox = len(data[0]) ndat = len(data) #___________________________________________________________________________ # check vertical plotting mode if index+depth+xy, zmoc, dmoc if proj is None: if isinstance(data[0], xr.Dataset): if 'proj' in data[0].attrs: proj=data[0].attrs['proj'] elif isinstance(data[0], list): if isinstance(data[0][0], xr.Dataset): if 'proj' in data[0][0].attrs: proj=data[0][0].attrs['proj'] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create projection proj_to = None # proj is string if isinstance(proj, str): proj_to, box = do_projection(None, proj, box) # proj is cartopy projection object elif isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS): proj_to = proj # proj is list of cartopy projection objects or string elif isinstance(proj, list): proj_to = list() for proj_ii in proj: if isinstance(proj_ii, str): proj_dum, box = do_projection(None, proj_ii, box) proj_to.append(proj_dum) elif isinstance(proj_ii, ccrs.CRS): proj_to.append(proj_ii) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> pre-arange axes ax_optdefault=dict({'projection': proj_to, 'ax_sharex':False, 'ax_sharey':True, 'ax_dt':2.0}) ax_optdefault.update(ax_opt) hfig, hax, hcb, cb_plt_idx = do_axes_arrange(ncol, nrow, **ax_optdefault) cb_plt_idx=cb_plt_idx[:nbox] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> axes enumeration do_axes_enum(hax[:nbox], do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_opt=enum_opt, enum_str=enum_str, enum_x=enum_x, enum_y=enum_y, enum_dir=enum_dir) #___________________________________________________________________________ # setup colormap if do_allcycl: if n_cycl is not None: cmap = categorical_cmap(np.int32(ndat/n_cycl), n_cycl, cmap="tab10") else: cmap = categorical_cmap(ndat, 1, cmap="tab10") else: cmap = categorical_cmap(ndat, 1, cmap="tab10") #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> loop over axes hp, hbot, hmsh, hlsm, hgrd = list(), list(), list(), list(), list() list_strdatalabel,list_strboxlabel = list(), list() for ii, (hax_ii, hcb_ii) in enumerate(zip(hax, hcb)): # if there are no ddatra to fill axes, make it invisible if ii>=nbox: hax_ii.axis('off') # axis is normally fillt with data else: #___________________________________________________________________ # prepare regular gridded data for plotting # prepare regular gridded data for plotting optline = dict({'linewidth':1.5, 'marker':'None', 'markerfacecolor':'w', 'markersize':5, 'zorder':2}) optmark = dict({'markersize':8, 'markeredgecolor':'k', 'markeredgewidth':0.5, 'clip_on':False, 'zorder':3}) #'clip_box':False, list_lstyle=['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dashdot', 'dashdotdotted'] #___________________________________________________________________ allinone = False if nrow*ncol == 1: if nbox == 1: box_idx = [0] elif nbox > 1: box_idx, allinone = list(range(0,nbox)), True elif nrow*ncol > 1 and nrow*ncol >= nbox: box_idx, allinone = [ii], False xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf #___________________________________________________________________ # If nrow*ncol=1 && nbox > 1: plot all box lines in one figure panel # nrow*ncol=nbox && nbox > 1: plot each box lines in separate figure panel for bi in box_idx: #___________________________________________________________________ # prepare regular gridded data for plotting cnt, cnt_cycl = 0, 0 if not allinone: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf for jj in range(0,ndat): #_______________________________________________________________ vname = list(data[jj][bi].data_vars)[0] data_x = data[jj][bi][vname].data.copy() xmin, xmax = np.min([xmin, np.nanmin(data_x)]), np.max([xmax, np.nanmax(data_x)]) # in case you plot anomalous Kv data, than they can be negativ. If # than do_rescale ist setted to log10 it cant scale the x-axis # and creates a error message if any(data_x<0.0) and do_rescale=='log10': do_rescale='slog10' if do_rescale=='slog10': xmin, xmax = -np.max([np.abs(xmin), np.abs(xmax)]), np.max([np.abs(xmin), np.abs(xmax)]) #_______________________________________________________________ data_y, str_ylabel = np.abs(data[jj][bi]['depth'].values) , 'Depth / m' ymin, ymax = np.min([ymin, np.nanmin(data_y)]), np.max([ymax, np.nanmax(data_y)]) #_______________________________________________________________ loc_attrs= data[jj][bi][vname].attrs str_xlabel, str_llabel, str_blabel = '', '', '' if ax_xlabel is None: if 'long_name' in loc_attrs: str_xlabel = str_xlabel + loc_attrs['long_name'].capitalize() elif 'short_name' in loc_attrs: str_xlabel = str_xlabel + loc_attrs['short_name'] else: str_xlabel = ax_xlabel if ax_xunit is None: if 'units' in loc_attrs: str_xlabel = str_xlabel+' / '+loc_attrs['units'] else: str_xlabel = str_xlabel+' / '+ ax_xunit if 'descript' in loc_attrs: str_llabel = str_llabel + loc_attrs['descript'] if 'boxname' in loc_attrs: str_blabel = str_blabel + loc_attrs['boxname'] if 'transect_name' in loc_attrs: str_blabel = str_blabel + loc_attrs['transect_name'] str_blabel = str_blabel.replace('MOC','').replace('_','') if bi==0: list_strdatalabel.append(str_llabel) if jj==0: list_strboxlabel.append(str_blabel) #_______________________________________________________________ # plot lines optline.update({'color':cmap.colors[cnt,:]}) optline.update(plt_opt) if allinone and nrow*ncol==1: optline.update({'linestyle':list_lstyle[bi]}) optmark.update({'color':cmap.colors[cnt,:]}) optmark.update(mark_opt) # plot black underlying shadow slightly wider than line on top if do_shdw: optline2 = optline.copy() optline2.update({'color':'k', 'linewidth':optline['linewidth']*1.2, 'zorder':1}) hax_ii.plot(data_x, data_y, **optline2) h0 = hax_ii.plot(data_x, data_y, label=str_llabel, **optline) hp.append(h0) # plot mean value with left triangle if do_mean: auxx, auxy = data_x.copy(), data_y.copy() auxy[np.isnan(auxx)]=0 auxx[np.isnan(auxx)]=0 hax_ii.plot(np.nansum(auxx*auxy)/np.nansum(auxy), ymax+(data_y[-1]-data_y[0])*0.00, marker='v', **optmark) del(auxx,auxy) #_______________________________________________________________ cnt = cnt+1 cnt_cycl = cnt_cycl+1 if n_cycl is not None: if cnt_cycl>= n_cycl: cnt_cycl=0 #___________________________________________________________________ if hax_ii.do_xlabel: # wrap xlabel string when they are to long # Estimate the width of the axes dynamically fig_width, fig_height = hfig.get_size_inches() fig_dpi = hfig.get_dpi() axes_width_px = hax_ii.get_position().width * fig_width * fig_dpi # Estimate the width of the axes in terms of characters # font_size = plt.rcParams['font.size'] font_size = hax_ii.xaxis.get_label().get_size() max_chars_per_line = int(axes_width_px / (font_size*0.6)) # Empirical factor for font size to character width ratio str_xlabel = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(str_xlabel, width=max_chars_per_line)) hax_ii.set_xlabel(str_xlabel) if hax_ii.do_ylabel: hax_ii.set_ylabel(str_ylabel) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grids lines ax_ylim0 = ax_ylim if ax_ylim is None: ax_ylim0=[ymin,ymax] if ax_xlim is None: ax_xlim0=[xmin,xmax] h0 = do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, None, None, data_x=None, data_y=data_y, xlim=ax_xlim0, ylim=ax_ylim0, grid_opt=grid_opt, do_rescale=do_rescale) hgrd.append(h0) #_______________________________________________________________________ # do legend and legend positioning # -->bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), loc='upper left' this should make sure # that the legend is always outside in the upper right corner if hax_ii.coli==ncol-1 and hax_ii.rowi==0 : if allinone and nbox>1: # make data legend: legend1 = plt.legend([hp[i][0] for i in range(0,ndat,1)], list_strdatalabel, frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.0), loc='lower right') hax_ii.add_artist(legend1) # make box list legend: import copy as cp lines = [cp.copy(hp[i][0]) for i in range(0,ndat*nbox, ndat)] # make legend box lines always black, just show linestyle for li in range(0,len(lines)): lines[li].set(color='k') legend2 = plt.legend(lines, list_strboxlabel, frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.0), loc='upper left') hax_ii.add_artist(legend2) else: # make data legend: hax_ii.legend(frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), loc='upper left') #bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 1.5)) # box label becomes here axes title #___________________________________________________________________ # add title and axes labels if ax_title is not None: if isinstance(ax_title,list): hax_ii.set_title(ax_title[ii], fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) else : if not allinone and nbox>1: hax_ii.set_title(str_blabel, fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) #___________________________________________________________________________ # save figure based on do_save contains either None or pathname do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=save_dpi, save_opt=save_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ list_argout=[] if len(nargout)>0: for stri in nargout: try : list_argout.append(eval(stri)) except: print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") return(list_argout) else: return
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> do plot timeseries of mean index
[docs] def plot_tline(data, box, box_idx = None , box_label = None , boxl_opt = dict() , # option for box label string nrow = 1 , # number of row in figures panel ncol = 1 , # number of column in figure panel proj = 'index+time', n_cycl = None , do_allcycl = False , do_concat = False , do_shdw = True , do_mean = True , do_std = False , #--- data ----------- plt_opt = dict() , mark_opt = dict() , #--- gridlines ------ do_grid = True , grid_opt = dict() , #--- axes ----------- ax_title = 'descript', ax_xlabel = None , ax_ylabel = None , ax_xunit = None , ax_yunit = None , ax_opt = dict() , axl_opt = dict() , ax_xlim = None , ax_ylim = None , #--- enumerate axes - do_enum = False , enum_opt = dict() , enum_str = [] , enum_x = [0.005] , enum_y = [1.00] , enum_dir = 'lr' ,# prescribed list of enumeration strings #--- save figure ---- do_save = None , save_dpi = 300 , save_opt = dict() , #--- set output ----- nargout=['hfig', 'hax'], ): """ --> do plotting of mean indices over time (e.g. time-series) __________________________________________________ Parameters: :data: xarray dataset object, or list of xarray dataset object :box: None, list (default: None) list with regional box limitation for index computation box can be: - ['global'] ... compute global index - [shp.Reader] ... index region defined by shapefile - [ [lonmin,lonmax,latmin, latmax], boxname] index region defined by rect box - [ [ [px1,px2...], [py1,py2,...]], boxname] index region defined by polygon - [ np.array(2 x npts) boxname] index region defined by polygon :box_idx: int, (default: None) index in boxlist :box_label: str (default: None) overwrites boxname string :boxl_opt: dict (default: dict() additional options for boxlabel string (fontsize...) :nrow: int, (default: 1) number of columns when plotting multiple data panels :ncol: int, (default: 1) number of rows when plotting multiple data panels :proj: str, (default: 'index+xy') :n_cycl: int, (default: None) How many spinup cycles are contained in the data_list. Info is needed when do_allcycl=True, :do_allcycl: bool, (default: False) plot all spinupcycles based on colormap value :do_concat: bool, (default: False) attache time-series of the the same spinup cycle behind each other. Create one long spinup time-series :do_shdw: bool, (default: True) give lines a black outline :do_mean: bool, (default: False) plot triangle on the left side that indicates the mean value :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling ___plot data parameters_____________________________ :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to line plot routine via the kwarg argument :mark_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to control the line markers via the kwarg argument ___plot gridlines___________________________________ :do_grid: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines :grid_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg ___axes______________________________________ :ax_title: str, (default: 'descript') If 'descript' use descript attribute in data to title label axes, If 'str' use this string to label axes :ax_xlabel: str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel :ax_ylabel: str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel :ax_xunit: str, (default: None) overwrites default xlabel unit :ax_yunit: str, (default: None) overwrites default ylabel unit :ax_opt: dict, (default: dict()) set option for axes arangement see subroutine do_axes_arrange :ax_xlim: list (default: None) overright data related xlimits :ax_ylim: list (default: None) overright data related ylimits ___enumerate_________________________________ :do_enum: bool, (default: False) do enumeration of axes with a), b), c) ... :enum_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg :enum_str: list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings :enum_x: float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_y: float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_dir: str, (default: 'lr') direction of numbering, 'lr' from left to right, 'ud' from up to down ___save figure________________________________ :do_save: str, (default: None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save. :save_dpi: int, (default: 300) dpi resolution at which the figure is saved :save_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg ___set output_________________________________ :nargout: list, (default: ['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb']) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig ... figure handle - hax ... list of axes handle - (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter) __________________________________________________ Returns: :hfig: returns figure handle :hax: returns list with axes handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator, MultipleLocator #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> check if input data is a list if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] ndat = len(data) nbox = len(data[0]) #print(ndat, nbox) #___________________________________________________________________________ # check vertical plotting mode if index+depth+xy, zmoc, dmoc if proj is None: if isinstance(data[0], xr.Dataset): if 'proj' in data[0].attrs: proj=data[0].attrs['proj'] elif isinstance(data[0], list): if isinstance(data[0][box_idx], xr.Dataset): if 'proj' in data[0][box_idx].attrs: proj=data[0][box_idx].attrs['proj'] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> create projection proj_to = None # proj is string if isinstance(proj, str): proj_to, box = do_projection(None, proj, box) # proj is cartopy projection object elif isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS): proj_to = proj # proj is list of cartopy projection objects or string elif isinstance(proj, list): proj_to = list() for proj_ii in proj: if isinstance(proj_ii, str): proj_dum, box = do_projection(None, proj_ii, box) proj_to.append(proj_dum) elif isinstance(proj_ii, ccrs.CRS): proj_to.append(proj_ii) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> pre-arange axes ax_optdefault=dict({'projection': proj_to, 'ax_sharey':False,}) ax_optdefault.update(ax_opt) hfig, hax, hcb, cb_plt_idx = do_axes_arrange(ncol, nrow, **ax_optdefault) cb_plt_idx=cb_plt_idx[:ndat] #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> axes enumeration do_axes_enum(hax[:ndat], do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_opt=enum_opt, enum_str=enum_str, enum_x=enum_x, enum_y=enum_y, enum_dir=enum_dir) #___________________________________________________________________________ # setup colormap if do_allcycl: if n_cycl is not None: cmap = categorical_cmap(np.int32(ndat/n_cycl), n_cycl, cmap="tab10") else: cmap = categorical_cmap(ndat, 1, cmap="tab10") else: if do_concat: do_concat=False cmap = categorical_cmap(ndat, 1, cmap="tab10") #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> loop over axes hp, hbot, hmsh, hlsm, hgrd = list(), list(), list(), list(), list() cnt, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 0, np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf list_strdatalabel,list_strboxlabel = list(), list() for ii, (hax_ii, hcb_ii) in enumerate(zip(hax, hcb)): # if there are no ddatra to fill axes, make it invisible if ii>=nbox: hax_ii.axis('off') # axis is normally fillt with data else: ii_valid=ii #___________________________________________________________________ # prepare regular gridded data for plotting optline = dict({'linewidth':1.5, 'marker':'None', 'markerfacecolor':'w', 'markersize':5, 'zorder':2}) optmark = dict({'markersize':8, 'markeredgecolor':'k', 'markeredgewidth':0.5, 'clip_on':False, 'zorder':3}) #'clip_box':False, list_lstyle=['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dashdot', 'dashdotdotted'] #___________________________________________________________________ allinone = False if box_idx is None: if nrow*ncol == 1: if nbox == 1: box_idx = [0] elif nbox > 1: box_idx, allinone = list(range(0,nbox)), True elif nrow*ncol > 1 and nrow*ncol >= nbox: box_idx, allinone = [ii], False xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf #___________________________________________________________________ # If nrow*ncol=1 && nbox > 1: plot all box lines in one figure panel # nrow*ncol=nbox && nbox > 1: plot each box lines in separate figure panel if not isinstance(box_idx, list): box_idx = [box_idx] for bi in box_idx: #___________________________________________________________________ # prepare regular gridded data for plotting cnt, cnt_cycl = 0, 0 xmax_list=list() if not allinone: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf for jj in range(0,ndat): #_______________________________________________________________ vname = list(data[jj][bi].data_vars)[0] data_y = data[jj][bi][vname].data.copy() ymin, ymax = np.min([ymin, data_y.min()]), np.max([ymax, data_y.max()]) #_______________________________________________________________ data_x = data[jj][bi]['time'].copy() # total number of days per year considers leap years if len(np.unique(data_x.dt.month))==1: data_x = data_x.dt.year else: # data contain only mean seasonal cycle if len(np.unique(data_x.dt.year))==1: data_x = data_x.dt.month else: dperyr = np.where(data_x.dt.is_leap_year, 366, 365) # time vector in units of years data_x = data_x.dt.year + ([0])/dperyr if cnt_cycl>0 and do_concat: data_x = data_x + (data_x[-1]-data_x[0]+1)*cnt_cycl# + (data_x[1]-data_x[0]) data_x = np.hstack((data_x0[-1], data_x)) data_y = np.hstack((data_y0[-1], data_y)) #data_x = data_x.values xmin, xmax = np.min([xmin, data_x.min()]), np.max([xmax, data_x.max()]) data_x0, data_y0 = data_x, data_y xmax_list.append(xmax) #_______________________________________________________________ # set labels loc_attrs= data[jj][bi][vname].attrs str_xlabel, str_ylabel, str_llabel, str_blabel = '', '', '', '' if ax_xlabel is None: str_xlabel = 'Time' if 'add2xlabel' in loc_attrs: str_xlabel = str_xlabel+' '+loc_attrs['add2xlabel'] if ax_xunit is None: str_xlabel = str_xlabel + ' / years' else : str_xlabel = str_xlabel + ' / ' + ax_xunit else: str_xlabel = ax_xlabel if ax_ylabel is None: if 'long_name' in loc_attrs: str_ylabel = str_ylabel+loc_attrs['long_name'] elif 'short_name' in loc_attrs: str_ylabel = str_ylabel+loc_attrs['short_name'] if 'add2ylabel' in loc_attrs: str_ylabel = str_ylabel+' ' +loc_attrs['add2ylabel'] if ax_yunit is None: if 'units' in loc_attrs: str_ylabel = str_ylabel+' / '+loc_attrs['units'] else: str_ylabel = str_ylabel+' / '+ ax_yunit else: str_ylabel = ax_ylabel if 'descript' in loc_attrs: str_llabel = str_llabel +loc_attrs['descript'] if 'boxname' in loc_attrs: str_blabel = str_blabel +loc_attrs['boxname'] if 'transect_name' in loc_attrs: str_blabel = str_blabel +loc_attrs['transect_name'] str_blabel = str_blabel.replace('MOC','').replace('_','') if bi==0: list_strdatalabel.append(str_llabel) if jj==0: list_strboxlabel.append(str_blabel) #_______________________________________________________________ # plot lines optline.update({'color':cmap.colors[cnt,:]}) optline.update(plt_opt) if allinone and nrow*ncol==1: optline.update({'linestyle':list_lstyle[bi]}) optmark.update({'color':cmap.colors[cnt,:]}) optmark.update(mark_opt) # plot black underlying shadow slightly wider than line on top if do_shdw: optline2 = optline.copy() optline2.update({'color':'k', 'linewidth':optline['linewidth']*1.2, 'zorder':1}) hax_ii.plot(data_x, data_y, **optline2) # plot actual time series with color h0 = hax_ii.plot(data_x, data_y, label=str_llabel, **optline) # plot mean value with left triangle if do_mean: hax_ii.plot(xmin-(data_x[-1]-data_x[0])*0.00, data_y.mean(), marker='<', **optmark) # plot std. range with up/dwn triangle if do_std: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message="overflow encountered in multiply") hax_ii.plot(xmin-(data_x[-1]-data_x[0])*0.0, data_y.mean()+data_y.std(), marker='^', **optmark) hax_ii.plot(xmin-(data_x[-1]-data_x[0])*0.0, data_y.mean()-data_y.std(), marker='v', **optmark) warnings.resetwarnings() hp.append(h0) #___________________________________________________________ cnt = cnt+1 cnt_cycl = cnt_cycl+1 if n_cycl is not None: if cnt_cycl>= n_cycl: cnt_cycl=0 #_______________________________________________________________ if hax_ii.do_xlabel: hax_ii.set_xlabel(str_xlabel) if hax_ii.do_ylabel: # wrap xlabel string when they are to long # Estimate the width of the axes dynamically fig_width, fig_height = hfig.get_size_inches() fig_dpi = hfig.get_dpi() axes_width_px = hax_ii.get_position().width * fig_width * fig_dpi # Estimate the width of the axes in terms of characters # font_size = plt.rcParams['font.size'] font_size = hax_ii.xaxis.get_label().get_size() max_chars_per_line = int(axes_width_px / (font_size*0.6)) # Empirical factor for font size to character width ratio str_ylabel = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(str_ylabel, width=max_chars_per_line)) hax_ii.set_ylabel(str_ylabel) #___________________________________________________________________ # add grids lines ax_xlim0, ax_ylim0 = ax_xlim, ax_ylim if ax_xlim is None: ax_xlim0=[xmin,xmax] if ax_ylim is None: ax_ylim0=[ymin,ymax] h0 = do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, None, None, data_x=None, data_y=data_y, xlim=ax_xlim0, ylim=ax_ylim0, grid_opt=grid_opt) hgrd.append(h0) #_______________________________________________________________ if do_concat: aux_ylim=hax_ii.get_ylim() hax_ii.vlines(np.unique(xmax_list), aux_ylim[0], aux_ylim[1], 'k', linewidth=1.5, zorder=1) hax_ii.set_ylim(aux_ylim) #_______________________________________________________________________ # do legend and legend positioning # -->bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), loc='upper left' this should make sure # that the legend is always outside in the upper right corner if hax_ii.coli==ncol-1 and hax_ii.rowi==0 : if allinone and nbox>1: # make data legend: legend1 = plt.legend([hp[i][0] for i in range(0,ndat,1)], list_strdatalabel, frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.0), loc='lower right') hax_ii.add_artist(legend1) # make box list legend: import copy as cp lines = [cp.copy(hp[i][0]) for i in range(0,ndat*nbox, ndat)] # make legend box lines always black, just show linestyle for li in range(0,len(lines)): lines[li].set(color='k') legend2 = plt.legend(lines, list_strboxlabel, frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.0), loc='upper left') hax_ii.add_artist(legend2) else: # make data legend: hax_ii.legend(frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10, ncol=1, labelspacing=0.5, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), loc='upper left') #bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 1.5)) # box label becomes here axes title #___________________________________________________________________ # add title and axes labels if ax_title is not None: if isinstance(ax_title,list): hax_ii.set_title(ax_title[ii], fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) else : if not allinone and nbox>1: hax_ii.set_title(str_blabel, fontsize=hax_ii.fs_label) #___________________________________________________________________________ # save figure based on do_save contains either None or pathname do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=save_dpi, save_opt=save_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ list_argout=[] if len(nargout)>0: for stri in nargout: try : list_argout.append(eval(stri)) except: print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") return(list_argout) else: return
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> setup cartopy projections
[docs] def do_projection(mesh, proj, box): """ --> set cartopy target projection Parameters: :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :proj: str, (default: 'pc') which projection should be used, - pc ... PlateCarree (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - merc ... Mercator (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - rob ... Robinson (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - eqearth... EqualEarth (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - mol ... Mollweide (box=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]) - nps ... NorthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, >0, latmax]) - sps ... SouthPolarStereo (box=[-180, 180, latmin, <0]) - ortho ... Orthographic (box=[loncenter, latcenter]) - nears ... NearsidePerspective (box=[loncenter, latcenter, zoom]) - channel... PlateCaree :box: None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho box = [lonc, latc], nears [lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax] Returns: :proj_to: cartopy projection object :box: return projection adapted box list ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___Horizontal Projection___________________________________________________ if proj=='pc' : if len(box)!=4: raise ValueError( 'For PlateCarree projection: box=[lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max]') if (box[1]-box[0]) == 360 and (box[0]+box[1])*0.5!=0.0: #proj_to = ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=(box[0]+box[1])*0.5) raise ValueError ('--> an uncentered (focus !=0) global PlateCarree, doesnt work in moment due to an issue with cartopy in multi axes environment ') else: proj_to = ccrs.PlateCarree() elif proj=='merc' : if len(box)!=4: raise ValueError( 'For Mercator projection: box=[lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max]') proj_to = ccrs.Mercator() box[0], box[1] = box[0]+0.25, box[1]-0.25 box[2], box[3] = max(box[2], -85), min(box[3], 85) elif proj=='rob' : if len(box)!=4: raise ValueError( 'For Robinson projection: box=[lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max]') if (box[1]-box[0]) == 360 and (box[0]+box[1])*0.5!=0.0: proj_to = ccrs.Robinson(central_longitude=(box[0]+box[1])*0.5) else: proj_to = ccrs.Robinson() elif proj=='eqearth': if len(box)!=4: raise ValueError( 'For EqualEarth projection: box=[lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max]') if (box[1]-box[0]) == 360 and (box[0]+box[1])*0.5!=0.0: proj_to = ccrs.EqualEarth(central_longitude=(box[0]+box[1])*0.5) else: proj_to = ccrs.EqualEarth() box[0], box[1] = box[0]+0.25, box[1]-0.25 elif proj=='mol': if len(box)!=4: raise ValueError( 'For Mollweide projection: box=[lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max]') if (box[1]-box[0]) == 360 and (box[0]+box[1])*0.5!=0.0: proj_to = ccrs.Mollweide(central_longitude=(box[0]+box[1])*0.5) else: proj_to = ccrs.Mollweide() box[0], box[1] = box[0]+0.25, box[1]-0.25 elif proj=='nps' : if len(box)!=4: raise ValueError( 'For NorthPolarStereo projection: box=[-180, 180, lat_min, lat_max]') proj_to = ccrs.NorthPolarStereo() if box[2]<0: box[2]=0 elif proj=='sps' : if len(box)!=4: raise ValueError( 'For SouthPolarStereo projection: box=[-180, 180, lat_min, lat_max]') proj_to = ccrs.SouthPolarStereo() if box[3]>0: box[3]=0 elif proj=='ortho' : if len(box)!=2: raise ValueError( 'For Orthographic projection: box=[lonc, latc]') proj_to = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=box[0], central_latitude=box[1], globe=None) elif proj=='nears' : if len(box)!=3: raise ValueError( 'For NearsidePerspective projection: box=[lonc, latc, zoom]') proj_to = ccrs.NearsidePerspective(central_longitude=box[0], central_latitude=box[1], satellite_height=35785831.0/box[2]) elif proj=='channel': proj_to = ccrs.PlateCarree() if box is None or box=="None": box = [np.hstack((mesh.n_x,mesh.n_xa)).min(), np.hstack((mesh.n_x,mesh.n_xa)).max(), np.hstack((mesh.n_y,mesh.n_ya)).min(), np.hstack((mesh.n_y,mesh.n_ya)).max()] print(proj, box) #___Vertical "Projection"___________________________________________________ elif proj == 'index+depth+xy' : proj_to = 'index+depth+xy' elif proj == 'index+depth+time' : proj_to = 'index+depth+time' elif proj == 'index+depth' : proj_to = 'index+depth' elif proj == 'index+time' : proj_to = 'index+time' elif proj == 'index+xy' : proj_to = 'index+xy' elif proj == 'zmoc' : proj_to = 'zmoc' elif proj == 'dmoc' : proj_to = 'dmoc' elif proj == 'dmoc+depth' : proj_to = 'dmoc+depth' elif proj == 'dmoc+dens' : proj_to = 'dmoc+dens' else: raise ValueError('The projection {} is not supporrted!'.format(proj)) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(proj_to, box)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> do triangulation
[docs] def do_triangulation(hax, mesh, proj_to, box, proj_from=None, do_triorig=False, do_narea=True, do_earea=False): """ --> create matplotlib triangulation object Parameters: :hax: handle of current axes :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :proj_to: cartopy destination projection object :proj_from: cartopy source projection object (default: ccrs.PlateCarree()) :do_triorig: bool, (default=False) save original vertices coordinate in lon,lat space :do_narea: bool (default=True), drag vertices area with you is needed for normalisation :do_earea: bool (default=True), drag element area with you is needed for normalisation Returns: :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object ____________________________________________________________________________ """ tri = Triangulation(np.hstack((mesh.n_x,mesh.n_xa)), np.hstack((mesh.n_y,mesh.n_ya)), np.vstack((mesh.e_i[mesh.e_pbnd_0,:],mesh.e_ia))) #___________________________________________________________________________ if not proj_from: proj_from = ccrs.PlateCarree() #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> limit mesh triangulation to projection box e_box_mask = np.ones(tri.triangles.shape[0], dtype=bool) if isinstance(proj_to, (ccrs.PlateCarree, ccrs.NorthPolarStereo, ccrs.SouthPolarStereo, ccrs.Robinson, ccrs.EqualEarth, ccrs.Mollweide, ccrs.Mercator) ): e_box_mask = grid_cutbox_e(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles, box, which='soft') elif isinstance(proj_to, (ccrs.NearsidePerspective)): xpts, ypts = proj_to.transform_points(proj_from, tri.x[tri.triangles].sum(axis=1)/3, tri.y[tri.triangles].sum(axis=1)/3)[:,0:2].T e_box_mask = (np.isnan(xpts)==False) & (np.isnan(ypts)==False) del(xpts, ypts) elif not isinstance(proj_to, (ccrs.Orthographic)): xpts, ypts = proj_from.transform_points(proj_to, tri.x[tri.triangles].sum(axis=1)/3, tri.y[tri.triangles].sum(axis=1)/3)[:,0:2].T if isinstance(hax, list): fig_pts = hax[0].transData.transform(list(zip(xpts,ypts))) ax_pts = hax[0].transAxes.inverted().transform(fig_pts) else: fig_pts = hax.transData.transform(list(zip(xpts,ypts))) ax_pts = hax.transAxes.inverted().transform(fig_pts) e_box_mask = (ax_pts[:,0]>=-0.05) & (ax_pts[:,0]<=1.06) & (ax_pts[:,1]>=-0.05) & (ax_pts[:,1]<=1.06) del(xpts, ypts, fig_pts, ax_pts) #___________________________________________________________________________ # --> do the mapping transformation outside of tricontourf is absolutely # faster than let doing cartopy doing it within # when you transpose a 2D array with two columns, it effectively swaps the # rows and columns, allowing you to use tuple unpacking to assign each # column to a separate variable. if do_triorig: tri.xorig, tri.yorig = tri.x.copy(), tri.y.copy() tri.x, tri.y = proj_to.transform_points(proj_from, tri.x, tri.y)[:,0:2].T # In case you shift the center focus from 0 to somewhere else than there will # be still a periodic boundary spanning across that needs to eliminated if (box[1]-box[0]) >= 359 and (box[0]+box[1])*0.5!=0.0: xmin_arr, xmax_arr = tri.x[tri.triangles].min(axis=1), tri.x[tri.triangles].max(axis=1) xmin, xmax = xmin_arr.min(), xmax_arr.max() mask_pbnd = ((xmax_arr-xmin_arr) < (xmax-xmin)/2) e_box_mask[mask_pbnd==False] = False del(mask_pbnd, xmin_arr, xmax_arr, xmin, xmax) # --> reindex vertices and elements --> ensure smallest triangulation object # hopefully saves some memory when going to very large meshes n_box_mask = None if any(e_box_mask==False): tri, n_box_mask = do_reindex_vert_and_elem(tri, e_box_mask) #___________________________________________________________________________ # add some more varaibles i need tri.mask_e_box = e_box_mask tri.mask_n_box = n_box_mask del(e_box_mask, n_box_mask) tri.n2dn, tri.n2de = mesh.n2dn, mesh.n2de #___________________________________________________________________________ if do_narea: if tri.mask_n_box is not None: if mesh.n_area.ndim==1: # in case fesom14cmip6 n_area is not depth dependent, therefor ndims=1 tri.narea = np.hstack((mesh.n_area,mesh.n_area[mesh.n_pbnd_a])) else: tri.narea = np.hstack((mesh.n_area[0,:],mesh.n_area[0,mesh.n_pbnd_a])) tri.narea = tri.narea[tri.mask_n_box] else: if mesh.n_area.ndim==1: # in case fesom14cmip6 n_area is not depth dependent, therefor ndims=1 tri.narea = mesh.n_area else: tri.narea = mesh.n_area[0,:] #___________________________________________________________________________ if do_earea: if any(tri.mask_e_box==False): tri.earea = np.hstack((mesh.e_area[mesh.e_pbnd_0],mesh.e_area[mesh.e_pbnd_a])) tri.earea = tri.earea[tri.mask_e_box] else: tri.earea = mesh.e_area #___________________________________________________________________________ return(tri)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_reindex_vert_and_elem(tri, e_box_mask): """ --> reindex element index in case of exluded triangles and unused vertices Parameters: :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object :e_box_mask: bool np.array with element masking from regional box definition Returns: :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object where unreferenced triangles are kickout and the indices of the remaining vertices are adapted accordingly in the element list :n_box_mask: bool np.array with vertices masking from regional box selection ____________________________________________________________________________ """ # Identify used vertices n_box_mask = np.unique(tri.triangles[e_box_mask,:].flatten()) # Create mapping dictionary between old and new vertex indices vert_map = {old_index: new_index for new_index, old_index in enumerate(n_box_mask)} # Update vertices and elements using NumPy indexing tri_new = Triangulation(tri.x[n_box_mask], tri.y[n_box_mask], np.vectorize(vert_map.get)(tri.triangles[e_box_mask,:])) # rescue xorig and yorig into the new triangulation object if hasattr(tri, 'xorig'): tri_new.xorig = tri.xorig[n_box_mask] if hasattr(tri, 'yorig'): tri_new.yorig = tri.yorig[n_box_mask] del(tri) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(tri_new, n_box_mask)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # --> this is based on work of Nils Bruegemann see # # i needed this to originally unify the ploting between icon and fesom for model # comparison paper
[docs] def do_axes_arrange(nx, ny, #---LABEL OPTION-------------------------------------------- xlabel = '', ylabel = '', tlabel = '', # font sizes of labels, titles, ticks fs_label = 10., fs_title = 10., fs_ticks = 10., # font size increasing factor fs_fac = 1, #---AXES OPTIONS-------------------------------------------- ax_sharex = True , # all subplot share x-axes ax_sharey = True, # all subplot share y-axes ax_optdict = dict(), # additional axes option: fontssize, ... ax_asp = 1. , # aspect ratio of axes ax_w ='auto', ax_h =4., # width and height of axes # space aroung axes (left, right, top, bottom) ax_dl =0.6, ax_dr =0.6, ax_dt =0.6, ax_db =0.6, # factors to increase spaces (axes) ax_fdl=1.0, ax_fdr=1.0, ax_fdt=1.0, ax_fdb=1.0, ax_fw =1.0, ax_fh =1.0, #---FIGURE OPTION------------------------------------------- fig_optdict = dict() , # additional figure option: fontssize, ... fig_sizefac = 1., # factor to resize figures # extra figure spaces (left, right, top, bottom) fig_dl =0.0, fig_dr =0.0, fig_dt =0.0, fig_db =0.0, # factors to increase spaces (figures) fig_fdl=1.0, fig_fdr=1.0, fig_fdt=1.0, fig_fdb=1.0, #---COLORBAR OPTION----------------------------------------- cb_plt = True, cb_plt_single = True, cb_pos = 'vertical', # space around colorbars (left, right, top, bottom) cb_dl = 0.6, cb_dr =3.0, cb_dt =0.6, cb_db =0.6, # factors to increase spaces (colorbars) cb_fdl= 1.0, cb_fdr=1.0, cb_fdt=1.0, cb_fdb=1.0, # width and height of colorbars cb_w = 0.5, cb_h = 'auto', # factors to increase widths and heights of axes and colorbars cb_fw = 1.0, cb_fh = 1.0, #----------------------------------------------------------- projection = None, # projection (e.g. for cartopy) proj = None, box = None, # define regional box needed for aspect ratio #----------------------------------------------------------- nargout=['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb', 'cb_plt_idx'], **kwargs, ): """ --> do multipanel axes arangement __________________________________________________ Parameters: ___LABEL OPTION____________________ :xlabel: str (default: '') provide prescribed xlabel string :ylabel: str (default: '') provide prescribed ylabel string :tlabel: str (default: '') provide prescribed title string :fs_label: int (default: 10) prescribed fontsize for labels :fs_title: int (default: 10) prescribed fontsize for title :fs_ticks: int (default: 10) prescribed fontsize for ticklabels :fs_fac: int (default: 1) factor to generally increase fontsize ___AXES OPTIONS____________________ :ax_sharex: bool (default: True) all subplot share x-axes :ax_sharey: bool (default: True) all subplot share y-axes :ax_optdict: dict (default: dict()) additional axes option: fontssize, ... :ax_asp: float (default: 1.) aspect ratio of axes :ax_w: float, int (default: 'auto') if 'auto' width is defined based on aspect ration ax_asp and height ax_h in cm, if float value is used to define width in cm :ax_h: float, int (default: 4) if 'auto' height is defined based on aspect ration ax_asp and width ax_w in cm, if float value is used to define height in cm :ax_fw: float (default: 1.0 factor to increase width spacing :ax_fh: float (default: 1.0 factor to increase height spacing :ax_dl: float (default: 0.6) left spacing around axes in cm :ax_dr: float (default: 0.6) right spacing around axes in cm :ax_dt: float (default: 0.6) top spacing around axes in cm :ax_db: float (default: 0.6) bottom spacing around axes in cm :ax_fdl: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase left axes spacing :ax_fdr: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase right axes spacing :ax_fdt: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase top axes spacing :ax_fdb: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase bottom axes spacing ___FIGURE OPTION___________________ :fig_optdict: dict (default: dict()) additional figure option: fontssize, ... :fig_sizefac: float (default: 1.) factor to resize figures :fig_dl: float (default: 0.6) left spacing around figure in cm :fig_dr: float (default: 0.6) right spacing around figure in cm :fig_dt: float (default: 0.6) top spacing around figure in cm :fig_db: float (default: 0.6) bottom spacing around figure in cm :fig_fdl: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase left figure spacing :fig_fdr: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase right figure spacing :fig_fdt: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase top figure spacing :fig_fdb: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase bottom figure spacing ___COLORBAR OPTION_________________ :cb_plt: bool, list (default: True) If True colorbar is plotted to all axes (cb_plt_single=False) or just one colorbar is plotted for all axes (cb_plt_single=False), If list with 0 and 1 [0,1,0,1...], which axes should have colorbar, if number higher than 1 in list it is assumed there is more than one independed colorbar :cb_plt_single: bool (default: False) true/false if there is just one colorbar for all the axes or if each axes should get a colorbar :cb_pos: str (default: 'vertical') orientation of colorbar, either vertical or horizontal :cb_dl: float (default: 0.6) left spacing around colorbar in cm :cb_dr: float (default: 3.0) right spacing around colorbar in cm :cb_dt: float (default: 1.0) top spacing around colorbar in cm :cb_db: float (default: 0.6) bottom spacing around colorbar in cm :cb_fdl: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase left colorbar spacing :cb_fdr: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase right colorbar spacing :cb_fdt: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase top colorbar spacing :cb_fdb: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase bottom colorbar spacing :cb_w: float, str (default: 0.5) if float it is used as width in cm, if 'auto' width is defined automatically based on width of axes in case of horizontal colorbar :cb_h: float, str (default: 0.5) if float it is used as height in cm, if 'auto' height is defined automatically based on height of axes in case of vertical colorbar :cb_fw: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase width of colorbar :cb_fh: float (default: 1.0) factor to increase height colorbar ___PROJECTION_______________________ :projection: (default: None) provide single cartopy projection object to use for all axes, or provide list of cartopy projection objects :box: None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho: box = [lonc, latc], nears: [lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax] ___OUTPUT___________________________ :nargout: list, (default: ['hfig', 'hax', 'hcb', 'cb_plt_idx']) list of variables that are given out from the routine. Default: - hfig ... figure handle - hax ... list of axes handle - hcb ... list of colorbar handles - cb_plt_idx... list that contains index of independent - colorbars (every variable that is defined in this subroutine can become output parameter) __________________________________________________ Returns: :hfig: returns figure handle :hax: returns list with axes handle :hcb: returns colorbar handle :cb_plt_idx: list that contains index of independent colorbars ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # factor to convert cm into inch cm2inch = 0.3937 #___________________________________________________________________________ # make list of projections if it is not a list if not isinstance(projection, list): projection = [projection]*nx*ny #___________________________________________________________________________ # determine ax_w in case it is auto #if isinstance(ax_w, str) and ax_w=='auto': ax_w = ax_h/ax_asp if isinstance(ax_w, str) and ax_w=='auto': #if box is not None and ax_asp==1.0: if ax_asp==1.0: #___________________________________________________________________ # projection[0] is an arbitrary cartopy-projection object if isinstance(projection[0], ccrs.CRS) and proj!='channel': if isinstance(projection[0], (ccrs.NorthPolarStereo, ccrs.SouthPolarStereo, ccrs.Orthographic, ccrs.NearsidePerspective) ): ax_asp = 1.0 elif isinstance(projection[0], (ccrs.Robinson, ccrs.EqualEarth, ccrs.Mollweide) ): poly_x, poly_y = np.array([box[0], box[1], box[1], box[0] ]), np.array([box[3], box[3], box[2], box[2] ]), ax_asp = (poly_x.max()-poly_x.min())/(poly_y.max()-poly_y.min()) else: poly_x, poly_y = [box[0], box[1], box[1], box[0] ], [box[3], box[3], box[2], box[2] ] points = projection[0].transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), np.array(poly_x), np.array(poly_y)) ax_asp = ( (points[:,0].max()-points[:,0].min())/(points[:,1].max()-points[:,1].min()) ) #___________________________________________________________________ # channel elif isinstance(projection[0], ccrs.CRS) and proj=='channel': ax_asp = 2.0 #___________________________________________________________________ # projection is vertical section elif projection[0]=='index+depth+xy' : ax_asp = 2.0 elif projection[0]=='index+depth+time': ax_asp = 2.0 elif projection[0]=='index+depth' : ax_asp = 0.75 elif projection[0]=='index+time' : ax_asp = 2.5 elif projection[0]=='index+xy' : ax_asp = 1.5 elif projection[0]=='zmoc' : ax_asp = 2.0 elif projection[0]=='dmoc' : ax_asp = 2.0 elif projection[0]=='dmoc+depth' : ax_asp = 2.0 elif projection[0]=='dmoc+dens' : ax_asp = 2.0 else : ax_asp = 1.0 #print('ax_asp=', ax_asp) ax_w = ax_h*ax_asp #print('ax_w=', ax_w, ', ax_h=', ax_h) # rename horizontal->bottom and vertical->right if cb_pos in ['horizontal', 'horiz', 'bottom', 'bot']: if cb_h =='auto': cb_h = 0.5*fig_sizefac if isinstance(cb_w, str) and cb_w=='auto': cb_w = ax_w cb_pos = 'bottom' if nx>1: cb_h = cb_h*fig_sizefac elif cb_pos in ['vertical', 'vert', 'right']: if cb_w =='auto': cb_w = 0.5 if isinstance(cb_h, str) and cb_h=='auto': cb_h = ax_h cb_pos = 'right' if ny>1: cb_w = cb_w*fig_sizefac #print(ax_w, ax_h) #___________________________________________________________________________ # apply fig_size_fac ax_fh *= fig_sizefac ax_fw *= fig_sizefac if cb_pos=='right' : cb_fh *= fig_sizefac if cb_pos=='bottom': cb_fw *= fig_sizefac #fs_fac *= fig_sizefac ## factors to increase spaces (figure) #fig_fdl *= fig_sizefac #fig_fdr *= fig_sizefac #fig_fdt *= fig_sizefac #fig_fdb *= fig_sizefac ## factors to increase spaces (axes) #ax_fdl *= fig_sizefac #ax_fdr *= fig_sizefac #ax_fdt *= fig_sizefac #ax_fdb *= fig_sizefac ## factors to increase spaces (colorbars) #cb_fdl *= fig_sizefac #cb_fdr *= fig_sizefac #cb_fdt *= fig_sizefac #cb_fdb *= fig_sizefac # apply font size factor if fig_sizefac!=1.0 and fs_fac==1.0: fs_label *= fig_sizefac**(1/fig_sizefac) fs_title *= fig_sizefac**(1/fig_sizefac) fs_ticks *= fig_sizefac**(1/fig_sizefac) else: fs_label *= fs_fac fs_title *= fs_fac fs_ticks *= fs_fac #print(fs_label, fs_title, fs_ticks) #___________________________________________________________________________ # make vector of plot_cb if it has been true or false before # --> 1: plot cb, 0: do not plot cb # if isinstance(cb_plt, bool): if cb_plt==True: # only one colorbar for the entire panels if cb_plt_single: cb_plt = np.zeros((nx,ny)) cb_plt[-1,-1] = 1 # each panel has a colorbar else: cb_plt = np.ones((nx,ny)) # no colorbars et all else: cb_plt = np.zeros((nx,ny)) cb_plt_idx = np.ones((nx,ny)).flatten() # only distinct panels have colorbar elif isinstance(cb_plt, list): cb_plt = np.array(cb_plt) if cb_plt.size!=nx*ny : raise ValueError('Vector cb_plt has wrong length!') if cb_plt.shape[0]==nx*ny: cb_plt = cb_plt.reshape(ny,nx).transpose() elif cb_plt.shape[0]==ny : cb_plt = cb_plt.transpose() if np.sum(cb_plt!=0)>1: cb_plt_single=False else : cb_plt_single=True # check if there should be more than one independent colorbar cb_plt_idx = cb_plt.T.flatten() if any(cb_plt_idx>1) : cb_plt_new = cb_plt_idx.copy() ncb = np.unique(cb_plt_idx) for ii in ncb: idx = np.where(cb_plt_idx==ii)[0] cb_plt_new[idx[:-1]]=0 cb_plt = cb_plt_new.reshape(ny,nx).transpose() else: raise ValueError(' the format of cb_plt is not supported') cb_plt_idx = cb_plt_idx.astype(np.int16) #___________________________________________________________________________ # create multiple of horizontal axes, colorbar properties ax_dl = np.array([ax_dl]*nx) *ax_fdl ax_dr = np.array([ax_dr]*nx) *ax_fdr cb_dl = np.array([cb_dl]*nx) *cb_fdl cb_dr = np.array([cb_dr]*nx) *cb_fdr ax_w = np.array([ax_w ]*nx) *ax_fw cb_w = np.array([cb_w ]*nx) *cb_fw # create multiple of vertical axes, colorbar properties ax_dt = np.array([ax_dt]*ny) *ax_fdt ax_db = np.array([ax_db]*ny) *ax_fdb cb_dt = np.array([cb_dt]*ny) *cb_fdt cb_db = np.array([cb_db]*ny) *cb_fdb ax_h = np.array([ax_h ]*ny) *ax_fh cb_h = np.array([cb_h ]*ny) *cb_fh #print('ax_w=',ax_w,', ax_dl=',ax_dl, ', ax_dr=',ax_dr) #print('ax_h=',ax_h,', ax_dt=',ax_dt, ', ax_db=',ax_db) #print('cb_w=',cb_w,', cb_dl=',cb_dl, ', cb_dr=',cb_dr) #print('cb_h=',cb_h,', cb_dt=',cb_dt, ', cb_db=',cb_db) #___________________________________________________________________________ # adjust for shared axes if ax_sharex: ax_db[:-1] = 0 # only last row has x-axes label if ax_sharey: ax_dl[ 1:] = 0 # only first column has y-axes label #___________________________________________________________________________ # adjust for one colorbar at the right or bottom if cb_pos=='right': ax_dr_s = ax_dr[0] cb_dl_s = cb_dl[0] cb_dr_s = cb_dr[0] cb_w_s = cb_w[ 0] cb_h_s = cb_h[ 0] fig_dr += cb_dl_s+cb_w_s+0.*cb_dr_s+ax_dl[0] # adjust for columns without colorbar delete_cb_space = cb_plt.sum(axis=1)==0 cb_dl[delete_cb_space] = 0.0 cb_dr[delete_cb_space] = 0.0 cb_w[ delete_cb_space] = 0.0 ax_dr[delete_cb_space==False] = 0.0 if cb_pos=='bottom': ax_db_s = ax_db[-1] cb_h_s = cb_h[0] cb_w_s = ax_w[0] cb_db_s = cb_db[0]+ax_db[-1] cb_dt_s = cb_dt[0] #hcb_s = hcb[0] fig_db += cb_db_s+cb_h_s+cb_dt_s # adjust for columns without colorbar delete_cb_space = cb_plt.sum(axis=0)==0 cb_dt[delete_cb_space] = 0.0 cb_db[delete_cb_space] = 0.0 cb_h[ delete_cb_space] = 0.0 #___________________________________________________________________________ # determine ax position and fig dimensions in centimeters!!! x0 , y0 = fig_dl, -(fig_dt) x00, y00 = x0, y0 pos_axcm = np.zeros((nx*ny,4)) pos_cbcm = np.zeros((nx*ny,4)) nn = -1 for jj in range(ny): #_______________________________________________________________________ if cb_pos == 'right': y0 = y0 - (ax_dt[jj]+ax_h[jj]) x0 = x00 for ii in range(nx): nn = nn+1 x0 = x0 + ax_dl[ii] pos_axcm[nn,:] = [x0, y0, ax_w[ii], ax_h[jj]] x0 = x0 + ax_w[ii] + ax_dr[ii] + cb_dl[ii] pos_cbcm[nn,:] = [x0, y0, cb_w[ii], cb_h[jj]] x0 = x0 + cb_w[ii] +cb_dr[ii] y0 = y0 - (ax_db[jj]) #_______________________________________________________________________ elif cb_pos == 'bottom': y0 = y0 - (ax_dt[jj]+ax_h[jj]) x0 = x00 for ii in range(nx): nn = nn+1 x0 = x0 + ax_dl[ii] pos_axcm[nn,:] = [x0, y0, ax_w[ii], ax_h[jj]] pos_cbcm[nn,:] = [x0, y0-cb_dt[jj]-cb_h[jj], cb_w[ii], cb_h[jj]] x0 = x0 + ax_w[ii] + ax_dr[ii] y0 = y0 - cb_dt[jj]-cb_h[jj]-cb_db[jj] #___________________________________________________________________________ fig_w = x0 + fig_dr fig_h = y0 - fig_db #print('fig_w=',fig_w,' ,fig_h=', fig_h) #___________________________________________________________________________ # transform from negative y axis to positive y axis fig_h = -fig_h pos_axcm[:,1] += fig_h pos_cbcm[:,1] += fig_h #___________________________________________________________________________ # now convert axis and colorbar position from centimeter to figcoords cm2fig_x, cm2fig_y = 1./fig_w, 1./fig_h pos_ax = 1. * pos_axcm pos_cb = 1. * pos_cbcm pos_ax[:,0] = pos_axcm[:,0]*cm2fig_x pos_ax[:,1] = pos_axcm[:,1]*cm2fig_y pos_ax[:,2] = pos_axcm[:,2]*cm2fig_x pos_ax[:,3] = pos_axcm[:,3]*cm2fig_y pos_cb[:,0] = pos_cbcm[:,0]*cm2fig_x pos_cb[:,1] = pos_cbcm[:,1]*cm2fig_y pos_cb[:,2] = pos_cbcm[:,2]*cm2fig_x pos_cb[:,3] = pos_cbcm[:,3]*cm2fig_y #___________________________________________________________________________ # make figure #print(fig_w, fig_h) hfig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_w*cm2inch, fig_h*cm2inch), facecolor='white') #___________________________________________________________________________ # make axes and there positioning hax = [0]*(nx*ny) hcb = [0]*(nx*ny) nn = -1 for jj in range(ny): for ii in range(nx): nn+=1 #___________________________________________________________________ # axes if isinstance(projection[nn], ccrs.CRS) and proj=='channel': hax[nn] = hfig.add_subplot(position=pos_ax[nn,:], projection=projection[nn], aspect='auto' ) elif isinstance(projection[nn], ccrs.CRS): hax[nn] = hfig.add_subplot(position=pos_ax[nn,:], projection=projection[nn]) else: if not ax_sharex and not ax_sharey: hax[nn] = hfig.add_subplot(position=pos_ax[nn,:]) else: if nn==0: hax[nn] = hfig.add_subplot(position=pos_ax[nn,:]) else: x_share, y_share = None, None if ax_sharex: x_share=hax[0] if ax_sharey: y_share=hax[0] hax[nn] = hfig.add_subplot(position=pos_ax[nn,:], sharex=x_share, sharey=y_share) #hax[nn] = hfig.add_subplot(position=pos_ax[nn,:]) hax[nn].projection = projection[nn] hax[nn].sharex = ax_sharex hax[nn].sharey = ax_sharey # set position of axes hax[nn].set_position(pos_ax[nn,:]) #if box is not None: hax[nn].set_extent(box, crs=projection[nn]) if box is not None and isinstance(projection[nn], ccrs.CRS): if not isinstance(projection[nn], (ccrs.Orthographic, ccrs.NearsidePerspective ) ): #ccrs.NorthPolarStereo, ccrs.SouthPolarStereo, if box[1]-box[0]==360 and (box[3]-box[2])==180: #print('set_global()') hax[nn].set_global() else: #print('set_extent(box, ...)') hax[nn].set_extent(box, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) #___________________________________________________________________ # label hax[nn].set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fs_label) hax[nn].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fs_label) #hax[nn].set_title('', fontsize=fs_title) matplotlib.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = fs_title hax[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) hax[nn].fs_label = fs_label hax[nn].fs_ticks = fs_ticks hax[nn].fs_title = fs_title hax[nn].fig_dpi = hfig.dpi hax[nn].fig_width, hax[nn].fig_height = hfig.get_size_inches() #___________________________________________________________________ # colorbar if cb_plt[ii,jj] != 0 and projection[0]!='index+depth' and projection[0]!='index+time' and projection[0]!='index+xy': hcb[nn] = hfig.add_subplot(position=pos_cb[nn,:]) hcb[nn].set_position(pos_cb[nn,:]) hcb[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) hcb[nn].fs_label=fs_label hcb[nn].fs_ticks=fs_ticks hcb[nn].fs_title=fs_title #___________________________________________________________________ # ticks for axes # delete labels for shared axes hax[nn].henum=None hax[nn].do_xlabel=True if ax_sharex and jj!=ny-1: hax[nn].ticklabel_format(axis='x',style='plain',useOffset=False) hax[nn].tick_params(labelbottom=False) hax[nn].set_xlabel('') hax[nn].do_xlabel=False hax[nn].do_ylabel=True if ax_sharey and ii!=0: hax[nn].ticklabel_format(axis='y',style='plain',useOffset=False) hax[nn].tick_params(labelleft=False) hax[nn].set_ylabel('') hax[nn].do_ylabel=False #___________________________________________________________________ # add more variables to axes handle hax[nn].ncol, hax[nn].nrow = nx, ny hax[nn].coli, hax[nn].rowi = ii, jj #___________________________________________________________________ # ticks for colorbar if hcb[nn] != 0: if cb_pos=='right': hcb[nn].set_xticks([]) hcb[nn].yaxis.tick_right() hcb[nn].yaxis.set_label_position("right") hcb[nn].do_orient = 'vertical' elif cb_pos=='bottom': hcb[nn].set_yticks([]) hcb[nn].do_orient = 'horizontal' #___________________________________________________________________________ # if there is a single colorbar for the entire pannel, than stretch out the # width/height of the colorbar over the size of the pannel # ther eis one single colorbar for the entire panel if cb_plt_single and hcb[-1] != 0: #_______________________________________________________________________ # find axes center (!= figure center) --> make sure that singular colorbar # is centered over all the pannels x_ax_cent = pos_axcm[ 0,0] + 0.5*(pos_axcm[-1,0]+pos_axcm[-1,2]-pos_axcm[0,0]) y_ax_cent = pos_axcm[-1,1] + 0.5*(pos_axcm[ 0,1]+pos_axcm[ 0,3]-pos_axcm[-1,1]) #_______________________________________________________________________ # case of vertical colorbar if cb_pos=='right': w0, h0 = cb_w_s, (pos_axcm[0,1]+pos_axcm[0,3]-pos_axcm[-1,1]) #h0 = cb_h_s x0, y0 = (pos_cbcm[-1,0]), (y_ax_cent-0.5*h0) pos_cb = np.array([x0*cm2fig_x, y0*cm2fig_y, w0*cm2fig_x, h0*cm2fig_y ]) nn = -1 hcb[nn].set_position(pos_cb) hcb[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) hcb[nn].set_xticks([]) hcb[nn].yaxis.tick_right() hcb[nn].yaxis.set_label_position("right") #_______________________________________________________________________ # case of horizontal colorbar elif cb_pos=='bottom': w0, h0 = (pos_axcm[-1,0]+pos_axcm[-1,2]-pos_axcm[0,0]), cb_h_s x0, y0 = (x_ax_cent-0.5*w0), (pos_cbcm[-1,1]) pos_cb = np.array([ x0*cm2fig_x, y0*cm2fig_y, w0*cm2fig_x, h0*cm2fig_y ]) nn = -1 hcb[nn].set_position(pos_cb) hcb[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) hcb[nn].set_yticks([]) # there is more than independent colorbar within the figure panel elif not cb_plt_single and any(cb_plt.flatten()>1): nn = -1 for jj in range(ny): for ii in range(nx): nn+=1 if hcb[nn] != 0: auxidx = np.where(cb_plt_idx[nn]==cb_plt_idx)[0] print(auxidx) #_______________________________________________________________________ # case of vertical colorbar if cb_pos=='right': ymax = np.max(pos_axcm[auxidx,1]) yd = np.max(pos_axcm[auxidx,3]) ymin = np.min(pos_axcm[auxidx,1]) y_ax_cent = ymin + 0.5*(ymax+yd-ymin) w0, h0 = cb_w_s, (ymax+yd-ymin) x0, y0 = (pos_cbcm[nn,0]), (y_ax_cent-0.5*h0) pos_cb = np.array([x0*cm2fig_x, y0*cm2fig_y, w0*cm2fig_x, h0*cm2fig_y ]) hcb[nn].set_position(pos_cb) hcb[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) hcb[nn].set_xticks([]) hcb[nn].yaxis.tick_right() hcb[nn].yaxis.set_label_position("right") #_______________________________________________________________________ # case of horizontal colorbar elif cb_pos=='bottom': xmax = np.max(pos_axcm[auxidx,0]) xd = np.max(pos_axcm[auxidx,2]) xmin = np.min(pos_axcm[auxidx,0]) x_ax_cent = ymin + 0.5*(ymax+yd-ymin) w0, h0 = (xmax+xd-xmin), cb_h_s x0, y0 = (x_ax_cent-0.5*w0), (pos_cbcm[nn,1]) pos_cb = np.array([ x0*cm2fig_x, y0*cm2fig_y, w0*cm2fig_x, h0*cm2fig_y ]) hcb[nn].set_position(pos_cb) hcb[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) hcb[nn].set_yticks([]) #___________________________________________________________________________ list_argout=[] if len(nargout)>0: for stri in nargout: try: list_argout.append(eval(stri)) except: print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") return(list_argout) else: return
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_axes_enum(hax, do_enum, nrow, ncol, enum_dir='lr', enum_str=[], enum_x=[0.005], enum_y=[1.00], enum_opt=dict()): """ --> do enumeration of axes Parameters: :hax: list, list of all axes handles :do_enum: bool, switch for using enumeration :nrow: int, number of rows in multi panel plot :ncol : int, number of column in multi panel plot :enum_dir: str, (default: 'lr') direction of numbering, 'lr' from left to right, 'ud' from up to down :enum_str: list, (default: []) overwrite default enumeration strings , :enum_x: float, (default: 0.005) x position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_y: float, (default: 1.000) y position of enumeration string in axes coordinates :enum_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for enumeration strings via kwarg Returns: ____________________________________________________________________________ """ enumn_optdefault = dict({'horizontalalignment':'right', 'verticalalignment':'bottom', 'fontsize':hax[0].fs_label}) enumn_optdefault.update(enum_opt) if do_enum: #_______________________________________________________________________ # make list that looks like [ '(a)', '(b)', '(c)', ... ] if len(enum_str)==0: #lett = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" lett = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"] lett += ["a2","b2","c2","d2","e2","f2","g2","h2","i2","j2","k2","l2","m2","n2","o2","p2","q2","r2","s2","t2","u2","v2","w2","x2","y2","z2"] lett = lett[0:len(hax)] enum_str = [None]*len(hax) # direction of numbering: left-->right if enum_dir=='lr': for nn, ax in enumerate(hax): enum_str[nn] = "(%s)" % (lett[nn]) # direction of numbering: up-->down elif enum_dir=='ud': for nn, ax in enumerate(hax): aux_nn = np.floor(nn/ncol).astype(np.int32) + np.mod(nn,ncol)*nrow enum_str[nn] = "(%s)" % (lett[aux_nn]) #_______________________________________________________________________ if len(enum_x)==1: enum_x = enum_x*len(hax) if len(enum_y)==1: enum_y = enum_y*len(hax) #_______________________________________________________________________ # draw text for nn, ax in enumerate(hax): ht = hax[nn].text(enum_x[nn], enum_y[nn], enum_str[nn], transform = hax[nn].transAxes, **enumn_optdefault) # add text handle to axes to give possibility of changing text properties later # e.g. by hca[nn].axlab.set_fontsize(8) hax[nn].henum = ht
#___________________________________________________________________________ #return(hax) # # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_data_prepare_unstruct(mesh, tri, data_plot, do_ie2n): """ --> prepare data for plotting, augment periodic boundaries, interpolate from elements to nodes, kick out nan values from plotting Parameters: :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :data_plot: np.array of unstructured data :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_box ... bool np.array with element masking from regional box definition - tri.mask_n_box ... bool np.array with vertices masking from regional box selection Returns: :data_plot: np.array of unstructured data, augmented with periodic boundary, limited to regional box :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object ____________________________________________________________________________ """ is_onvert = True #___________________________________________________________________________ # data are on vertices if data_plot.size==mesh.n2dn: is_onvert = True data_plot = np.hstack((data_plot,data_plot[mesh.n_pbnd_a])) # reindex vertices array to box limits if tri.mask_n_box is not None: data_plot = data_plot[tri.mask_n_box] #___________________________________________________________________________ # data are on elements elif data_plot.size==mesh.n2de: # interpolate from elements to vertices --> cartopy plotting is faster if do_ie2n: is_onvert = True data_plot = grid_interp_e2n(mesh,data_plot) data_plot = np.hstack((data_plot,data_plot[mesh.n_pbnd_a])) # reindex vertices array to box limits if tri.mask_n_box is not None: data_plot = data_plot[tri.mask_n_box] # plot the data on elements else: is_onvert = False data_plot = np.hstack((data_plot[mesh.e_pbnd_0],data_plot[mesh.e_pbnd_a])) # reindex element array to box limits data_plot = data_plot[tri.mask_e_box] #___________________________________________________________________________ # kick out triangles with Nan cut elements to box size isnan = np.isnan(data_plot) if not is_onvert: tri.mask_e_ok = isnan==False data_plot = data_plot[tri.mask_e_ok] else: tri.mask_e_ok = np.any(isnan[tri.triangles], axis=1)==False del(isnan) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(data_plot, tri)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_data_prepare_vslice(hax_ii, data_ii, box_idx, do_smooth=False, smooth_opt=(3,9)): """ --> prepare data for plotting, augment periodic boundaries, interpolate from elements to nodes, kick out nan values from plotting Parameters: :hax: handle of current axes :data_ii: xarray dataset object of axes ii, can contains the info data_ii[box_idx] of several defined boxes which can be selected via box_idx index :box_idx: index of box selection in data_ii[box_idx] Returns: :data_x: np.array, data for x-axis :data_y: np.array, data fox y-axes :data_plot: np.array, data to plot on regular vertical grid ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # prepare vertical regular gridded data for plotting --> here data are index # list --> defined by box index box_idx if box_idx is not None: vname = list(data_ii[box_idx].keys())[0] data_plot = data_ii[box_idx][vname].data.copy() data_y, str_ylabel = np.abs(data_ii[box_idx]['depth'].values) , 'Depth / m' #_______________________________________________________________________ # data must be a transect if 'dst' in list(data_ii[box_idx].variables): auxlat, auxlon = data_ii[box_idx]['lat'].values[[1,-2]], data_ii[box_idx]['lon'].values[[1,-2]] auxlat, auxlon = np.abs(np.diff(auxlat)), np.abs(np.diff(auxlon)) auxlat, auxlon = auxlat/np.sqrt(auxlat**2+auxlon**2), auxlon/np.sqrt(auxlat**2+auxlon**2) angle = np.abs(-np.arctan2(auxlat, auxlon)*180/np.pi) if angle > 80: data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii[box_idx]['lat'].values , 'Latitude / deg' elif angle < 10: data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii[box_idx]['lon'].values , 'Longitude / deg' else : data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii[box_idx]['dst'].values , 'Distance / km' del(auxlat, auxlon, angle) #_______________________________________________________________________ # data can be any other vertical index else: if 'lat' in list(data_ii[box_idx].coords): data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii[box_idx]['lat'].values , 'Latitude / deg' elif 'lon' in list(data_ii[box_idx].coords): data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii[box_idx]['lon'].values , 'Longitude / deg' elif 'time' in list(data_ii[box_idx].coords): data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii[box_idx]['time'] , 'Time / year' # recompute xarray time vector into units of year totdayperyear = np.where(data_x.dt.is_leap_year, 366, 365) data_x = data_x.dt.year + ([0])/totdayperyear data_plot = data_plot.transpose() del(totdayperyear) #_______________________________________________________________________ if do_smooth: from scipy.ndimage import convolve filt = filt = np.ones(smooth_opt) filt = filt/sum(filt.flatten()) nan_mask = np.isnan(data_plot) data_plot[nan_mask]= 0 # Perform convolution on normal array data_smth = convolve(data_plot, filt, mode='constant', cval=0) # Convolve the NaN mask to count valid elements in each window valid_counts = convolve(np.float32(~nan_mask), filt, mode='constant', cval=0) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # Avoid division warnings data_plot = np.where(valid_counts > 0, data_smth / valid_counts, np.nan) del(data_smth, valid_counts) # data is a direct vertical profile and not a list of index profiles e,g MOC else: vname = list(data_ii.data_vars)[0] data_plot = data_ii[vname].data.copy() #___Y-axis variables____________________________________________________ # if 'depth' in list(data_ii.coords): data_y, str_ylabel = np.abs(data_ii['depth'].values) , 'Depth / m' # dmoc y-varaible for zcoord remapping elif 'ndens_zfh' in list(data_ii.coords): data_y, str_ylabel = data_ii['ndens_zfh'].values , 'Depth / m' elif 'nz_rho' in list(data_ii.coords): #data_x, data_y, data_v, dum = do_ztransform_martin(mesh, data[ii]) #data_x, data_y, data_v = do_ztransform_mom6(mesh, data[ii]) data_x, data_y, data_v = do_ztransform_hydrography(mesh, data_ii) data_y = -data_y elif 'ndens_z' in list(data_ii.coords): data_x, data_y = do_ztransform(data_plot) data_plot = data_plot.copy() data_plot = data_plot[1:-1,:] # dmoc in density coordinates elif 'dens' in list(data_ii.coords): data_y, str_ylabel = data_ii['dens'].values, '${\\sigma}_{2}$ pot. Density / kg${\\cdot}$m$^{-3}$' data_y, data_plot = data_y[1:-1], data_plot[1:-1,:] #___X-axis variables____________________________________________________ # data must be a transect if 'dst' in list(data_ii.variables): auxlat, auxlon = data_ii['lat'].values[[0,-1]], data_ii['lon'].values[[0,1]] auxlat, auxlon = np.abs(np.diff(auxlat)), np.abs(np.diff(auxlon)) auxlat, auxlon = auxlat/np.sqrt(auxlat**2+auxlon**2), auxlon/np.sqrt(auxlat**2+auxlon**2) angle = np.abs(-np.arctan2(auxlat, auxlon)*180/np.pi) if angle > 80: data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii['lat'].values , 'Latitude / deg' elif angle < 10: data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii['lon'].values , 'Longitude / deg' else : data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii['dst'].values , 'Distance / km' del(auxlat, auxlon, angle) # data can be any other vertical index else: if 'lat' in list(data_ii.coords): data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii['lat'].values , 'Latitude / deg' elif 'lon' in list(data_ii.coords): data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii['lon'].values , 'Longitude / deg' elif 'time' in list(data_ii[box_idx].coords): data_x, str_xlabel = data_ii[box_idx]['time'] , 'Time / year' # recompute xarray time vector into units of year totdayperyear = np.where(data_x.dt.is_leap_year, 366, 365) data_x = data_x.dt.year + ([0])/totdayperyear data_plot = data_plot.transpose() if 'ndens_zfh' in list(data_ii.coords): data_x = np.ones(data_y.shape)*data_x #___________________________________________________________________________ if hax_ii.do_xlabel: hax_ii.set_xlabel(str_xlabel) if hax_ii.do_ylabel: hax_ii.set_ylabel(str_ylabel) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(data_x, data_y, data_plot)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_data_norm(cinfo, do_rescale): """ --> prepare renormation object, for log10 or slog10 Parameters: :cinfo: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling (mcolors.LogNorm) - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling (mcolors.SymLogNorm) - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps (mcolors.BoundaryNorm) Returns: :which_norm: None or renormation object ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ which_norm = None if isinstance(do_rescale, str): if do_rescale =='log10': which_norm = mcolors.LogNorm(vmin=cinfo['clevel'][0], vmax=cinfo['clevel'][-1]) elif do_rescale =='slog10': print(np.min(np.abs(cinfo['clevel'][cinfo['clevel']!=0]))) which_norm = mcolors.SymLogNorm(np.min(np.abs(cinfo['clevel'][cinfo['clevel']!=0])), linscale=1.0, vmin=cinfo['clevel'][0], vmax=cinfo['clevel'][-1], clip=True) elif isinstance(do_rescale, np.ndarray): which_norm = mcolors.BoundaryNorm(do_rescale, len(do_rescale)-1, clip=True) #else: #which_norm = mcolors.NoNorm(vmin=cinfo['clevel'][0], vmax=cinfo['clevel'][ -1], clip=False) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(which_norm)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_data(hax_ii, do_plt, tri, data_plot, cinfo_plot, which_norm_plot, plt_opt =dict(), plt_contb=False, pltcb_opt=dict(), plt_contf=False, pltcf_opt=dict(), plt_contr=False, pltcr_opt=dict(), plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt=dict()): """ --> plot triangular data based on tripcolor or tricontourf Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :do_plt: str, (default: tpc) - tpc ... make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf ... make contourf coor plot (tricontourf) , # tpc:tripcolor, tcf:tricontourf :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_ok...provide mask with nan values, that describe the bottom limited to regional box :data_plot: np.array of unstructured data, augmented with periodic boundary, :cinfo_plot: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :which_norm_plot: None or renormation object :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument :plt_contb: bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background) :pltcb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option :plt_contf: bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground) :pltcf_opt: dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option :plt_contr: bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference) :pltcr_opt: dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option :plt_contl: bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot :pltcl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument Returns: :h0: return matplotlib handle of plot ____________________________________________________________________________ """ h0=None if np.sum(tri.mask_e_ok)==0: return(h0) #___________________________________________________________________________ # plot tripcolor if do_plt in ['tpc','pc'] or (do_plt in ['tcf','cf'] and not tri.x.size==data_plot.size): plt_optdefault = dict({'shading':'gouraud', 'zorder':1}) plt_optdefault.update(plt_opt) ## pcolor plot in combination with shading :gouraud and orthographic projection ## leads to an blow up of the plotting therefor change to flat shading #if tri.x.size!=data_plot.size or isinstance(hax_ii.projection, (ccrs.Orthographic, ccrs.NearsidePerspective)): #plt_optdefault.update({'shading':'flat'}) # if which_normplot is specified like in case of log10 and slog10 scaling # vmin and vmax argumetns are not allows cminmax=dict() if which_norm_plot is None:cminmax.update({'vmin':cinfo_plot['clevel'][0], 'vmax':cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1]}) h0 = hax_ii.tripcolor(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles[tri.mask_e_ok,:], data_plot, cmap=cinfo_plot['cmap'], norm = which_norm_plot, **cminmax, **plt_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ # plot tricontour elif do_plt in ['tcf','cf']: plt_optdefault = dict({'zorder':1}) plt_optdefault.update(plt_opt) # supress warning message when compared with nan with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): data_plot[data_plot<cinfo_plot['clevel'][ 0]] = cinfo_plot['clevel'][ 0] data_plot[data_plot>cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1]] = cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1] h0 = hax_ii.tricontourf(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles[tri.mask_e_ok,:], data_plot, levels=cinfo_plot['clevel'], cmap=cinfo_plot['cmap'], extend='both', norm=which_norm_plot, **plt_optdefault) else: raise ValueError(' --> this do_plt={:s} value is not valid'.format(do_plt)) #___________________________________________________________________________ # overlay background contour lines, very thin lines if plt_contb and tri.x.size==data_plot.size: pltcb_optdefault=dict({'colors':'k', 'linestyles':'solid', 'linewidths':0.1, 'zorder':2}) pltcb_optdefault.update(pltcb_opt) h0cb = hax_ii.tricontour(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles[tri.mask_e_ok,:], data_plot, levels=cinfo_plot['clevel'], **pltcb_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ # overlay foreground contour lines, of colorbar steps thicker line if plt_contf and tri.x.size==data_plot.size: pltcf_optdefault=dict({'colors':'k', 'linestyles':'solid', 'linewidths':0.5, 'zorder':2}) pltcf_optdefault.update(pltcf_opt) h0cf = hax_ii.tricontour(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles[tri.mask_e_ok,:], data_plot, levels=cinfo_plot['clab'], **pltcf_optdefault) #_______________________________________________________________________ if plt_contl: pltcl_optdefault=dict({'inline':1, 'inline_spacing':1, 'fontsize':6, 'fmt':'%1.2f', 'zorder':3}) pltcl_optdefault.update(pltcl_opt) h0cft = hax_ii.clabel(h0cf, h0cf.levels, **pltcl_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ # overlay reference contour lines, of colorbar reference center value if plt_contr and tri.x.size==data_plot.size: pltcr_optdefault=dict({'colors':'k', 'linestyles':'solid', 'linewidths':1.5, 'zorder':2}) pltcr_optdefault.update(pltcr_opt) h0cr = hax_ii.tricontour(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles[tri.mask_e_ok,:], data_plot, levels=[cinfo_plot['cref']], **pltcr_optdefault) #_______________________________________________________________________ if plt_contl: pltcl_optdefault=dict({'inline':1, 'inline_spacing':1, 'fontsize':6, 'fmt':'%1.2f', 'zorder':3}) pltcl_optdefault.update(pltcl_opt) h0crt= hax_ii.clabel(h0cr, h0cr.levels, **pltcl_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_datareg(hax_ii, do_plt, data_x, data_y, data_plot, cinfo_plot, which_norm_plot, plt_opt=dict(), which_transf=None, plt_contb=False, pltcb_opt=dict(), plt_contf=False, pltcf_opt=dict(), plt_contr=False, pltcr_opt=dict(), plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt=dict()): """ --> plot regular gridded data (binned, coarse grained data) via pcolormesh and contourf Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :do_plt: str, (default: tpc) - tpc ... make pseudocolor plot (tripcolor) - tcf ... make contourf coor plot (tricontourf) :data_x: regular longitude array :data_y: regular latitude array :data_plot: np.array of regular gridded data :cinfo_plot: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :which_norm: None or renormation object :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument :plt_contb: bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background) :pltcb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option :plt_contf: bool, (default: False) overlay thicker contour lines of the main colorbar steps (foreground) :pltcf_opt: dict, (default: dict()) foreground contour line option :plt_contr: bool, (default: False) overlay thick contour lines of reference color steps (reference) :pltcr_opt: dict, (default: dict()) reference contour line option :plt_contl: bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot :pltcl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument Returns: h0: return matplotlib handle of plot ____________________________________________________________________________ """ h0=None #___________________________________________________________________________ # plot pcolor if do_plt in ['tpc','pc']: #plt_optdefault = dict({'shading':'gouraud'}) plt_optdefault = dict({'shading':'nearest', 'zorder':1}) plt_optdefault.update(plt_opt) if 'shading' in plt_optdefault: if plt_optdefault['shading']=='flat': data_plot = (data_plot[1:,1:] + data_plot[:-1,:-1])*0.5 # if which_normplot is specified like in case of log10 and slog10 scaling # vmin and vmax argumetns are not allows cminmax=dict() if which_norm_plot is None:cminmax.update({'vmin':cinfo_plot['clevel'][0], 'vmax':cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1]}) # the transform=which_transf options in combination with pcolormesh seems # only to work in case of horizontal cartopy plot not in vertical slice # plot even when which_transf=None if isinstance(hax_ii.projection, ccrs.CRS): plt_optdefault.update({'transform':which_transf}) h0 = hax_ii.pcolormesh(data_x, data_y, data_plot, cmap=cinfo_plot['cmap'], norm=which_norm_plot, **cminmax, **plt_optdefault) #0 = hax_ii.pcolormesh(data_x, data_y, data_plot, #cmap=cinfo_plot['cmap'], #norm=which_norm_plot, transform=which_transf, **cminmax, **plt_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ # plot contourf elif do_plt in ['tcf','cf']: plt_optdefault = dict({'zorder':1}) plt_optdefault.update(plt_opt) # supress warning message when compared with nan with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): data_plot[data_plot<cinfo_plot['clevel'][ 0]] = cinfo_plot['clevel'][ 0] data_plot[data_plot>cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1]] = cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1] h0 = hax_ii.contourf(data_x, data_y, data_plot, levels=cinfo_plot['clevel'], cmap=cinfo_plot['cmap'], extend='both', norm=which_norm_plot, transform=which_transf, **plt_optdefault) else: raise ValueError(' --> this do_plt={:s} value is not valid'.format(do_plt)) #___________________________________________________________________________ # solve problem between using lat_bnd & lon_bnd and lat & lon if np.ndim(data_x) == 1: if data_plot.shape[1] == data_x.shape[0] : data_x0=data_x elif data_plot.shape[1] == data_x.shape[0]-1: data_x0=(data_x[1:] + data_x[:-1])*0.5 if data_plot.shape[0] == data_y.shape[0] : data_y0=data_y elif data_plot.shape[0] == data_y.shape[0]-1: data_y0=(data_y[1:] + data_y[:-1])*0.5 elif np.ndim(data_x) == 2: data_x0, data_y0=data_x, data_y #___________________________________________________________________________ # overlay background contour lines, very thin lines if plt_contb: pltcb_optdefault=dict({'colors':'k', 'linestyles':'solid', 'linewidths':0.1, 'zorder':2}) pltcb_optdefault.update(pltcb_opt) h0cb = hax_ii.contour(data_x0, data_y0, data_plot, levels=cinfo_plot['clevel'], transform=which_transf, **pltcb_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ # overlay foreground contour lines, of colorbar steps thicker line if plt_contf: pltcf_optdefault=dict({'colors':'k', 'linestyles':'solid', 'linewidths':0.5, 'zorder':2}) pltcf_optdefault.update(pltcf_opt) h0cf = hax_ii.contour(data_x0, data_y0, data_plot, levels=cinfo_plot['clab'], transform=which_transf, **pltcf_optdefault) #_______________________________________________________________________ if plt_contl: pltcl_optdefault=dict({'inline':1, 'inline_spacing':1, 'fontsize':6, 'fmt':'%1.2f', 'zorder':3}) pltcl_optdefault.update(pltcl_opt) hax_ii.clabel(h0cf, h0cf.levels, **pltcl_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ # overlay reference contour lines, of colorbar reference center value if plt_contr: pltcr_optdefault=dict({'colors':'k', 'linestyles':'solid', 'linewidths':1.5, 'zorder':2}) pltcr_optdefault.update(pltcr_opt) h0cr = hax_ii.contour(data_x0, data_y0, data_plot, levels=[cinfo_plot['cref']], transform=which_transf, **pltcr_optdefault) #_______________________________________________________________________ if plt_contl: pltcl_optdefault=dict({'inline':1, 'inline_spacing':1, 'fontsize':6, 'fmt':'%1.2f', 'zorder':3}) pltcl_optdefault.update(pltcl_opt) hax_ii.clabel(h0cr, h0cr.levels, **pltcl_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_quiver(hax_ii, do_quiv, tri, data_plot_u, data_plot_v, cinfo_plot, norm_plot, quiv_scalfac=1, quiv_arrwidth=0.25, quiv_dens=0.4, quiv_smax=10, quiv_shiftL=2, quiv_smooth=2, quiv_opt=dict()): """ --> plot triangular data as quiver plot Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :do_quiv: bool, do cartopy quiver plot :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_ok...provide mask with nan values, that describe the bottom limited to regional box :data_plot_u: np.array of unstructured zonal vector component :data_plot_v: np.array of unstructured meridional vector component :cinfo_plot: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :norm_plot: None or renormation object :quiv_scalfac: float, (default: 1.0) bigger means larger arrows :quiv_arrwidth: float, (default: 0.25) scale arrow width :quiv_dens: float, (default: 0.5) larger mean more excluded arrows :quiv_smax: float, (default: 10) small arrow are scaled strong with factor smax, its off when smax=1 :quiv_shiftL: float, (default: 2) shift smothing function to the left :quiv_smooth: float, (default: 2) slope of transitions zone, smaller value steeper transition :quiv_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to quiver plot routine Returns: :h0: return handle of quiver plot ____________________________________________________________________________ """ h0=None if do_quiv: #_______________________________________________________________________ # prepare quiver data data_plot_n = np.sqrt(data_plot_u**2 + data_plot_v**2) data_plot_u, data_plot_v = data_plot_u/data_plot_n, data_plot_v/data_plot_n data_plot_n[data_plot_n<cinfo_plot['clevel'][0]] = cinfo_plot['clevel'][0] #+np.finfo(np.float32).eps data_plot_n[data_plot_n>cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1]] = cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1]#-np.finfo(np.float32).eps data_plot_u, data_plot_v = data_plot_u*data_plot_n, data_plot_v*data_plot_n nmax = np.nanmax(data_plot_n) data_plot_u, data_plot_v = data_plot_u/nmax, data_plot_v/nmax # scale up weaker flow vectors stronger so that also weaker flows become more visible # if quiv_scal=1 this scaling is switched off fac = (1.0 - np.tanh(((data_plot_n/nmax*np.pi*4)-np.pi*2 + 2*np.pi/quiv_shiftL )/quiv_smooth) )/2.0 fac = fac - np.nanmin(fac) fac = fac/np.nanmax(fac) fac = fac*(quiv_smax-1.0) + 1.0 data_plot_u, data_plot_v = data_plot_u*fac, data_plot_v*fac # convert into cartopy projection frame if data_plot_u.size == tri.xorig.size: isonvert=True tri0x, tri0y = tri.x, tri.y data_plot_u, data_plot_v = hax_ii.projection.transform_vectors(ccrs.PlateCarree(), tri.xorig, tri.yorig, data_plot_u, data_plot_v) else: isonvert=False triangles = tri.triangles[tri.mask_e_ok,:] tri0x , tri0y = tri.x[ triangles].sum(axis=1)/3.0, tri.y[ triangles].sum(axis=1)/3.0 tri0xorig, tri0yorig = tri.xorig[triangles].sum(axis=1)/3.0, tri.yorig[triangles].sum(axis=1)/3.0, data_plot_u, data_plot_v = hax_ii.projection.transform_vectors(ccrs.PlateCarree(), tri0xorig, tri0yorig, data_plot_u, data_plot_v) del(triangles, tri0xorig, tri0yorig) # kick out nan values from quiver coordinates mask_nan = np.isnan(data_plot_u) == False tri0x, tri0y = tri0x[mask_nan], tri0y[mask_nan] data_plot_u, data_plot_v, data_plot_n = data_plot_u[mask_nan], data_plot_v[mask_nan], data_plot_n[mask_nan] ## kick out to small arrows #mean, std = np.nanmean(data_plot_n), np.nanstd(data_plot_n) #mask_quiv = data_plot_n>mean-std*quiv_excl #tri0x = tri0x[mask_quiv], #tri0y = tri0y[mask_quiv], #data_plot_u = data_plot_u[mask_quiv], #data_plot_v = data_plot_v[mask_quiv], #data_plot_n = data_plot_n[mask_quiv] # kick out arrows based on density if quiv_dens is not None and tri.narea is not None: if isonvert: r0 = 1/(np.sqrt(tri.narea[mask_nan])) else: aux_earea = tri.earea[tri.mask_e_ok] r0 = 1/(np.sqrt(aux_earea[mask_nan])) del(aux_earea) mask_quiv = np.random.rand(tri0x.size)>r0/np.max(r0)*quiv_dens #1.5 #mask_quiv = np.logical_and(isok,mask_quiv) tri0x = tri0x[mask_quiv], tri0y = tri0y[mask_quiv], data_plot_u = data_plot_u[mask_quiv], data_plot_v = data_plot_v[mask_quiv], data_plot_n = data_plot_n[mask_quiv] #_______________________________________________________________________ # try to do scaling projection space dependent # Define the geographic coordinates bounding the area of interest min_x, max_x = hax_ii.get_xlim() min_y, max_y = hax_ii.get_ylim() ddx , ddy = max_x-min_x , max_y-min_y min_x += ddx*0.025 min_y += ddy*0.025 max_x -= ddx*0.025 max_y -= ddy*0.025 # Transform the minimum and maximum points min_lon, dum = ccrs.PlateCarree().transform_point(min_x, (min_y+max_y)/2, src_crs=hax_ii.projection) max_lon, dum = ccrs.PlateCarree().transform_point(max_x, (min_y+max_y)/2, src_crs=hax_ii.projection) dum, min_lat = ccrs.PlateCarree().transform_point((min_x+max_x)/2, min_y, src_crs=hax_ii.projection) dum, max_lat = ccrs.PlateCarree().transform_point((min_x+max_x)/2, max_y, src_crs=hax_ii.projection) # Calculate the distance in kilometers using the scale factor dlon = np.abs(max_lon - min_lon) # Convert meters to kilometers dlat = np.abs(max_lat - min_lat) # Convert meters to kilometers dy = dlat*np.pi*6371/180 dx = dlon*np.pi*6371/180*np.cos(np.deg2rad( (min_lat+max_lat)/2 )) #_______________________________________________________________________ # add quiver plot max_dim = np.min([dx,dy])*10 if quiv_scalfac is not None: quiv_scalfac = 1/max_dim/quiv_scalfac if quiv_arrwidth is not None: quiv_arrwidth = max_dim*quiv_arrwidth quiv_optdefault=dict({'edgecolor':'k', 'linewidth':0.10, 'width': quiv_arrwidth , 'units':'xy', \ 'scale_units':'xy', 'angles':'xy', 'scale': quiv_scalfac}) quiv_optdefault.update(quiv_opt) h0=hax_ii.quiver(tri0x, tri0y, data_plot_u, data_plot_v, data_plot_n, cmap = cinfo_plot['cmap'], norm = norm_plot, zorder=10, **quiv_optdefault, ) h0.set_clim([cinfo_plot['clevel'][0],cinfo_plot['clevel'][-1]]) del(tri0x, tri0y) return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_streaml_reg(hax_ii, ii, do_streaml, streaml_dat=None, streaml_opt=dict(), do_streaml_leg=True, streaml_leg_opt=dict(), box=None, which_transf=ccrs.PlateCarree()): """ --> plot streamlines over scalar data, based on regular gridded lon,lat vector data. Data can originate either from corase graining or interpolation Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :ii: int, index of handle ii :do_streaml: bool, do cartopy streaml plot :streaml_dat: list of xr.Datasets with u,v data in it (default=None) :: Dimensions: (lat: 85, lon: 180, n2: 2) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float32 340B -79.0 -77.0 -75.0 -73.0 ... 83.0 85.0 87.0 89.0 * lon (lon) float32 720B -179.0 -177.0 -175.0 ... 175.0 177.0 179.0 nzi float64 8B 15.89 nz1 int64 8B 250 lat_bnd (lat, n2) float32 680B -80.0 -78.0 -78.0 -76.0 ... 88.0 nan nan lon_bnd (lon, n2) float32 1kB -180.0 -178.0 -178.0 ... 178.0 178.0 180.0 w_A (lat, lon) float32 61kB 9.437e+09 9.437e+09 9.437e+09 ... nan nan Dimensions without coordinates: n2 Data variables: u (lat, lon) float32 61kB -0.003229 -0.003186 -0.002711 ... nan nan v (lat, lon) float32 61kB 0.0007711 0.000357 0.001531 ... nan nan Attributes: (12/19) FESOM_model: FESOM2 FESOM_website: FESOM_git_SHA: 02f7d080 FESOM_MeshPath: /albedo/work/user/pscholz/mesh_fesom... FESOM_mesh_representative_checksum: 297ddf9c482ca68c86a979e1bd5d3c97 FESOM_ClimateDataPath: /albedo/work/projects/p_fesom/FROM-O... ... ... :streaml_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to streamline plot routine :do_streaml_leg: bool, (default: False) overlay legend for streamline plot, keep in mind that the position for legend is somewhat pre setted by hand :streaml_leg_opt: dict, (default=dict()) additional option for the position of the streamline legend :box: None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho... box=[lonc, latc],[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax] :which_transf: ccrs.CRS (default=None) data starting projection usually ccrs.PlateCaree() Returns: :h0: return matplotlib handle of streamline #___________________________________________________________________________ """ h0=None #___________________________________________________________________________ if do_streaml and streaml_dat is not None: data_x, data_y = streaml_dat[ii]['lon' ], streaml_dat[ii]['lat' ] vnm = list(streaml_dat[ii].data_vars) data_u, data_v = streaml_dat[ii][vnm[0]].data.copy(), streaml_dat[ii][vnm[1]].data.copy() # limit data to regional box if box is not None: idx_x , idx_y = (data_x>=box[0]) & (data_x<=box[1]), (data_y>=box[2]) & (data_y<=box[3]) data_x, data_y = data_x[idx_x ], data_y[idx_y ] data_u, data_v = data_u[idx_y,:], data_v[idx_y,:] data_u, data_v = data_u[:,idx_x], data_v[:,idx_x] del(idx_x, idx_y) # vector norm --> speed data_s = np.sqrt(data_u**2 + data_v**2) speed_min, speed_max = np.nanmin(data_s), np.nanmax(data_s) # compute scaled line width based on speed lw_min, lw_max = 0.25, 5.0 if 'lw_min' in streaml_opt: lw_min = streaml_opt['lw_min'] del(streaml_opt['lw_min']) if 'lw_max' in streaml_opt: lw_max = streaml_opt['lw_max'] del(streaml_opt['lw_max']) def speed2lw(speed, speed_min, speed_max, lw_min, lw_max): #lw = speed lw = (speed-speed_min)/(speed_max-speed_min) lw = lw*(lw_max-lw_min)+lw_min if np.any(np.isnan(speed)): lw[np.isnan(speed)] = 0 return(lw) # kick out nan values data_u[np.isnan(data_s)] = 0.0 data_v[np.isnan(data_s)] = 0.0 data_s[np.isnan(data_s)] = 0.0 plt_optdefault = dict({'density':10, 'color':'k'}) plt_optdefault.update(streaml_opt) # here do cartopy projection inside streamplot routine if isinstance(hax_ii.projection, ccrs.CRS): plt_optdefault.update({'transform':which_transf}) h0=hax_ii.streamplot(data_x, data_y, data_u, data_v, linewidth = speed2lw(data_s, speed_min, speed_max, lw_min, lw_max), **plt_optdefault) #_______________________________________________________________________ # make a streamline legend if do_streaml_leg: leg_optdefault = dict({'x':75, # lon position of legend in deg 'y':60, # lat position of legend in deg 'dy':5, # vertical distance of legend labels in deg 'dw':10, # width of lines in deg 'arr_s': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] }) leg_optdefault.update(streaml_leg_opt) x, y, dy, dw = leg_optdefault['x'], leg_optdefault['y'], leg_optdefault['dy'], leg_optdefault['dw'] x01, y01 = hax_ii.projection.transform_point(x-dw, y, ccrs.PlateCarree()) x02, y02 = hax_ii.projection.transform_point(x , y, ccrs.PlateCarree()) x03, y03 = hax_ii.projection.transform_point(x+2, y, ccrs.PlateCarree()) for i, speed in enumerate(leg_optdefault['arr_s']): # This linewidth lw = speed2lw(speed, speed_min, speed_max, lw_min, lw_max) # Plot a line in the legend, of the correct length x1, y1 = hax_ii.projection.transform_point(x, y, ccrs.PlateCarree()) hax_ii.plot([x01 ,x02], [y1,y1], c='k', lw=lw, zorder=10) # Add a text label, after converting the lw back to a speed hax_ii.text(x03, y1, '{:2.2f} $m{{\\cdot}}s^{{-1}}$'.format(speed), va='center', zorder=10, fontweight='normal') y=y-dy #_______________________________________________________________________ del(data_x, data_y, data_u, data_v, data_s) #___________________________________________________________________________ elif do_streaml and streaml_dat is None: raise ValueError(' --> you need to provide regular gridded u,v data to plot streamlines') return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_quiver_reg(hax_ii, ii, do_quiver, quiver_dat=None, quiver_opt=dict(), do_quiver_leg=True, quiver_leg_opt=dict(), box=None, which_transf=ccrs.PlateCarree(), quiv_scalfac=1, quiv_arrwidth=0.25): """ --> plot streamlines over scalar data, based on regular gridded lon,lat vector data. Data can originate either from corase graining or interpolation Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :ii: int, index of handle ii :do_quiver: bool, do cartopy quiver plot :quiver_dat: list of xr.Datasets with u,v data in it (default=None) :: Dimensions: (lat: 85, lon: 180, n2: 2) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float32 340B -79.0 -77.0 -75.0 -73.0 ... 83.0 85.0 87.0 89.0 * lon (lon) float32 720B -179.0 -177.0 -175.0 ... 175.0 177.0 179.0 nzi float64 8B 15.89 nz1 int64 8B 250 lat_bnd (lat, n2) float32 680B -80.0 -78.0 -78.0 -76.0 ... 88.0 nan nan lon_bnd (lon, n2) float32 1kB -180.0 -178.0 -178.0 ... 178.0 178.0 180.0 w_A (lat, lon) float32 61kB 9.437e+09 9.437e+09 9.437e+09 ... nan nan Dimensions without coordinates: n2 Data variables: u (lat, lon) float32 61kB -0.003229 -0.003186 -0.002711 ... nan nan v (lat, lon) float32 61kB 0.0007711 0.000357 0.001531 ... nan nan Attributes: (12/19) FESOM_model: FESOM2 FESOM_website: FESOM_git_SHA: 02f7d080 FESOM_MeshPath: /albedo/work/user/pscholz/mesh_fesom... FESOM_mesh_representative_checksum: 297ddf9c482ca68c86a979e1bd5d3c97 FESOM_ClimateDataPath: /albedo/work/projects/p_fesom/FROM-O... ... ... :quiver_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to quiver plot routine :do_quiver_leg: bool, (default: False) overlay legend for quiver plot, keep in mind that the position for legend is somewhat pre setted by hand :quiver_leg_opt: dict, (default=dict()) additional option for the position of the streamline legend :box: None, list (default: None) regional limitation of plot. For ortho... box=[lonc, latc],[lonc, latc, zoom], for all others box = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax] :which_transf: ccrs.CRS (default=None) data starting projection usually ccrs.PlateCaree() Returns: :h0: return matplotlib handle of streamline #___________________________________________________________________________ """ h0=None #___________________________________________________________________________ if do_quiver and quiver_dat is not None: data_x, data_y = quiver_dat[ii]['lon' ].data.copy(), quiver_dat[ii]['lat' ].data.copy() vnm = list(quiver_dat[ii].data_vars) data_u, data_v = quiver_dat[ii][vnm[0]].data.copy(), quiver_dat[ii][vnm[1]].data.copy() # limit data to regional box if box is not None: idx_x , idx_y = (data_x>=box[0]) & (data_x<=box[1]), (data_y>=box[2]) & (data_y<=box[3]) data_x, data_y = data_x[idx_x ], data_y[idx_y ] data_u, data_v = data_u[idx_y,:], data_v[idx_y,:] data_u, data_v = data_u[:,idx_x], data_v[:,idx_x] del(idx_x, idx_y) # vector norm --> speed data_s = np.sqrt(data_u**2 + data_v**2) # kick out nan values data_x, data_y = np.meshgrid(data_x, data_y) mask_nan = np.isnan(data_s) == False data_x, data_y = data_x[mask_nan], data_y[mask_nan] data_u, data_v, data_s = data_u[mask_nan], data_v[mask_nan], data_s[mask_nan] #_______________________________________________________________________ quiv_optdefault=dict({ 'scale':4, 'minshaft':2, 'minlength':0.5, 'width':0.002}) quiv_optdefault.update(quiver_opt) data_u, data_v = hax_ii.projection.transform_vectors(which_transf, data_x, data_y, data_u, data_v) data_x, data_y = hax_ii.projection.transform_points( which_transf, data_x, data_y)[:,0:2].T h0=hax_ii.quiver(data_x, data_y, data_u, data_v, color = 'k', zorder=10, **quiv_optdefault, ) #_______________________________________________________________________ # make a streamline legend if do_quiver_leg: leg_optdefault = dict({'x':75, # lon position of legend in deg 'y':60, # lat position of legend in deg 'dy':5, # vertical distance of legend labels in deg 'dw':10, # width of lines in deg 'arr_s': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] }) leg_optdefault.update(quiver_leg_opt) x, y, dy, dw = leg_optdefault['x'], leg_optdefault['y'], leg_optdefault['dy'], leg_optdefault['dw'] x01, y01 = hax_ii.projection.transform_point(x-dw, y, ccrs.PlateCarree()) x02, y02 = hax_ii.projection.transform_point(x , y, ccrs.PlateCarree()) x03, y03 = hax_ii.projection.transform_point(x+2, y, ccrs.PlateCarree()) for i, speed in enumerate(leg_optdefault['arr_s']): # This linewidth # Plot a line in the legend, of the correct length x1, y1 = hax_ii.projection.transform_point(x, y, ccrs.PlateCarree()) u1, v1 = hax_ii.projection.transform_vectors(ccrs.PlateCarree(), np.array([0]) , np.array([0]), np.array([speed]), np.array([0])) h0=hax_ii.quiver(x02, y1, u1, v1, color = 'k', zorder=10, pivot='tip', **quiv_optdefault, ) # Add a text label, after converting the lw back to a speed hax_ii.text(x03, y1, '{:2.2f} $m{{\\cdot}}s^{{-1}}$'.format(speed), va='center', zorder=10, fontweight='normal') y=y-dy #_______________________________________________________________________ del(data_x, data_y, data_u, data_v, data_s) #___________________________________________________________________________ elif do_quiver and quiver_dat is None: raise ValueError(' --> you need to provide regular gridded u,v data to plot streamlines') return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_bot(hax_ii, do_bot, tri=None, data_x=None, data_y=None, data_plot=None, ylim=None, bot_opt=dict()): """ --> plot bottom mask Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :do_bot: bool, (default: True), overlay topographic bottom mask :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object (default=None) - tri.mask_e_ok...provide mask with nan values, that describe the bottom limited to regional box :data_x: regular longitude array (default=None) :data_y: regular latitude array (default=None) :data_plot: np.array of regular gridded data (default=None) :ylim: list, (default=None), overwrite limit of yaxis :bot_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the bottom mask plotting via kwarg Returns: :h0: return handle of bottom plot ____________________________________________________________________________ """ from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap h0=None # plot bottom mask for cartopy plot if isinstance(hax_ii.projection, ccrs.CRS) and tri is not None: if do_bot and np.any(tri.mask_e_ok==False): bot_optdefault = dict({'facecolors': [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 'linewidth':0.1, 'zorder':4}) bot_optdefault.update(bot_opt) # create single color colormap when options like 'facecolor', 'facecolors', # 'color', 'colors' are present cmap = None rmv = [] for ii in bot_optdefault.keys(): if ii in ['facecolor', 'facecolors', 'color', 'colors']: cmap = ListedColormap(bot_optdefault[ii]) rmv.append(ii) if cmap is not None: bot_optdefault.update({'cmap':cmap}) # remove facecolor string from dictionary since its doesnt exist for tripcolor if len(rmv)!=0: for ii in rmv: del(bot_optdefault[ii]) #h0 = hax_ii.triplot(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles[e_ok_mask==False,:], **bot_optdefault) h0 = hax_ii.tripcolor(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles[tri.mask_e_ok==False,:], np.ones(np.sum(tri.mask_e_ok==False)), **bot_optdefault) # plot bottom mask for index+depth+xy elif hax_ii.projection=='index+depth+xy': bot_optdefault = dict({'color':[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'edgecolor':'k', 'linewidth':1.0, 'zorder':4}) bot_optdefault.update(bot_opt) if data_x is None or data_plot is None: raise ValueError(' cant plot bottom mask for index+depth+xy without data_x and data_plot!') # compute bottom line based on NaN values aux = np.isnan(data_plot)==False aux = aux.sum(axis=0) aux[aux!=0]=aux[aux!=0]-1 bottom = data_y[aux] del(aux) # smooth bottom patch #filt=np.array([1,2,3,2,1]) #np.array([1,2,1]) #filt=filt/np.sum(filt) #aux = np.concatenate( (np.ones((filt.size,))*bottom[0],bottom,np.ones((filt.size,))*bottom[-1] ) ) #aux = np.convolve(aux,filt,mode='same') #bottom = aux[filt.size:-filt.size] #del(filt, aux) h0 = hax_ii.fill_between(data_x, bottom, data_y[-1], **bot_optdefault)#,alpha=0.95) # plot bottom mask for zmoc elif 'zmoc' in hax_ii.projection or 'dmoc+depth' in hax_ii.projection: bot_optdefault = dict({'color':[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'edgecolor':'k', 'linewidth':1.0, 'zorder':4}) bot_optdefault.update(bot_opt) if ylim==None: maxbot=np.nanmax(data_y) else : maxbot=ylim[-1] bottom = data_plot h0 = hax_ii.fill_between(data_x, bottom, maxbot, **bot_optdefault)#,alpha=0.95) return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_topo(hax_ii, do_topo, data_topo, mesh, tri, plt_opt=dict(), plt_contb=True, pltcb_opt=dict(), plt_contl=False, pltcl_opt=dict()): """ --> plot topography contour or pcolor Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :do_topo: bool, (default: True), overlay model topography in quiver plots :data_topo: np.array with unstructured data of model topogrpahy :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_box ... bool np.array with element masking from regional box definition - tri.mask_n_box ... bool np.array with vertices masking from regional box selection :plt_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to tripcolor or tricontourf via the kwarg argument :plt_contb: bool, (default: False) overlay thin contour lines of all colorbar steps (background) :pltcb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) background contour line option :plt_contl: bool, (default: False) label overlayed contour linec plot :pltcl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to clabel via the kwarg argument Returns: :h0: return handle of plot ____________________________________________________________________________ """ h0=None if do_topo in ['tpc', 'tcf']: data_topo, tri0 = do_data_prepare_unstruct(mesh, tri, data_topo, False) levels = np.hstack((25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, np.arange(500,6000+1,500))) N = len(levels) vals = np.ones((N, 4)) vals[:, 0] = np.linspace(0.2, 0.95, N) vals[:, 1] = np.linspace(0.2, 0.95, N) vals[:, 2] = np.linspace(0.2, 0.95, N) vals = np.flipud(vals) topocmp = ListedColormap(vals) cinfo_topo = dict({'clevel':levels, 'cmap':topocmp}) h0 = do_plt_data(hax_ii, do_topo, tri0, data_topo, cinfo_topo, None, plt_opt =plt_opt, plt_contb=plt_contb, pltcb_opt=pltcb_opt, plt_contf=False , pltcf_opt=dict(), plt_contr=False , pltcr_opt=dict(), plt_contl=plt_contl, pltcl_opt=pltcl_opt) del(tri0) return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_mesh(hax_ii, do_mesh, tri, mesh_opt=dict()): """ --> plot overlaying triangular mesh Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :do_mesh: bool, (default: True), overlay FESOM grid over dataplot :tri: matplotlib.tri triangulation object - tri.mask_e_ok...provide mask with nan values, that describe the bottom limited to regional box :mesh_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the mesh plotting via kwarg Returns: :h0: return handle of plot ____________________________________________________________________________ """ h0=None if do_mesh: mesh_optdefault = dict({'color':'k', 'linewidth':0.1, 'alpha':0.75}) mesh_optdefault.update(mesh_opt) #h0 = hax_ii.triplot(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles[e_ok_mask,:], zorder=5, **mesh_optdefault) h0 = hax_ii.triplot(tri.x, tri.y, tri.triangles, zorder=5, **mesh_optdefault) return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_lsmask(hax_ii, do_lsm, mesh, lsm_opt=dict(), resolution='low'): """ --> plot fesom mesh inverted land sea mask Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of axes ii :do_lsm: str, (default: 'fesom'), overlay FESOM grid inverted land sea mask option are here: - fesom ... grey fesom landsea mask - stock ... uses cartopy stock image - bluemarble ... uses bluemarble image in folder tripyview/background/ - etopo ... uses etopo image in folder tripyview/background/ :mesh: fesom2 mesh object, with all mesh information :lsm_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the landsea mask plotting via kwarg :resolution: str, (default: 'low') switch resolution of background image for bluemarble and etopo between 'high' and 'low' Returns: :h0: return handle of plot· ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="cartopy") lsm_optdefault = dict({'facecolor':[0.6, 0.6, 0.6], 'edgecolor':'k', 'linewidth':0.5, 'zorder':4}) lsm_optdefault.update(lsm_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ if do_lsm in ['bluemarble', 'etopo']: import tripyview as tpv bckgrndir = os.path.join(tpv.__path__[0], 'backgrounds/') #___________________________________________________________________________ # add mesh land-sea mask h0 = None if do_lsm is None or do_lsm==False: return() elif do_lsm=='fesom': h0=hax_ii.add_geometries(mesh.lsmask_p, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), **lsm_optdefault) elif do_lsm=='stock': h01=hax_ii.stock_img() lsm_optdefault.update({'facecolor':'None'}) h02=hax_ii.add_geometries(mesh.lsmask_p, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), **lsm_optdefault) h0 = [h01,h02] elif do_lsm=='bluemarble': # --> see original idea at and # os.environ["CARTOPY_USER_BACKGROUNDS"] = bckgrndir h01=hax_ii.background_img(name=do_lsm, resolution=resolution) lsm_optdefault.update({'facecolor':'None'}) h02=hax_ii.add_geometries(mesh.lsmask_p, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), **lsm_optdefault) h0 = [h01,h02] elif do_lsm=='etopo': # --> see original idea at and # os.environ["CARTOPY_USER_BACKGROUNDS"] = bckgrndir h01=hax_ii.background_img(name=do_lsm, resolution=resolution) lsm_optdefault.update({'facecolor':'None'}) h02=hax_ii.add_geometries(mesh.lsmask_p, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), **lsm_optdefault) h0 = [h01,h02] else: raise ValueError(" > the do_lsm={} is not supported, must be either 'fesom', 'stock', 'bluemarble' or 'etopo'! ") #___________________________________________________________________________ return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_plt_gridlines(hax_ii, do_grid, box, ndat, data_x=None, data_y=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, grid_opt=dict(), proj=None, do_rescale=None): """ --> do plot cartopy gridline and general gridlines together with the limit scaling of the axis (see non-linear option of x and y axis) Parameters: :hax_ii: handle of one axes :do_grid: bool, (default: True) plot cartopy grid lines :box: None, or list with box definitions :ndat: int, total length of data list :data_x: regular longitude array :data_y: regular latitude array :xlim: list, (default=None), overwrite limit of xaxis :ylim: list, (default=None), overwrite limit of yaxis :grid_opt: dict, (default: dict()) additional options that are given to the cartopy gridline plotting via kwarg :proj: None, cartopy projection object or string (e.g. index+depth+time...) :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps Returns: :h0: None or handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ h0=None if do_grid: #_______________________________________________________________________ if proj=='channel': grid_optdefault = dict({'color':'black', 'linestyle':'-', 'draw_labels':False, 'alpha':0.25, 'zorder':5}) grid_optdefault.update(grid_opt) #___________________________________________________________________ h0=hax_ii.gridlines(**grid_optdefault ) if hax_ii.do_ylabel: h0.left_labels = True if hax_ii.do_xlabel: h0.bottom_labels = True #_______________________________________________________________________ elif isinstance(hax_ii.projection, ccrs.CRS): #___________________________________________________________________ grid_optdefault = dict({'color':'black', 'linestyle':'-', 'draw_labels':False, 'alpha':0.25, 'zorder':10}) grid_optdefault.update(grid_opt) #___________________________________________________________________ h0=hax_ii.gridlines(**grid_optdefault ) # ensure circular boundary for stereographic projection if isinstance(hax_ii.projection, (ccrs.NorthPolarStereo, ccrs.SouthPolarStereo) ): # give stereographic plot a circular boundary theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) center, radius = [0.5, 0.5], 0.5 verts = np.vstack([np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T circle = mpath.Path(verts * radius + center) hax_ii.set_boundary(circle, transform=hax_ii.transAxes) del(theta, center, verts, circle) elif isinstance(hax_ii.projection, (ccrs.Orthographic, ccrs.NearsidePerspective)): hax_ii.set_global() elif isinstance(hax_ii.projection, (ccrs.Mollweide, ccrs.EqualEarth, ccrs.Robinson)): if box[1]-box[0]>=359 and box[3]-box[2]>=179 : hax_ii.set_global() if not isinstance(hax_ii.projection, (ccrs.NearsidePerspective, ccrs.Orthographic, ccrs.NorthPolarStereo, ccrs.SouthPolarStereo) ): #if hax_ii.do_ylabel: h0.ylabels_left = True #if hax_ii.do_xlabel: h0.xlabels_bottom = True if hax_ii.do_ylabel: h0.left_labels = True if hax_ii.do_xlabel: h0.bottom_labels = True # rotate xlabel for PlateCarree so that they dont overlay with # neighboring plots if isinstance(hax_ii.projection, (ccrs.PlateCarree) ) and ndat>1 and hax_ii.ncol>1: h0.xlabel_style = {'rotation': 25} h0.xlabel_style = {'fontsize': hax_ii.fs_ticks} h0.ylabel_style = {'fontsize': hax_ii.fs_ticks} #_______________________________________________________________________ # grid options for index vs. depth vs. xy plot elif hax_ii.projection in ['index+depth+xy', 'index+depth+time', 'index+depth', 'index+time', 'index+xy', 'zmoc', 'dmoc', 'dmoc+dens', 'dmoc+depth']: #___________________________________________________________________ grid_optdefault = dict({'color':'black', 'linestyle':'-', 'linewidth':0.25, 'alpha':1.0, 'zorder':-1}) grid_optdefault.update(grid_opt) #___________________________________________________________________ # default do_yexp, do_ysig settings do_yexp = False # do nonlinear/ exponential depth sscaling for vertical plots yexp_majorticks = np.array([10,100,250,500,1000,2000,4000,6000]) yexp_fac = 2.0 do_ysig = False # do nonlinear sigma sscaling for dmoc plot ysig_majorticks = np.array([30.00, 36.00, 36.65, 36.92, 37.05]) ysig_minorticks = np.sort(np.unique(np.hstack([0.00, np.arange(30.00, 35.99, 1.00), np.arange(36.00, 36.64, 0.20),# 0.15 np.arange(36.65, 36.91, 0.05), np.arange(36.92, 37.04, 0.02), np.arange(37.05, 38.50, 0.25), 40.00]))) do_yinv = False # invert y-axis #___________________________________________________________________ # check if do_yscaling (do_yexp, do_ysig) related string exists in # grid_opt dictionary rmv = [] for ii in grid_optdefault.keys(): if ii in ['do_yexp', 'yexp', 'do_yexponential', 'yexponential'] : # for MOC keep depth axes linear if not 'zmoc' in hax_ii.projection and not 'dmoc' in hax_ii.projection : do_yexp = grid_optdefault[ii] rmv.append(ii) elif ii in ['yexp_majorticks'] : yexp_majorticks = grid_optdefault[ii] rmv.append(ii) elif ii in ['yexp_fac'] : yexp_fac = grid_optdefault[ii] rmv.append(ii) elif ii in ['do_yinv', 'yinv', 'do_yinvert', 'yinvert'] : # for MOC keep depth axes linear do_yinv = grid_optdefault[ii] rmv.append(ii) elif ii in ['do_ysig', 'ysig', 'ysigma', 'do_ysigma'] : if 'dmoc+dens' in hax_ii.projection : do_ysig = grid_optdefault[ii] rmv.append(ii) elif ii in ['ysig_majorticks'] : yexp_majorticks = grid_optdefault[ii] rmv.append(ii) elif ii in ['ysig_minorticks'] : ysig_minorticks = grid_optdefault[ii] rmv.append(ii) # remove do_ylog, do_yinv, do_ysig string from dictionary since its # doesnt exist for tripcolor if len(rmv)!=0: for ii in rmv: del(grid_optdefault[ii]) #___________________________________________________________________ # do exponential depth axis scaling if do_yexp and hax_ii.projection not in ['dmoc+dens']: # Define your custom transformation function def forward_yexp(y, *args): return np.abs(y)**(1.0/args[0]) def inverse_yexp(y, *args): return np.abs(y)**(args[0]) hax_ii.set_yscale( 'function', functions=(lambda y: forward_yexp(y, yexp_fac), lambda y: inverse_yexp(y, yexp_fac)) ) hax_ii.set_yticks(yexp_majorticks) #___________________________________________________________________ # do nonlinear sigma2 scaling for dmoc in density space elif do_ysig and hax_ii.projection in ['dmoc+dens']: # Define your custom transformation function def forward_ysig(y, *args): reg = np.linspace(0, len(args[0]), len(args[0]))[::-1] dens2reg = interp1d(args[0], reg, kind='linear') y1 = dens2reg(y) y1[y1<0] = 0 y1[y1>np.max(reg)] = np.max(reg) return y1 def inverse_ysig(y, *args): reg = np.linspace(0, len(args[0]), len(args[0]))[::-1] reg2dens = interp1d(reg, args[0], kind='linear') y[y<0] = 0 y[y>np.max(reg)] = np.max(reg) y1 = reg2dens(y) return y1 hax_ii.set_yscale( 'function', functions=(lambda y: forward_ysig(y, ysig_minorticks), lambda y: inverse_ysig(y, ysig_minorticks)) ) # do custom sigma y-labels # do major ticklabels in larger font hax_ii.set_yticks( ysig_majorticks, minor=False ) ylabelmayjor_list_fmt=list() for num in ysig_majorticks: ylabelmayjor_list_fmt.append('{:2.2f}'.format(num)) hax_ii.set_yticklabels(ylabelmayjor_list_fmt, minor=False, size=10) # do minor ticklabels in small font yminorticks = np.setdiff1d(ysig_minorticks[1:-1], ysig_majorticks) hax_ii.set_yticks(yminorticks, minor=True ) ylabelminor_list_fmt=list() for num in yminorticks: ylabelminor_list_fmt.append('{:2.2f}'.format(num)) hax_ii.set_yticklabels(ylabelminor_list_fmt, minor=True, size = 6) if not hax_ii.do_ylabel: # bugfix in case of shared yaxes hax_ii.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', left=True, right=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False) #___________________________________________________________________ # rescale x-axhes in case of vline index+depth plot if hax_ii.projection in ['index+depth'] and isinstance(do_rescale,str): if do_rescale in ['log10' , 'slog10']: if do_rescale=='log10' : hax_ii.set_xscale('log') hax_ii.xaxis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=(1.0, ), numticks=10)) xtlabels = hax_ii.get_xticklabels() if hax_ii.xaxis.get_tick_space()+2<len(xtlabels): for ll in range(0,len(xtlabels),2): xtlabels[ll] = '' hax_ii.set_xticklabels(xtlabels) hax_ii.xaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=np.arange(2, 10), numticks=10)) elif do_rescale=='slog10': hax_ii.set_xscale('symlog') hax_ii.xaxis.set_major_locator(SymmetricalLogLocator(base=10.0, linthresh=1e-4)) xtlabels = hax_ii.get_xticklabels() if hax_ii.xaxis.get_tick_space()+2<len(xtlabels): for ll in range(0,len(xtlabels),2): xtlabels[ll] = '' hax_ii.set_xticklabels(xtlabels) hax_ii.xaxis.set_minor_locator(SymmetricalLogLocator(base=10.0, linthresh=1e-4, subs=np.arange(2, 10))) else: hax_ii.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) else: hax_ii.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) #___________________________________________________________________ # set x/y limits if data_y is not None: if np.ndim(data_y)==1 : hax_ii.set_ylim(data_y[0],data_y[-1]) if np.ndim(data_y)==2 : hax_ii.set_ylim(np.nanmin(data_y),np.nanmax(data_y)) if ylim is not None: if do_yexp: hax_ii.set_ylim(np.max([ylim[0], data_y[0]]) ,np.min([ylim[1], data_y[-1]])) # bug fix for invert y-axis when doing moc elif hax_ii.projection not in ['zmoc', 'dmoc+depth']: hax_ii.set_ylim(ylim[0]-(ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.025 ,ylim[-1]+(ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.025) if xlim is not None: hax_ii.set_xlim(xlim[0] ,xlim[-1]) elif xlim is None and data_x is not None: if data_x.ndim==1: hax_ii.set_xlim(data_x[0], data_x[-1]) elif data_x.ndim==2: hax_ii.set_xlim(data_x[0,0], data_x[0,-1]) #___________________________________________________________________ # invert y-axis if isinstance(hax_ii.projection, str): if hax_ii.projection in ['index+depth+xy', 'index+depth+time', 'index+depth']: hax_ii.invert_yaxis() elif hax_ii.projection in ['zmoc', 'dmoc+depth']: if ylim is not None: hax_ii.set_ylim(ylim[0] ,ylim[-1]) hax_ii.invert_yaxis() else: if do_yinv: hax_ii.invert_yaxis() #___________________________________________________________________ # set grid options hax_ii.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) hax_ii.grid(True,which='major') hax_ii.grid(**grid_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(h0)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_cbar(hcb_ii, hax_ii, hp, data, cinfo, do_rescale, cb_label, cb_lunit, cb_ltime, cb_ldep, box_idx=None, norm=None, cb_opt=dict(), cbl_opt=dict(), cbtl_opt=dict()): """ --> plot colorbars (tripyview allows also to have more than one colorbar within the multipanel plot) Parameters: :hcb_ii: actual colorbar handle :hax_ii: actual axes handle :hp: actual plot handle :data: xarray dataset object with all attributes (needed for the default colorbar labels) :cinfo: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps :cb_label: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar label, otherwise information from data ('long_name, short_name) are used :cb_lunit: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar unit label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ltime: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar time label, otherwise info from data are used :cb_ldep: str, (default: None) if string its used as colorbar depth label, otherwise info from data are used :box_idx: None or index of box selection in data_ii[box_idx] :norm: None or renormation object :cb_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar via kwarg :cbl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg :cbtl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg Returns: :hcb_ii: actual colorbar handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ which_orient = hcb_ii.do_orient #___________________________________________________________________________ cb_optdefault = dict({'extendrect':False, 'extendfrac':None, 'drawedges':True}) cb_optdefault.update(cb_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ hcb_ii = plt.colorbar(mappable=hp[-1], ax=hax_ii, cax=hcb_ii, orientation=which_orient, ticks=cinfo['clevel'], boundaries=cinfo['clevel'], #norm=norm, **cb_optdefault) #___________________________________________________________________________ # do formating of colorbar tick labels hcb_ii = do_cbar_formatting(hcb_ii, do_rescale, cinfo, cbtl_opt=cbtl_opt) #___________________________________________________________________________ loc_attrs = dict() if isinstance(data,list) and box_idx is not None: vname = list(data[box_idx].keys())[0] loc_attrs= data[box_idx][vname].attrs elif isinstance(data, xr.Dataset) : vname = list(data.keys())[0] loc_attrs= data[vname].attrs if cb_label is None: cb_label = '' if 'long_name' in loc_attrs: cb_label = cb_label+loc_attrs['long_name'].capitalize() elif 'short_name' in loc_attrs: c_label = cb_label+loc_attrs['short_name'].capitalize() if cb_lunit is None: if 'units' in loc_attrs: cb_label = cb_label+' / '+loc_attrs['units'] else: cb_label = cb_label+' / '+cb_lunit if 'str_ltim' in loc_attrs: cb_label = cb_label+'\n'+loc_attrs['str_ltim'] if 'str_ldep' in loc_attrs: cb_label = cb_label+loc_attrs['str_ldep'] else: if cb_lunit is None: cb_label = cb_label+' / '+loc_attrs['units'] else: cb_label = cb_label+' / '+cb_lunit if cb_ltime is None: if 'str_ltim' in loc_attrs: cb_label = cb_label+'\n'+loc_attrs['str_ltim'] else: cb_label = cb_label+'\n'+cb_ltime if cb_ldep is None: if 'str_ldep' in loc_attrs: cb_label = cb_label+loc_attrs['str_ldep'] else: cb_label = cb_label+'\n'+cb_ldep if which_orient=='vertical' : fsize =[0].get_fontsize() elif which_orient=='horizontal': fsize =[0].get_fontsize() cbl_optdefault = dict({'fontsize':fsize}) cbl_optdefault.update(cbl_opt) ## wrap xlabel string when they are to long ## Estimate the width of the axes dynamically #axes_width_px = * hax_ii.fig_height * hax_ii.fig_dpi ## Estimate the width of the axes in terms of characters ## font_size = plt.rcParams['font.size'] #font_size = #max_chars_per_line = int(axes_width_px / (font_size)) # Empirical factor for font size to character width ratio #cb_label = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(cb_label, width=max_chars_per_line)) #___________________________________________________________________________ # change fontsize of colorbar label hcb_ii.set_label(cb_label, **cbl_optdefault) # change fontsize of scientific noation string x10^⁻7 at the top of the colorbar offset_text = offset_text.set_fontsize(cbl_optdefault['fontsize']) #___________________________________________________________________________ return(hcb_ii)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_cbar_formatting(cbar, do_rescale, cinfo, pw_lim=[-3,4], cbtl_opt=dict()): """ --> do formating of colorbar for logarithmic data and exponential data Parameters: :cbar: actual colorbar handle :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps :cinfo: dict(), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :pw_lim: list, in which decimal limits matplot will rescale the colorbar with 10^x :cbtl_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for colorbar tick labels (fontsize, fontweight, ...) via kwarg Returns: :cbar: actual colorbar handle ____________________________________________________________________________ """ if len(cinfo['clevel'])>=48: cbar.dividers.set_color('None') cbtl_optdefault = dict() cbtl_optdefault.update(cbtl_opt)**cbtl_optdefault) # formating for log and symlog colorbar axis # do_rescale == 'log10', do_rescale == 'slog10': if isinstance(do_rescale,str): #cbar.set_ticks(cinfo['clevel'][np.mod(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['clevel'])),1)==0.0]) cbar.update_ticks()['clevel'][np.mod(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['clevel'])),1)==0.0])['clevel'][np.mod(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['clevel'])),1)==0.0])), #base=10)) if cbar.orientation=='vertical':'right') elif cbar.orientation=='horizontal':'center') #cbar.update_ticks() # do_rescale = np.array(...), do_rescale = None, do_rescale = False: else: # set new cticks based on clab if 'clab' in cinfo: cbar.set_ticks(cinfo['clab']) cbar.update_ticks() carr = np.abs(cinfo['clab']) else: cbar.locator = mticker.FixedLocator(cinfo['clevel'], nbins=cinfo['cnlab']) cbar.update_ticks() carr = np.abs(cinfo['clevel']) # when do_rescale=np.ndarray(...), nonlinear colorbar if isinstance(do_rescale, np.ndarray): # Subclass ScalarFormatter: # Overriding _set_format ensures that the main tick labels use scientific # notation with your specified precision. The self.format string # controls the label precision. class PreciseScalarFormatter(mticker.ScalarFormatter): def __init__(self, precision=5, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.precision = precision # Desired precision def _set_format(self): # Override internal method to control label precision self.format = f"%2.{self.precision}f" # Scientific notation with specified decimals cmin, cmax = carr[carr != 0.0], carr[carr != 0.0] cmin, cmax = np.min(cmin), np.max(cmax) precision = np.log10(cmax)-np.log10(cmin) precision = np.int16(np.ceil(precision))+1 formatter = PreciseScalarFormatter(precision=precision, useOffset=True, useMathText=True, useLocale=True) else: formatter = mticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=True, useMathText=True, useLocale=True) # do scientific notation: 10^⁻6 formatter.set_scientific(True) # set powerlimits at which point scientifc notation should kick in formatter.set_powerlimits((pw_lim[0], pw_lim[-1])) cbar.formatter = formatter, horizontalalignment='center')'center') cbar.update_ticks() #___________________________________________________________________________ return(cbar)
# # # ___DO COLORMAP INFO__________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_setupcinfo(cinfo, data, do_rescale, mesh=None, tri=None, do_vec=False, do_index=False, do_moc=False, do_dmoc=None, do_hbstf=False, box_idx=0): """ --> build up colormap dictionary Parameters: :cinfo: dict(), dictionary with colorbar information. Information that are given are used, others are computed. cinfo dictionary entries can be, - cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] ... scalar min, max, reference value - cinfo['crange'] ... list with [cmin, cmax, cref] overrides scalar values - cinfo['cnum'] ... minimum number of colors - cinfo['cstr'] ... name of colormap see in - cinfo['cmap'] ... colormap object ('wbgyr', 'blue2red, 'jet' ...) - cinfo['clevel'] ... color level array :data: xarray dataset object :do_rescale: bool, str, np.array (defaul: False) do scaling of colorbar - False ... scale data automatically scientifically by 10^x, for data data larger 10^3 and smaller 10^-3 - log10 ... do logaritmic scaling - slog10 ... do symetric logarithmic scaling - np.array() ... scale colorbar stepwise according to values in np.array allows also for non-linear colortick steps :mesh: None or fesom2 mesh object, :tri: None or matplotlib.tri triangulation object :do_vec: bool (default: False) flag,input data are vector data :do_index: bool (default: False) flag,input data are index data :do_moc: bool (default: False) flag,input data are zmoc data :do_dmoc: str (default: None ) str, input data are dmoc data ('inner', 'dmoc', 'srf') :do_hbstf: bool (default: False) :box_idx: in case input data are list of regional shapefile boxes, this is the index of a specific box Returns: :cinfo: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar info ____________________________________________________________________________ """ #___________________________________________________________________________ # set up color info if cinfo is None: cinfo=dict() else : cinfo=cinfo.copy() do_cweights=None #___________________________________________________________________________ # check if dictionary keys exist, if they do not exist fill them up cfac = 1 if 'cfac' in cinfo.keys(): cfac = cinfo['cfac' ] if 'chist' not in cinfo.keys(): cinfo['chist' ] = True if 'ctresh' not in cinfo.keys(): cinfo['ctresh'] = 0.995 if 'cnlab' not in cinfo.keys(): cinfo['cnlab' ] = 8 if 'cnum' not in cinfo.keys(): cinfo['cnum'] = 20 if 'cstr' not in cinfo.keys(): cinfo['cstr'] = 'wbgyr' #___________________________________________________________________________ # estimate cmin, cmax, cref and crange value if not already predefined if (('cmin' not in cinfo.keys()) or ('cmax' not in cinfo.keys())) and ('crange' not in cinfo.keys()): #_______________________________________________________________________ # loop over all the input data --> find out total cmin/cmax value cmin, cmax = np.inf, -np.inf for data_ii in data: if isinstance(data_ii, np.ndarray): data_plot = data_ii.copy() else: if do_index: vname = list(data_ii[box_idx].keys()) else : vname = list(data_ii.keys()) #_______________________________________________________________ # --> consider scalar data if do_vec==False: if do_index: data_plot = data_ii[box_idx][ vname[0] ].data.copy() elif do_moc : data_plot = data_ii['zmoc'].isel(nz=np.abs(data_ii['depth'])>=500).values.copy() elif do_dmoc : data_plot = data_ii[ vname[0] ].data.copy() #elif do_dmoc is not None : #if do_dmoc=='dmoc' : data_plot = data_ii['dmoc'].data.copy() #elif do_dmoc=='srf' : data_plot = -(data_ii['dmoc_fh'].data.copy()+data_ii['dmoc_fw'].data.copy()+data_ii['dmoc_fr'].data.copy()) #elif do_dmoc=='inner' : data_plot = data_ii['dmoc'].data.copy() + \ #(data_ii['dmoc_fh'].data.copy()+data_ii['dmoc_fw'].data.copy()+data_ii['dmoc_fr'].data.copy()) elif do_hbstf: data_plot = data_ii[ vname[0] ].data.copy() else : data_plot = data_ii[ vname[0] ].data.copy() if cinfo['chist'] and 'w_A' in list(data_ii.coords.keys()): do_cweights = data_ii['w_A'].data.copy() #_______________________________________________________________ # --> consider vector norm data else: # compute norm when vector data data_plot = np.sqrt(data_ii[ vname[0] ].data.copy()**2 + data_ii[ vname[1] ].data.copy()**2) if cinfo['chist']: do_cweights = data_ii['w_A'].data.copy() #___________________________________________________________________ # for logarythmic rescaling cmin or cmax can not be zero if isinstance(do_rescale, str): if do_rescale=='log10' or do_rescale=='slog10': data_plot[np.abs(data_plot)==0]=np.nan data_plot[np.abs(data_plot)<=1e-15]=np.nan #___________________________________________________________________ # Consider regular griddet data or index data if tri is None or do_index: #cmin = np.min([cmin,np.nanmin(data_plot) ]) #cmax = np.max([cmax,np.nanmax(data_plot) ]) #print('cmin, cmax = ', cmin, cmax) if cinfo['chist']: auxcmin,auxcmax = do_climit_hist(data_plot.flatten(),ctresh=cinfo['ctresh'], cweights=do_cweights) cmin, cmax = np.min([cmin,auxcmin]), np.max([cmax,auxcmax]) print('--> histo: cmin, cmax = ', cmin, cmax) else: cmin = np.min([cmin,np.nanmin(data_plot) ]) cmax = np.max([cmax,np.nanmax(data_plot) ]) print('cmin, cmax = ', cmin, cmax) #___________________________________________________________________ # Consider unstructured griddet data --> tri is not None else: # data_plot is on vertices --> add augmentation arrays --> now # size mesh.n2dna if data_plot.size == mesh.n2dn: data_plot = np.hstack((data_plot, data_plot[mesh.n_pbnd_a])) if tri.mask_n_box is not None: data_plot = data_plot[tri.mask_n_box] # data_plot is on elements --> add augmentation arrays --> now # size mesh.n2dea elif data_plot.size == mesh.n2de: data_plot = np.hstack((data_plot[mesh.e_pbnd_0], data_plot[mesh.e_pbnd_a])) if any(tri.mask_e_box==False): data_plot = data_plot[tri.mask_e_box] # compute min/max value range by histogram, computation of cumulativ # distribution function at certain cutoff treshold allow to kick out # outlier values from the cmin/cmax value range if cinfo['chist']: if do_cweights is not None: if do_cweights.size == mesh.n2dn: do_cweights = np.hstack((do_cweights, do_cweights[mesh.n_pbnd_a])) if tri.mask_n_box is not None: do_cweights = do_cweights[tri.mask_n_box] elif do_cweights.size == mesh.n2de: do_cweights = np.hstack((do_cweights[mesh.e_pbnd_0], do_cweights[mesh.e_pbnd_a])) if any(tri.mask_e_box==False): do_cweights = do_cweights[tri.mask_e_box] histcmin,histcmax = do_climit_hist(data_plot, ctresh=cinfo['ctresh'], cweights=do_cweights) cmin, cmax = np.min([cmin,histcmin]), np.max([cmax,histcmax]) print('--> cmin/cmax: norm: {:f}/{:f}, hist: {:f}/{:f}, fin: {:f}/{:f}'.format(np.nanmin(data_plot), np.nanmax(data_plot), histcmin, histcmax, cmin, cmax)) # just take global or box reduced local cmin and cmax else: cmin, cmax = np.min([ cmin, np.nanmin(data_plot) ]), np.max([ cmax, np.nanmax(data_plot) ]) print('--> cmin/cmax: fin: {:f}/{:f}'.format(cmin,cmax)) # increase/decrease cmin/cmax limit by pre-defined factor cmin, cmax = cmin*cfac, cmax*cfac #_______________________________________________________________________ if 'climit' in cinfo.keys(): cmin = np.max([cmin, cinfo['climit'][0]]) cmax = np.min([cmax, cinfo['climit'][-1]]) #_______________________________________________________________________ # dezimal rounding of cmin and cmax # if not do_rescale=='log10' and not do_rescale=='slog10': if not isinstance(do_rescale,str) or not isinstance(do_rescale, np.ndarray): cdmin, cdmax = 0.0, 0.0 if np.abs(np.mod(np.abs(cmin),1))!=0: cdmin = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(np.mod(np.abs(cmin),1)))) if np.abs(np.mod(np.abs(cmax),1))!=0: cdmax = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(np.mod(np.abs(cmax),1)))) cdez = np.min([cdmin,cdmax]) cmin, cmax = np.around(cmin, -np.int32(cdez-1)), np.around(cmax, -np.int32(cdez-1)) #_______________________________________________________________________ # write cmin/cmax too cinfo dictionary if 'cmin' not in cinfo.keys(): cinfo['cmin'] = cmin if 'cmax' not in cinfo.keys(): cinfo['cmax'] = cmax #___________________________________________________________________________ # crange (cmin,cmax,cref) is predefined through cinfo dictionary if 'crange' in cinfo.keys(): cinfo['cmin'], cinfo['cmax'], cinfo['cref'] = cinfo['crange'][0], cinfo['crange'][1], cinfo['crange'][2] if do_rescale=='slog10': cinfo['cref'] = np.abs(cinfo['cref']) # crange (cmin,cmax,cref) is undefined and needs to be now setted up else: if (cinfo['cmin'] == cinfo['cmax'] ): raise ValueError (' --> can\'t plot! data are everywhere: {}'.format(str(cinfo['cmin']))) #_______________________________________________________________________ # cref is NOT predefined in cinfo dictionary if 'cref' not in cinfo.keys(): #___________________________________________________________________ # do_rescale is either 'log' or 'slog', so data and colorbar will be # logarithmically scaled if isinstance(do_rescale, str): # colorrange center reference value for logarithmic scaling if do_rescale=='log10': # compute cref in decimal units and tranfer back to normal units # afterwards cdmin = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['cmin']))) cdmax = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['cmax']))) cref = cdmin + (cdmax-cdmin)/2 cinfo['cref'] = np.around(cref, -np.int32(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cref)))-1) ) cinfo['cref'] = np.power(10.0,cinfo['cref']) # colorrange center reference value for symetric logarithmic scaling elif do_rescale=='slog10': # cref becomes cutoff value for logarithmic to liner transition in # case of symetric log10 cinfo['cref'] = np.power(10.0,-6) #___________________________________________________________________ # do_rescale is None or False, means normal linear color value range else: # compute a cref value based on arithmetic mean between cmin and cmax cref = cinfo['cmin'] + (cinfo['cmax']-cinfo['cmin'])/2 # colorrange is centered around zero if cref==0.0: cinfo['cref'] = cref # colorrange center is not zero, means that the cref value rounded # to a clean dezimal so cref = 7.516 --> becomes cref = 7.5 ensures # clean colorstep levels else: dez = 0 ini_dez = np.log10(np.abs(cref-cinfo['cmin'])) if ini_dez<0: ini_dez = -np.floor(ini_dez) else : ini_dez = np.ceil(ini_dez) ini_dez = np.int32(ini_dez) + 2 new_cref= prev_cref = cref dc = cinfo['cmax']- cinfo['cmin'] #print(ini_dez, cref, new_cref, cmin, dc) while True: prev_cref = new_cref new_cref = np.around(cref, ini_dez-dez) #print(prev_cref, new_cref, dez, ini_dez-dez) #if (new_cref<cref-dc/10 or new_cref>cref+dc/10 or prev_cref==new_cref) and dez!=0: if (new_cref<cref-dc/10 or new_cref>cref+dc/10 or dez>25) and dez!=0: break else: dez=dez+1 cinfo['cref'] = prev_cref #___________________________________________________________________________ # compute clevels and cmap # --> for logarithmic and symmetric logarithmic scaling if isinstance(do_rescale, str): if do_rescale=='log10': if (np.abs(cinfo['cmin'])>=np.abs(cinfo['cmax'])) or \ (np.abs(cinfo['cmax'])<=np.abs(cinfo['cref'])) or \ (np.abs(cinfo['cmin'])>=np.abs(cinfo['cref'])) : raise ValueError (' --> For log10 scaled colormaps it must be cmin<cref<cmax, check your definition of cmin, cmax or crange\n' + \ ' It is recommented to ensure that crange is setted by hand when use log10, e.g crange=[1e-7,1e-1,1e-3]') # transfer cmin, cmax, cref into decimal units cdmin = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['cmin']))) cdmax = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['cmax']))) cdref = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['cref']))) print(cdmin,cdmax,cdref) #compute levels in decimal units cinfo['cmap'],cinfo['clevel'],cinfo['cref'] = colormap_c2c(cdmin,cdmax,cdref,cinfo['cnum'],cinfo['cstr']) # transfer levels back to normal units cinfo['clevel'] = np.power(10.0,cinfo['clevel']) cinfo['cref'] = np.power(10.0,cinfo['cref']) elif do_rescale=='slog10': if (np.abs(cinfo['cmax'])<=np.abs(cinfo['cref'])) or \ (np.abs(cinfo['cmin'])<=np.abs(cinfo['cref'])) : raise ValueError (' --> For slog10 scaled colormaps it must be cmin<cref<cmax, e.g crange=[cmin,cmax,cref]=[-1e-1,1e-1,1e-7] \n' + \ ' where cref defines the center cutoff of the slog scaling \n' + \ ' It is recommented to ensure that crange is setted by hand when use slog10, e.g crange=[-1e-1,1e-1,1e-7]') # transfer cmin, cmax, cref into decimal units cdmin = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['cmin']))) cdmax = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['cmax']))) cdref = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(cinfo['cref']))) ddcmin, ddcmax = -(cdmin-cdref), (cdmax-cdref) cinfo['cmap'],cinfo['clevel'],cinfo['cref'] = colormap_c2c(ddcmin,ddcmax,0.0,cinfo['cnum'],cinfo['cstr'], do_slog=True) # rescale clevels towards symetric logarithm isneg = cinfo['clevel']<0 ispos = cinfo['clevel']>0 cinfo['clevel'][isneg] = (np.abs(cinfo['clevel'][isneg]) + cdref) cinfo['clevel'][ispos] = (np.abs(cinfo['clevel'][ispos]) + cdref) cinfo['clevel'][isneg] = -np.power(10.0, cinfo['clevel'][isneg]) cinfo['clevel'][ispos] = np.power(10.0, cinfo['clevel'][ispos]) # --> for custom non-linear colorsteps defined by numpy array elif isinstance(do_rescale, np.ndarray): rescal_ref=None if any(do_rescale==0.0) and do_rescale[0]!=0.0 and cinfo['cref']==0.0: rescal_ref=cinfo['cref'] nrscal = len(do_rescale)-1 print(do_rescale, rescal_ref) cinfo['cmap'],cinfo['clevel'],cinfo['cref'] = colormap_c2c(0, nrscal, np.int16(nrscal/2), nrscal, cinfo['cstr'], cstep=1 ,do_slog=False, do_rescal=do_rescale, rescal_ref=rescal_ref) cinfo['clevel'] = do_rescale cinfo['cref'] = do_rescale[cinfo['cref']] # --> for standard linear scaled colormap steps else: if cinfo['cref'] == 0.0: if cinfo['cref'] > cinfo['cmax']: cinfo['cmax'] = cinfo['cref']+np.finfo(np.float32).eps if cinfo['cref'] < cinfo['cmin']: cinfo['cmin'] = cinfo['cref']-np.finfo(np.float32).eps if cinfo['cmax']<=cinfo['cref'] or cinfo['cmin']>=cinfo['cref']: raise ValueError (' --> For standard linear scaled colormaps it must be cmin<cref<cmax, check your definition of cmin, cmax or crange') cinfo['cmap'],cinfo['clevel'],cinfo['cref'] = colormap_c2c(cinfo['cmin'],cinfo['cmax'],cinfo['cref'],cinfo['cnum'],cinfo['cstr']) #___________________________________________________________________________ if 'cmap0' in list(cinfo.keys()): cinfo['cmap'] = cinfo['cmap0'].resampled(cinfo['clevel'].size-1) #___________________________________________________________________________ # colorbar tick labels if isinstance(do_rescale, np.ndarray): cinfo['clab'] = cinfo['clevel'][1:-1] else: nclev = len(cinfo['clevel']) idx_cref = np.where(cinfo['clevel']==cinfo['cref'])[0] idx_cref = idx_cref.item() nstep = nclev/cinfo['cnlab'] nstep = np.max([np.int32(np.ceil(nstep)),1]) idx = np.arange(0, nclev, 1) idxb = np.ones(nclev, dtype=bool) idxb[idx_cref::nstep] = False idxb[idx_cref::-nstep] = False if do_rescale == 'log10' or do_rescale == 'slog10': idxb[cinfo['clevel']==0.0]=True idx_not = idx[idxb==True] idx_yes = idx[idxb==False] cinfo['clab'] = cinfo['clevel'][idx_yes] del(idx_not, idx_yes, idx, idxb, idx_cref) #___________________________________________________________________________ print(cinfo) return(cinfo)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_climit_hist(data_in, ctresh=0.99, cbin=1000, cweights=None): """ --> compute min/max value range by histogram, computation of cumulativ distribution function at certain cutoff treshold Parameters: :data_in: np.array with data to plot :ctresh: cover 99% of value range, means that extreme outliers are cutted of :cbin: number of bin that are used for the value range histogram :cweight: provide are weights for the histogramm Returns: :cmin: return minimum value of value range :cmax: return minimum value of value range ____________________________________________________________________________ """ if cweights is None: hist, bin_e = np.histogram(data_in[~np.isnan(data_in)], bins=cbin, density=False,) #weights=mesh.n_area[isnotnan]/np.sum(mesh.n_area[isnotnan]), ) else: hist, bin_e = np.histogram(data_in[~np.isnan(data_in)], bins=cbin, weights=cweights[~np.isnan(data_in)], density=True,) #weights=mesh.n_area[isnotnan]/np.sum(mesh.n_area[isnotnan]), ) hist = hist/hist.sum() bin_m = bin_e[:-1]+(bin_e[:-1]-bin_e[1:])/2 cmin = bin_m[np.where(np.cumsum(hist[::-1])[::-1]>=ctresh)[0][-1]] cmax = bin_m[np.where(np.cumsum(hist) >=ctresh)[0][ 0]] if cmin==cmax: cmax = bin_m[np.where(np.cumsum(hist) >=ctresh)[0][1]] return(cmin, cmax)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def set_cinfo(cstr, cnum, crange, cmin, cmax, cref, cfac, climit, chist, ctresh): """ --> initialise cinfo dictionary Parameters: :cstr: provide colormap string, can be either own defined colormap see ('blue2red', 'wbgyr',...), it can be also a matplotlib colormap ('matplotlib.viridis', 'matplotlib.coolwarm', ...), or a cmocean colormap ('cmocean.dens', 'cmocean.thermal'....) :cnum: minimum number of colors to use :crange: list of min/max/ref colorrange [cmin, cmax, cref] :cmin: set min value of colorrange :cmax: set max value of colorrange :cref: set reference value (center value of colorrange) :cfac: factor to multiply cmin and cmax :climit: provide list with cmin cmax value [cmin, cmax], reference value is determined autonom :chist: True/Fals if colorrange should be limited by histogram to exclude extreme outliers :ctresh: how much percent of the colorrange should be covered, default is 99% Returns: :cinfo: None, dict() (default: None), dictionary with colorbar info ____________________________________________________________________________ """ cinfo=dict() if cstr is not None: cinfo['cstr' ]=cstr if cnum is not None: cinfo['cnum' ]=cnum if crange is not None: cinfo['crange' ]=crange if cmin is not None: cinfo['cmin' ]=cmin if cmax is not None: cinfo['cmax' ]=cmax if cref is not None: cinfo['cref' ]=cref if cfac is not None: cinfo['cfac' ]=cfac if climit is not None: cinfo['climit' ]=climit if chist is not None: cinfo['chist' ]=chist if ctresh is not None: cinfo['ctresh' ]=ctresh return(cinfo)
# # #_______________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def do_savefigure(do_save, hfig, dpi=300, do_info=True, save_opt=dict()): """ --> save figure to file Parameters: :do_save: None, str (default:None) if None figure will by not saved, if string figure will be saved, strings must give directory and filename where to save. :hfig: figure handle :dpi: int, (default:600), resolution of image :save_opt: dict, (default: dict()) direct option for saving via kwarg Returns: ____________________________________________________________________________ """ if do_save is not None: save_optdefault=dict({'bbox_inches':'tight', 'pad_inches':0.1, 'transparent':True}) save_optdefault.update(save_opt) if isinstance(do_save, str): #___________________________________________________________________ # extract filename from do_save sfname = os.path.basename(do_save) # extract file extensions sfformat = os.path.splitext(sfname)[1][1:] # extract dirname from do_save --> create directory if not exist sdname = os.path.dirname(do_save) sdname = os.path.expanduser(sdname) if do_info: print(' > save figure: {}'.format(os.path.join(sdname,sfname))) #___________________________________________________________________ if not os.path.isdir(sdname): os.makedirs(sdname) #___________________________________________________________________ hfig.savefig(os.path.join(sdname,sfname), format=sfformat, dpi=dpi, **save_optdefault) elif isinstance(do_save, list): #___________________________________________________________________ # extract filename from do_save for do_save0 in do_save: sfname = os.path.basename(do_save0) # extract file extensions sfformat = os.path.splitext(sfname)[1][1:] # extract dirname from do_save --> create directory if not exist sdname = os.path.dirname(do_save0) sdname = os.path.expanduser(sdname) if do_info: print(' > save figure: {}'.format(os.path.join(sdname,sfname))) #___________________________________________________________________ if not os.path.isdir(sdname): os.makedirs(sdname) #___________________________________________________________________ hfig.savefig(os.path.join(sdname,sfname), format=sfformat, dpi=dpi, **save_optdefault)
## ## ##_______________________________________________________________________________ ## --> this based on work of Nils Bruegemann see ## ## i needed this to unify the ploting between icon and fesom for model comparison ## paper #def arrange_axes(nx, ny, #sharex = True, sharey = False, #xlabel = '', ylabel = '', ## labeling axes with e.g. (a), (b), (c) #do_axes_labels = True, #axlab_kw = dict(), ## colorbar #plot_cb = True, ## projection (e.g. for cartopy) #projection = None, ## aspect ratio of axes #asp = 1., #sasp = 0., # for compability with older version of arrange_axes ## width and height of axes #wax = 'auto', hax = 4., ## extra figure spaces (left, right, top, bottom) #dfigl= 0.0, dfigr=0.0, dfigt=0.0, dfigb=0.0, ## space aroung axes (left, right, top, bottom) #daxl = 1.8, daxr =0.8, daxt =0.8, daxb =1.2, ## space around colorbars (left, right, top, bottom) #dcbl =-0.5, dcbr =1.4, dcbt =0.0, dcbb =0.5, ## width and height of colorbars #wcb = 0.5, hcb = 'auto', ## factors to increase widths and heights of axes and colorbars #fig_size_fac = 1., #f_wax =1., f_hax =1., f_wcb =1., f_hcb =1., ## factors to increase spaces (figure) #f_dfigl=1., f_dfigr=1., f_dfigt=1., f_dfigb=1., ## factors to increase spaces (axes) #f_daxl =1., f_daxr =1., f_daxt =1., f_daxb =1., ## factors to increase spaces (colorbars) #f_dcbl =1., f_dcbr =1., f_dcbt =1., f_dcbb =1., ## font sizes of labels, titles, ticks #fs_label = 10., fs_title = 12., fs_ticks = 10., ## font size increasing factor #f_fs = 1, #reverse_order = False, #nargout=['fig', 'hca', 'hcb'], #): ## factor to convert cm into inch #cm2inch = 0.3937 #if sasp!=0: #print('::: Warning: You are using keyword ``sasp`` for setting the aspect ratio but you should switch to use ``asp`` instead.:::') #asp = 1.*sasp ## --- set hcb in case it is auto #if isinstance(wax, str) and wax=='auto': wax = hax/asp ## --- set hcb in case it is auto #if isinstance(hcb, str) and hcb=='auto': hcb = hax ## --- rename horizontal->bottom and vertical->right #if isinstance(plot_cb, str) and plot_cb=='horizontal': plot_cb = 'bottom' #if isinstance(plot_cb, str) and plot_cb=='vertical' : plot_cb = 'right' ## --- apply fig_size_fac ## font sizes ##f_fs *= fig_size_fac ## factors to increase widths and heights of axes and colorbars #f_wax *= fig_size_fac #f_hax *= fig_size_fac ##f_wcb *= fig_size_fac #f_hcb *= fig_size_fac ### factors to increase spaces (figure) ##f_dfigl *= fig_size_fac ##f_dfigr *= fig_size_fac ##f_dfigt *= fig_size_fac ##f_dfigb *= fig_size_fac ### factors to increase spaces (axes) ##f_daxl *= fig_size_fac ##f_daxr *= fig_size_fac ##f_daxt *= fig_size_fac ##f_daxb *= fig_size_fac ### factors to increase spaces (colorbars) ##f_dcbl *= fig_size_fac ##f_dcbr *= fig_size_fac ##f_dcbt *= fig_size_fac ##f_dcbb *= fig_size_fac ## --- apply font size factor #fs_label *= f_fs #fs_title *= f_fs #fs_ticks *= f_fs ## make vector of plot_cb if it has been true or false before ## plot_cb can have values [{1}, 0] ## with meanings: ## 1: plot cb; ## 0: do not plot cb #plot_cb_right = False #plot_cb_bottom = False #if isinstance(plot_cb, bool) and (plot_cb==True): #plot_cb = np.ones((nx,ny)) #elif isinstance(plot_cb, bool) and (plot_cb==False): #plot_cb = np.zeros((nx,ny)) #elif isinstance(plot_cb, str) and plot_cb=='right': #plot_cb = np.zeros((nx,ny)) #plot_cb_right = True #elif isinstance(plot_cb, str) and plot_cb=='bottom': #plot_cb = np.zeros((nx,ny)) #plot_cb_bottom = True #else: #plot_cb = np.array(plot_cb) #if plot_cb.size!=nx*ny : raise ValueError('Vector plot_cb has wrong length!') #if plot_cb.shape[0]==nx*ny: plot_cb = plot_cb.reshape(ny,nx).transpose() #elif plot_cb.shape[0]==ny : plot_cb = plot_cb.transpose() ## --- make list of projections if it is not a list #if not isinstance(projection, list): projection = [projection]*nx*ny ## --- make arrays and multiply by f_* #daxl = np.array([daxl]*nx)*f_daxl #daxr = np.array([daxr]*nx)*f_daxr #dcbl = np.array([dcbl]*nx)*f_dcbl #dcbr = np.array([dcbr]*nx)*f_dcbr #wax = np.array([wax]*nx)*f_wax #wcb = np.array([wcb]*nx)*f_wcb #daxt = np.array([daxt]*ny)*f_daxt #daxb = np.array([daxb]*ny)*f_daxb #dcbt = np.array([dcbt]*ny)*f_dcbt #dcbb = np.array([dcbb]*ny)*f_dcbb #hax = np.array([hax]*ny)*f_hax #hcb = np.array([hcb]*ny)*f_hcb ## --- adjust for shared axes #if sharex: daxb[:-1] = 0. #if sharey: daxl[1:] = 0. ## --- adjust for one colorbar at the right or bottom #if plot_cb_right: #daxr_s = daxr[0] #dcbl_s = dcbl[0] #dcbr_s = dcbr[0] #wcb_s = wcb[0] #hcb_s = hcb[0] #dfigr += dcbl_s+wcb_s+0.*dcbr_s+daxl[0] #if plot_cb_bottom: #hcb_s = wcb[0] #wcb_s = wax[0] #dcbb_s = dcbb[0]+daxb[-1] #dcbt_s = dcbt[0] ##hcb_s = hcb[0] #dfigb += dcbb_s+hcb_s+dcbt_s ## --- adjust for columns without colorbar #delete_cb_space = plot_cb.sum(axis=1)==0 #dcbl[delete_cb_space] = 0.0 #dcbr[delete_cb_space] = 0.0 #wcb[delete_cb_space] = 0.0 ## --- determine ax position and fig dimensions #x0 = dfigl #y0 = -(dfigt) #pos_axcm = np.zeros((nx*ny,4)) #pos_cbcm = np.zeros((nx*ny,4)) #nn = -1 #y00 = y0 #x00 = x0 #for jj in range(ny): #y0 += -(daxt[jj]+hax[jj]) #x0 = x00 #for ii in range(nx): #nn += 1 #x0 += daxl[ii] #pos_axcm[nn,:] = [x0, y0, wax[ii], hax[jj]] #pos_cbcm[nn,:] = [x0+wax[ii]+daxr[ii]+dcbl[ii], y0, wcb[ii], hcb[jj]] #x0 += wax[ii]+daxr[ii]+dcbl[ii]+wcb[ii]+dcbr[ii] #y0 += -(daxb[jj]) #wfig = x0+dfigr #hfig = y0-dfigb ## --- transform from negative y axis to positive y axis #hfig = -hfig #pos_axcm[:,1] += hfig #pos_cbcm[:,1] += hfig ## --- convert to fig coords #cm2fig_x = 1./wfig #cm2fig_y = 1./hfig #pos_ax = 1.*pos_axcm #pos_cb = 1.*pos_cbcm #pos_ax[:,0] = pos_axcm[:,0]*cm2fig_x #pos_ax[:,2] = pos_axcm[:,2]*cm2fig_x #pos_ax[:,1] = pos_axcm[:,1]*cm2fig_y #pos_ax[:,3] = pos_axcm[:,3]*cm2fig_y #pos_cb[:,0] = pos_cbcm[:,0]*cm2fig_x #pos_cb[:,2] = pos_cbcm[:,2]*cm2fig_x #pos_cb[:,1] = pos_cbcm[:,1]*cm2fig_y #pos_cb[:,3] = pos_cbcm[:,3]*cm2fig_y ## --- find axes center (!= figure center) #x_ax_cent = pos_axcm[0,0] +0.5*(pos_axcm[-1,0]+pos_axcm[-1,2]-pos_axcm[0,0]) #y_ax_cent = pos_axcm[-1,1]+0.5*(pos_axcm[0,1] +pos_axcm[0,3] -pos_axcm[-1,1]) ## --- make figure and axes #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(wfig*cm2inch, hfig*cm2inch), facecolor='white') #hca = [0]*(nx*ny) #hcb = [0]*(nx*ny) #nn = -1 #for jj in range(ny): #for ii in range(nx): #nn+=1 ## --- axes #hca[nn] = fig.add_subplot(position=pos_ax[nn,:], projection=projection[nn]) #hca[nn].set_position(pos_ax[nn,:]) ## --- colorbar #if plot_cb[ii,jj] == 1: #hcb[nn] = fig.add_subplot(position=pos_cb[nn,:]) #hcb[nn].set_position(pos_cb[nn,:]) #ax = hca[nn] #cax = hcb[nn] ## --- label #ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fs_label) #ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fs_label) ##ax.set_title('', fontsize=fs_title) #matplotlib.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = fs_title #ax.tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) #if plot_cb[ii,jj] == 1: #hcb[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) ##ax.tick_params(pad=-10.0) ##ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0 ##ax._set_title_offset_trans(float(-20)) ## --- axes ticks ## delete labels for shared axes #if sharex and jj!=ny-1: #hca[nn].ticklabel_format(axis='x',style='plain',useOffset=False) #hca[nn].tick_params(labelbottom=False) #hca[nn].set_xlabel('') #if sharey and ii!=0: #hca[nn].ticklabel_format(axis='y',style='plain',useOffset=False) #hca[nn].tick_params(labelleft=False) #hca[nn].set_ylabel('') ## ticks for colorbar #if plot_cb[ii,jj] == 1: #hcb[nn].set_xticks([]) #hcb[nn].yaxis.tick_right() #hcb[nn].yaxis.set_label_position("right") ##--- needs to converted to fig coords (not cm) #if plot_cb_right: #nn = -1 ##pos_cb = np.array([(wfig-(dfigr+dcbr_s+wcb_s))*cm2fig_x, (y_ax_cent-0.5*hcb_s)*cm2fig_y, wcb_s*cm2fig_x, hcb_s*cm2fig_y]) #pos_cb = np.array([ (pos_axcm[-1,0]+pos_axcm[-1,2]+daxr_s+dcbl_s)*cm2fig_x, #(y_ax_cent-0.5*hcb_s)*cm2fig_y, #(wcb_s)*cm2fig_x, #(hcb_s)*cm2fig_y #]) #hcb[nn] = fig.add_subplot(position=pos_cb) #hcb[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) #hcb[nn].set_position(pos_cb) #hcb[nn].set_xticks([]) #hcb[nn].yaxis.tick_right() #hcb[nn].yaxis.set_label_position("right") #if plot_cb_bottom: #nn = -1 #pos_cb = np.array([ (x_ax_cent-0.5*wcb_s)*cm2fig_x, #(dcbb_s)*cm2fig_y, #(wcb_s)*cm2fig_x, #(hcb_s)*cm2fig_y #]) #hcb[nn] = fig.add_subplot(position=pos_cb) #hcb[nn].set_position(pos_cb) #hcb[nn].tick_params(labelsize=fs_ticks) #hcb[nn].set_yticks([]) #if reverse_order: #isort = np.arange(nx*ny, dtype=int).reshape((ny,nx)).transpose().flatten() #hca = list(np.array(hca)[isort]) #hcb = list(np.array(hcb)[isort]) ## add letters for subplots #if (do_axes_labels) and (axlab_kw is not None): #hca = axlab(hca, fontdict=axlab_kw) ##___________________________________________________________________________ #list_argout=[] #if len(nargout)>0: #for stri in nargout: #try: #list_argout.append(eval(stri)) #except: #print(f" -warning-> variable {stri} was not found, could not be added as output argument") #return(list_argout) #else: #return ##return fig, hca, hcb ## ## ##_______________________________________________________________________________ ## --> this based on work of Nils Bruegemann see ## ## i needed this to unify the ploting between icon and fesom for model comparison ## paper #def axlab(hca, figstr=[], posx=[-0.00], posy=[1.05], fontdict=None): #""" #input: #---------- #hca: list with axes handles #figstr: list with strings that label the subplots #posx: list with length 1 or len(hca) that gives the x-coordinate in ax-space #posy: list with length 1 or len(hca) that gives the y-coordinate in ax-space #last change: #---------- #2015-07-21 #""" ## make list that looks like [ '(a)', '(b)', '(c)', ... ] #if len(figstr)==0: ##lett = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" #lett = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"] #lett += ["a2","b2","c2","d2","e2","f2","g2","h2","i2","j2","k2","l2","m2","n2","o2","p2","q2","r2","s2","t2","u2","v2","w2","x2","y2","z2"] #lett = lett[0:len(hca)] #figstr = ["z"]*len(hca) #for nn, ax in enumerate(hca): #figstr[nn] = "(%s)" % (lett[nn]) #if len(posx)==1: #posx = posx*len(hca) #if len(posy)==1: #posy = posy*len(hca) ## draw text #for nn, ax in enumerate(hca): #ht = hca[nn].text(posx[nn], posy[nn], figstr[nn], #transform = hca[nn].transAxes, #horizontalalignment = 'right', #fontdict=fontdict) ## add text handle to axes to give possibility of changing text properties later ## e.g. by hca[nn].axlab.set_fontsize(8) #hca[nn].axlab = ht ## for nn, ax in enumerate(hca): ## #ax.set_title(figstr[nn]+'\n', loc='left', fontsize=10) ## ax.set_title(figstr[nn], loc='left', fontsize=10) #return hca